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Hooksexup Confessions: Single and 30

Posted by spjv840


It's probably because I'm still in my twenties, but I can't understand the women who panic because they are single and in their thirties. Is it really such a bad thing or is it because society keeps telling you it is? It's starting to ease up a bit and more women are completely ok with the fact that they don't have a partner and realizing they don't need one. Good for you! But every once in a while, an article like Lori Gottlieb's, Marry Him! The case for settling for Mr. Good Enough, which came out earlier this year, appears and stirs the pot a bit. I already wrote about what I thought about the article at length elsewhere so I'm not going rehash it all here.

I was just reminded of the article after coming across a recent Hooksexup confession:

"Why is being in my 30s and single so fucking scary?? I feel myself growing more desperate by the second yet won't give anyone a chance. Am I doomed to be alone forever??" I don't think anyone is doomed to be alone forever, unless you're a horrible person - and even then, those people tend to find a mate.

Personally, I'd be a hell of a lot more worried about being in my thirties and feeling trapped by a bad relationship and not being able to leave, for whatever reason.

For example:

"I hate that you would rather spend your whole wasted day on the computer doing jack shit that is not even as important as talking to me. You want more 'info'...... here's one.... fuck you and marry your monitor."

"I'm sick of making excuses for you, telling myself all the time that deep down you have a good heart, that your bad childhood and bad relationships are to blame for your fucked up behavior. I'm not the kind of person who naturally assumes that someone is an asshole; I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. It's been a year now and this routine is getting old. Millions of people have messy relationships and alienating childhoods, including myself. Maybe what it boils down to is that you are just an asshole who doesn't know how to treat the people who care about you."

"I wish you would cheat so I could have a real reason to break up with you."

And my favorite confession of the day, just for the simple honesty it holds:

"I'm not a teenager anymore. I should know better than to think that giving your blow jobs would make you want to be my boyfriend."



MikeC said:

I've seen the single seen in the 30's. It's not as good as say the 20's. There's a bad assumption in that if you're single and in your 30's there's something wrong with you as a person or mentally. I asked my friends who are single and asked if that thought crossed their mind and it has. How much I think it would still rock to be single I know I'd probably appreciate more so the stability of a good relationship. Fucked up relations can be fun for a little bit. Just not long term. You age faster.

September 12, 2008 11:27 AM

shinynewmachine said:

the problem is, if you want kids you really should get it done while you're in your 30s. and they fly by faster than you think. so you meet someone, you want a year or two to get to know them, maybe get married, and then you're in your mid to late 30s and it takes longer to get pregnant than it would have in your 20s... it's not about being desperate for babies, just being realistic that if it's something you want to do, you've got a deadline, which really sucks. i think it's hard to balance that reality with the search for the perfect relationship.

September 12, 2008 11:35 AM

airheadgenius said:

I think shinynew sums it up perfectly. IF you want to have children and IF you have realistic expectations about what your body is capable of, then you really need to be partnered off before mid thirties. OR, think about having a child on your own. It has nothing to do with not being able to survive without a man.

That being said, if you compromise too much in order to get those kids in, chances are the relationship won't survive and you will wind up as a single parent anyway. It's not an easy spot to occupy whichever way you slice it.

If you don't want kids though, and the pressure is from friends and family, tell 'em you prefer to screw everything that moves. That'll stop the questions.

September 12, 2008 11:49 AM

amboabe said:

Sancho Fergus! Don't cry!

Or else, cry.

On the body

on the blued flesh, when it is

laid out, see if you can find

the one flea which is laughing.

September 12, 2008 12:09 PM

ktek said:

Dear spjv840,

I have a slight personal fear that I will grow old and become so fuglee that I won't be attractive to women anymore. I'll have spent my youth stressing over the girls I had, the ones I wanted, and the ones that got away with nothing but fish tails. What should I do about it? Wah.


September 13, 2008 6:11 AM

comrade_member said:

wow. what a bunch of reactionary horsecrap that article from the atlantic is. it's hard to believe that a writer would have the Hooksexup to say to her readership "you may say that you don't agree with me, but we both know that you are lying". solid gold!

in my opinion (and if others don't agree, i will at least believe them that they don't), there is nothing inherently fulfilling about having a family. some families are happy, but some are not. likewise there is nothing inherently fulfilling about being single. some singles are happy some are not. it doesn't really matter what you do with your life, as much as it matters that you do it well. therefore, "settling" actually is inherently wrong, because it means doing something just to do it, even if you can't do it right. i don't recommend doing anything in such a way, much less the most responsible thing most of us would ever get to do: raising children.

people like Lori Gottlieb should not be allowed to have children.

September 15, 2008 7:46 PM




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