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Dear Miss Information,

I was on a trip to another city (still am, actually) when I got a phone call from my crying girlfriend early in the morning. "I had sex with X last night," she managed to tell me between sobs. X is an old friend of hers, who recently told her he was in love with her. His last girlfriend cheated on him, and as his friend, she's been spending time with him trying to cheer him up. They went to a party together. They were drinking, it got late, he walked her home. She offered to let him spend the night. She shared our bed with him instead of making up the couch. They had sex. Unprotected sex. (Well, semi-unprotected; my girlfriend is on the pill.)

This was three days ago. I'm travelling home tomorrow, and filled with lots of conflicting emotions. I miss her a lot, but I'm also angry with her and him and at a loss for what to do. We've been together almost six years, been living together for almost a year. I truly love her and wish all of this could just go away, so things could be like they were before.

My girlfriend is willing to do anything to fix things, and would probably cut off her arm if I asked her. The only things I've asked for so far are that she cuts off contact with X and that she tests herself for STDs. She's moved back in with her parents for the time being.

How can I cope with this? How can I stop seeing them together every time I close my eyes? How can I stop feeling like he's left dirty marks all over my girlfriend? I'm dreading coming home and trying to go to sleep in the very same bed they did it in. Part of me wants to drag the bed out and burn it, but that wouldn't accomplish anything. — What Now

Dear What Now,

All you readers who will be satisfied with nothing less than a scathing two-word "DUMP HER!": stop reading and start writing your scathing rebuttals. It's not that I don't believe in the break-up penalty, particularly when it comes to people who cheat on their significant others. I just believe in looking at all the mitigating circumstances, i.e., "conditions or happenings which do not excuse or justify criminal conduct, but are considered out of mercy or fairness" for those of you too young to remember Night Court.

Continuing with the legal theme, if I were a lawyer for your girlfriend's defense, I'd cite the following:

• The one-time nature of the incident
• Her immediate disclosure of the incident and her obvious remorse
• The fact that the incident took place under the influence of alcohol
• The subject of the cheating — a wounded bird carries a strong pull
• Her willingness to make reparations in the days that followed
But if I were coming out for the prosecution, I'd emphasize your girlfriend's escalating pattern of recklessness, including, but not limited to:

• Spending significant amounts of time with a freshly-dumped person who has professed to liking her
• Meeting up with that person while her boyfriend was out of town
• Over-indulging in alcohol around the aforementioned person
• Letting him spend the night versus saying goodnight at the door
• Sleeping in the same bed versus making up the futon
• All of which led up to the offense — not just intercourse, but unprotected intercourse
There were so many points at which she could have said, "Wait, what the hell am I doing?" but she didn't. The best way to avoid temptation is to never let yourself be around it. Yes, there are people who can shower with their exes and nothing will ever happen, but even those people I wouldn't trust when they're blindingly drunk. Think about all the stupid shit you've done when you're intoxicated. I once watched a girl eat Nivea hand lotion, straight out of the pump. The opportunity for your girlfriend to prevent this sad event began months ago. She didn't just drop the ball, she hurled it at a bunch of baby kittens while screaming, "Fuck you, I do what I want!"

You asked how do you cope. The answer is, however you want to. Short of harming yourself, this guy, or your girlfriend, there are no "shoulds" in this process, as in, "I should be able to accept this," or, "I should be more/less emotional." The grief you feel after betrayal is very personal. The decisions you make are, as well. Get rid of the bed if it's bothering you. Fill the dumpster with sheets and throw pillows. It doesn't matter if that's immature. Be immature. I can't tell you whether or not to stay together. A big relationship-altering event has happened, and it's going to be a while before you know how everything shakes out.

I do think getting some space is a good idea. Let her keep on living with the folks. I also recommend couples counseling. Six years is a long investment, and if you're serious about staying together, it's worth it. I'd also keep an eye on how well she adheres to her post-cheating promises. "Action is the antidote to despair," says folk badass Joan Baez. Let's see if your girlfriend will do what it takes to help lift you out of yours.


Dear Miss Information,

I met a girl on an Internet dating site last week and thought I hit the jackpot. She was employed and not only sexy but funny in her email responses. When we first met, I saw her from a distance and was pleased. For once, here was a person who actually looked better than her pictures online. But as I got closer, I could smell her body odor from more than five feet away, and it was horrendously awful.

I asked her out and I felt an obligation to see it through. I didn't leave, though I wanted to. We did drinks and dinner. I even gave her a hug and a peck at the end of the night, holding my breath the entire time. What should I do if she wants to go out on a second date? — What's That Smell

Dear What's That Smell,

Oh boy. Body odor. I'm seeing a lot of it in the news, from a bizarro matchmaking company that uses DNA swabs to match people by smell to shock-and-awe press releases claiming that Americans are willing to shave ten years off their life expectancies if it means not having chronic B.O. Stranger still is that this pseudo-scientific survey was sponsored by one of those crystal deodorant companies. Anyone who's ever shared close quarters with someone who traded in their Speed Stick for rubbing a rock under their armpits should be able to tell you how well that worked out.

