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Sex Machine: Drunk Men Do It.....Better?

Posted by spjv840


It figures this survey would come out a week after I decide to give up booze for good.

According to this survey by Western Australia's Keogh Institute for Medical Research drunk men are better in the sack than the sober fellas.

"We found that, compared to those who have never touched alcohol, many people do benefit from some alcohol, including some people who drink outside the guidelines," Dr Chew said.

Is this the universe playing a cruel joke on me?

After studying the effects of alcohol on 158 Australian men researchers found that men who drank within the recommended guidelines had 30% fewer problems during sex than their sober peers. Clair Weaver of The Sunday Telegraph said that "Even binge drinkers had lower rates of erectile dysfunction than those who never drank, although this type of drinking can cause other health problems."

And to fuck with my universe even more, researchers said that ex-drinkers were the ones with the highest rate of problems in the sack.

It's not all that surprising, I suppose. After a few drinks inhibitions fall, the sex is hot and everyone ends up (at least somewhat) satisfied because there's no holding back. When you have too many drinks the only thing that falls is the man's limp dick and the woman's hopes for the night.

The article went on to say that "After other risk factors were excluded, weekend drinkers, high-risk drinkers and those who exceeded alcohol-intake guidelines had lower rates of erectile dysfunction than those who drank one day a week or less. Ex-drinkers, however, had the highest risk."

So what happens to all those other studies that said alcohol turns a man's penis soft and makes drunk sex sloppy? Gimme a minute...I'm trying to think of all the drunk sex I had versus the sober sex......................Jesus, they might be on to something here.




leciel said:

what if the drunkies don't recall any e.d. (then how wood they report it...)

January 26, 2009 11:58 AM

airheadgenius said:

Ok, here's what I need to know:

Who claimed they had less erectile dysfunction? If it was the men themselves, then the survey is bogus. Would you trust a drunk? If it was the recipient of the dick, was s/he drunk?

You'd need the man to drink and the woman to be sober, but that would lead to horrible arguments. For instance: "I was da maaaan last night"  "honey, you farted and went to sleep".

I can imagine that a little bit of alcohol lowers the inhibitions and makes for better sex, but it gets a bit iffy beyond that. Did you ever know anyone that claimed to drive better whilst drunk? I used to...

January 26, 2009 12:06 PM

bartmobil said:

it's australian survey! over there EVERYTHING is upside down!

January 26, 2009 2:28 PM

spjv840 said:

Ha, Bart - good point!

January 26, 2009 2:32 PM




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