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David Cross

For months, news of some sort of David Cross/ Will Arnett vehicle has been clogging our brain highways with its similarities to a certain FOX sitcom. Is it an Arrested Development reunion? No? Then why are people from one TV show locking arms and making other TV shows? I don't understand!

The first trailer that was released for Todd Margaret was stronger. Instead of zany clips of Cross yelling, it was one complete scene from the first episode, which gave you a better sense of the tone. But, regardless - check out the yelling trailer below.

And, for your consideration, here's a clip in which David Cross was probably all "I'm going to go batshit crazy!" and the director was all, "Do it, man!" and in which references to getting hard and "fucking the old" out of people are made. If nothing else, I like the honesty of the character, or whatever, which with David Cross, usually means doing whatever he wants.

Comment ( 1 )

Aug 31 10 at 11:53 am

I'm watching the hell out of that shit

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