First dates don't give you a lot of information, such as whether the body odor was situational (you were in a crowded space and the bar owner had the heat on), circumstantial (she sweats buckets on first dates but is fine otherwise), or chronic (she always smells like an outhouse full of dead lobsters). A second date would tell you more, but is it worth it? I think so. You're physically attracted and that's a big one. Until you encountered the odor situation, you were charmed by her.

Do you address the smell issue before the second date, or cross your fingers and hope and pray it was a one-off? How much are you willing to risk offending her? If you're saying to yourself, "Self, I like this woman, and I'd kick myself if I lost her because I had to open my big mouth and criticize her the one-and-only time she went to the gym and forgot to shower," then you might want to wait and see what the scent situation is the next time you hang out. Schedule a short date somewhere open and give yourself an escape clause — friend's birthday party, sick pet — in case you experience a stinky redux.

If you do decide to say something before the second date, be polite and casual. "This is sorta awkward, but I picked up this unpleasant smell the last time we hung out. I don't know if it's your clothes or just the place we went to or what, but it bothered me a little and I thought I'd let you know." Saying it this way depersonalizes it — she now has external smells as a cover — and makes it sound like a little annoyance, not the end of the world. You're not her health teacher, so a big serious lecture is not appropriate here.

Readers, have you ever dealt with this on a date or with a partner?


Have a question? Email . Letters may be edited for length, content and clarity.

Comments ( 47 )

Yeah, be direct. If a potential good match told me, "I really like you, but you stink," I'd shape up pretty quick. Unless the stink was for political reasons.

nerkums commented on Nov 30 09 at 1:43 am

Escape the unpleasantness of this topic with somebody you don't really know by using this anonymous email intermediation site:

theod commented on Nov 30 09 at 2:02 am

Re: BO girl. Did she come straight from work? I used to work at a restaurant, and although I couldn't tell I had picked up odors from my job (smoke, grease, etc.), my boyfriend at the time (now husband) would roll down the windows in the car when he picked me up, even in the middle of a Midwestern winter. I also had office mates in grad school who were from other countries where the lack of water caused a general lack of bathing and clothes washing compared to the USA; my office mates had no idea how offensive they were to the noses of their American counterparts.

JL commented on Nov 30 09 at 3:08 am

Wow, this guy broke up with his girlfriend because she cheated on him, and then he sleeps with somebody else's girlfriend? "I was hurt and lonely" is not an excuse for being that slimy. Make HIM buy you a new bed. A nice one, with adjustable sleep numbers or something.

MattD commented on Nov 30 09 at 6:52 am

RE: What Now, anyone who interprets a cheating girlfriend's "immediate disclosure of the incident" as mitigating, and showing "obvious remorse," knows very little about human nature, relationships, or women.

This cowardly girl is trying to get out of a 6-year relationship in a very standard way. If it were really a mistake, and she really wanted to stay with the aggrieved guy, she'd keep the 1-night tryst to herself, do her best to get past it and make it up to the guy in other ways. She's selfish and spineless and she's sick of the guy, so she sleeps with an old flame and bolts to her parents' house before the guy even gets home to confront her. That's not a sign of someone anxious to keep the home fires stoked.

D-u-m-p. H-e-r.

PO commented on Nov 30 09 at 8:03 am

Oh -- and fuck couples counseling (never works) and do burn that fucking bed. And if you can, fuck that other guy's ex.

PO commented on Nov 30 09 at 8:08 am

Dump her. (1) The alcohol just allowed her bad judgement to be manifest. It didn't make her have bad judgement. (2) Six years? She's most likely deeply unsatisfied.

SG commented on Nov 30 09 at 8:13 am

I hate to say it, but if it were me, I'd probably just dump the stinky girl. I know it sounds petty, but I think that going on a second date with someone who smelled so bad to you that you had to hold your breath to kiss her is not a passing problem. I have forgotten to shower after the gym, and I didn't wilt any flowers on the way home. The underlying theme of this post is that this guy seems so desperate, since he's met so many freaks, that he's almost willing to overlook it. To me, that's more of a self-esteem / chill-the-fuck-out / find a new place to meet women situation, instead of one where you should worry about how to tell a girl she stinks. There's no good way to do that.

warren commented on Nov 30 09 at 11:16 am

The trouble is that you will now associate this girl with smelling bad, not with being charming and funny. It's a turn off. However, it could have been a one off. I would meet her again and if she still smells bad then make an excuse that won't hurt her feelings and leave within 20 minutes. I think for you to be the one to tell her about her problem is not fair. Surely she has friends? They should be telling her, and in a situation where she doesn't feel humiliated - because she will certainly feel humiliated if you tell her...

