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Are You Hipper Than Oprah?

Posted by Olivia Purnell


Do you need help answering that question?

Get help after the jump.

Here's the background: Last week, Oprah Winfrey twittered her first tweet  .  . . . or tweeted her first twitter, or maybe it's twattted . . . maybe Oprah twatted her first tweet. As that happened, twitter has exploded:

It's not yet clear exactly what effect Oprah had on Twitter by featuring the service (and its first million-follower user, Ashton Kutcher) on her show on Friday. [. . .] But, Twitter Search already  reveals that it's a massive amount.

With Oprah's tweetage, apparently a tree fell in the woods and the fragile and ever thinning bubble of cool surrounding twitter broke. Honestly, twitter was never that far off the beaten path. However, since Oprah's twit-fest, everybody's doing it.  And now that everybody's doing it, it is no longer cool.  But maybe just maybe you can cling to a bit of the original twit thunder.

 Instead of being a jackass and pouting about the "good old days of Twitter," just visit The simple service asks the question, "was _______ here before oprah?" Simply fill in the blank with your Twitter name and if you adopted early enough, you'll get confirmation of your Twitter street cred.

We have one question: Was it ever cool to set up a website based around coolness in relation to Oprah and twation? If you need help answering that question go to the following . . . no, nope. There's no website. The answer is just No.




Oprah Winfrey Writes Her First "Tweet" Live On "The Oprah Winfrey Show"

Twitter: It's CNN, Britney Spears, And Ashton Kutcher In A Race To 1 Million Followers 

Today In TV Twits: Ashton Kutcher Twitters Demi Moore's Ass




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