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Listen to a new Sleigh Bells song and see the new video for "Infinity Guitars"

Sleigh Bells, the noise-pop band that had huge Internet buzz for months and months this year before even releasing an album (the awesome Treats), is continuing with their streak of odd timing by releasing a video this week for a single they sort of put out months before their album. It's for their song "Infinity Guitars," and it continues the vaguely high-school themed lyrics and album art from the album.

Be careful, it's loud:

Okay! Not sure I totally get that one, to be honest, but I will say that Alexis Krauss looks pretty hot in that schoolgirl outfit swinging around a baseball bat. In other, possibly more exciting Sleigh Bells-related news, the band's also just released a new song, "Holly," as a B-side to another single they sort of put out a while ago, "Tell 'Em." (To be fair, the odd timing is certainly keeping the Internet interested.)

Be careful, it's also loud:

And if you dig them and still have functioning ear drums, they're currently on tour with LCD Soundsystem.

Comment ( 1 )

I'd hit that so fast with a knee-trembler that she wouldn't have time to back up against a wall.

Twolane commented on Sep 21 10 at 2:40 pm

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