Emily Thom commented on Nov 30 09 at 11:33 am

@PO--I actually agree that keeping one-time relationships fuck-ups to oneself can be a good idea, but this is *not* standard practice. Plus, the fact that she had unprotected sex makes it a big difference. I can totally see feeling horribly guilty and panicked and like I had to tell my partner ASAP just so we could start the processing. If it were a one-time thing with a stranger, and all proper protection was used, it would still be dishonest not to tell, but I could see it working under the "discretion is the better part of valor" clause. A one-time thing with a member of your social circle who's supposedly in love with you, and that might have led to an STD? Not so much. The partner deserves to know, because they might otherwise find out in much worse ways (horrible scene at a party with the other person declaring their undying love, nasty rash, etc.). Is it okay to get drunk and do something you shouldn't, and that mortifies you after? Hells no. Has it happened to many, many otherwise reasonable people who learned a valuable lesson? I'd say yes.

anathema commented on Nov 30 09 at 11:50 am

Smelly could be caused by her work. If she dealt with animals (cats to horses) and went straight from work....

lee commented on Nov 30 09 at 11:53 am

I met a very popular and well-known sex expert/activist at a reading in downtown NYC and, as excited as I was to spend some time with this genuine celebrity, she Smelled. So. Bad. Made the conversation a lot shorter.

Mike D. commented on Nov 30 09 at 11:58 am

I actually know the dude who dated Smelly Girl.

She hadn't been at work that day and they met on the beach (he lives on the beach) and I can only think if in the open air of the beach the smell was bad from five feet away it must have been really bad.

She works at a hospice with cancer patients, but I don't think hospice smell lingers from Friday (when she last worked) until Sunday (when they went out.)

Bart commented on Nov 30 09 at 12:06 pm

nothing sexier than the smell of a hospice! mm, chemicals!

cc commented on Nov 30 09 at 12:32 pm

there is mild B.O., which everyone gets from time to time, and then there is some real foulness sometimes. i have one foulness incident in my lifetime of sexventures and it was truly truly awful. and awkward. when the panties came off the smell was so bad that i felt like i could see the cartoon stink lines in the air. it was so violating that it made me fear i would vomit. i won't describe it for you but there was a serious problem that this person didn't seem to notice. i had to beg off and could not continue.

flip wilson commented on Nov 30 09 at 2:05 pm

I have to agree with PO on this one. I ended a four year relationship that way...all the talks and compromises and half-assed break ups didn't work. He would not take my unhappiness seriously until I told him i slept with my neighbor.

fosure commented on Nov 30 09 at 2:35 pm

Yep, dump her. The worst thing is not that she slept with the guy, it's that she told her boyfriend as soon as she did. Besides, what does moving out to her parents house accomplish? She wants out, and now, so do you. I'm sorry, but you will both be better off it will just take you a long time to get over it. Sometimes the truth is the worst thing you can do. If she really cared, she would deal with her issues and not cause the guy the pain. I doubt that What Now will be able to forgive the indiscretion, but he certainly won't forget the pain of knowing about it.

snarky commented on Nov 30 09 at 2:50 pm

In the case of "X," that guy used the oldest trick in the book. Play the sensitive, I got my heart crushed card to a lady friend, wait until substances are used and inhibitions are dropped and BOOM sexy time! Almost never fails. I almost feel bad for the girlfriend for falling for it, not sure if I would forgive her though.

Tito commented on Nov 30 09 at 3:10 pm

that's a no questions to ask DUMP. Dump the girl, dump the bed and get a new bed and a new girl and f**k your pain away!!!

Odiseo commented on Nov 30 09 at 3:13 pm

Are you sure it's BO? It may be that girl's natural, shitty musk. I dated a guy who had his own, individual smell (not BO) but it was still pretty bad to me. Even if you find them good-looking, if you find their smell naturally repelling then you should just consider yourself naturally repelled, and try to find someone whose weird smell is attractive to you (it happens).

LPC commented on Nov 30 09 at 3:21 pm


You are Hot!! I would do you in a minute!! And I would'nt care if you cheated!! I do you whenever, wherever, however!!
You are a total babe!!

Write me babe!!


PJC commented on Nov 30 09 at 3:38 pm

If you smelled bad, I'd do you anyway!! Then I'd give you a bath or shower, and do you again!!


PJC commented on Nov 30 09 at 3:39 pm

DUMP--face it, you've been dumped. She cheated on you and moved out. She's trying to give you some control of the situation, but you actually don't have any.

kg commented on Nov 30 09 at 6:34 pm

Part of me thinks that burning up X's bed wouldn't be totally out of line.

HiC commented on Nov 30 09 at 11:17 pm

Wow- Erin seems to have a real admirer in PJC. Don't let that one get away...

ew commented on Dec 01 09 at 1:00 am

you were dumped but she gave you an out.

that's what cheating's about. dissatisfaction.

tell her not to talk to you for a few weeks, make her buy new sheets, and don't date girls who hang out with friends that are in love with them.

it's too tempting. i know.

sugar commented on Dec 01 09 at 5:24 am

I just threw up a little in my mouth.

jim commented on Dec 01 09 at 9:58 am

Another reason for Smelly: sour bath towels. if they are washed/dried regularly they stink and it transfers quickly. That might be reason enough to dump her if she is slovenly.

lee commented on Dec 01 09 at 1:39 pm

I meant "not washed"

lee commented on Dec 01 09 at 1:39 pm

Smellygiiiiirl, smel-lygiiiiirl -- whaaat aaare they feeding youuuuuu?

PO commented on Dec 02 09 at 3:45 am

To What's That Smell: A guy that I dated and I had that situation - I was the smelly girl. (In both our defenses, he has an very sensitive sense of smell, and I have European parents who never used deodorant when I was growing up). After a few weeks of dating he brought it up, and I was incredibly embarrassed and have been using deodorant ever since. We then dated for nearly 4 years. So I think it's worth a second date. Especially if you have a sensitive nose.

AH commented on Dec 02 09 at 12:06 pm

About BO: Sometimes medications can cause odor. Sometimes people do not realize that fragrances have backfired with their chemistry. And if someone is on a very strict diet an in ketosis, they will smell, and it can be bad. None of these are permanent. (Of course, she could be a zombie, and no one talks about zombie BO, but it's bad.) That said, odors are nature's ways of cluing us in to what's good and what's bad. If the smell is that person's natural odor, the offensiveness is telling you that she's not for you. Someone else might not smell it.

The guy who was cheated on should replace the bed, sheets, and let the woman go. The continued flirtation with an ex and taking it all the way, then telling the wronged party about it in the middle of the night speaks to the woman's selfishness above all. I wonder if she was trying to force the guy to make up his mind about marrying her. Whatever the reason, she made a decision to violate trust and couldn't wait to rub his nose in it--or expected comfort from him, or forgiveness, before the sheets had dried. How would he be able to rely upon her in a crisis if she needs to be taken care of this much?

Penny commented on Dec 02 09 at 1:14 pm

It's been three days. So, what happened, What Now... wherever you are?

HiC commented on Dec 02 09 at 5:14 pm

If he doesn't answer he's still with her, LOL.

PO commented on Dec 02 09 at 10:27 pm

"I can totally see feeling horribly guilty and panicked and like I had to tell my partner ASAP just so we could start the processing."
That's almost worse than the fucking the other guy. No man wants to sit around and chew on the incident. If the GF really cared about him, she'd have shut up. She wanted to feel better, even if that meant making her guy feel worse. DUMP.

Belinda Gomez commented on Dec 02 09 at 10:31 pm

If you still want to stay with her, be immature for a while, let it all out, and then reapproach.

I had a similar incident with my now wife, and that time of crisis was a turning point in our lives. After that, we learned to open up and the communication really started flowing. We now have a great relationship, and have been together for seven years (after a couple of divorces in our past, so yes, we do have points of comparison).

WW commented on Dec 03 09 at 4:07 pm

The girl w/ B.O. may have a health problem or an odd diet.

The cheating girlfriend was a coward when she felt the need to immediately disclose what she did. Then run home to her folks. How old is she? How passive aggressive is she? How selfish is she? She's not honest--she's the opposite!

Nancy Kate commented on Dec 04 09 at 3:39 am

make the most of it - maybe she learned a new move to put on you

harry krishna commented on Dec 04 09 at 4:03 pm

WTF that crystal stuff works!

hairy garcia commented on Dec 04 09 at 4:19 pm

HarryK: Not a bad idea. But this is seriously foul business.

Uncle Bobby commented on Dec 05 09 at 1:47 pm

i once went on a date years ago with a guy i'd been crushing on forever. at the theater (we went to see "mulholland drive" if that gives any indication of how long ago that was) i leaned in to give him a handjob and i realized he smelled like garlic. not garlic breath, but the scent was metallic and oozing out of his pores. after the movie, i feigned a headache and went home. do i regret it? no. can you imagine what his spunk would have tasted like? alfredo sauce, is what.

awesomeslut commented on Dec 05 09 at 8:41 pm

reparation: Have sex with your boyfriend and bring THREE girls along to make sure he is well satisfied.

Peter North commented on Dec 06 09 at 11:40 am

The boyfriend has a whore in the bedroom.Congratulations!The strong odor could trichomonasis. Been there,done that.

Not God-Above God commented on Dec 06 09 at 2:03 pm

As Jerry Hall said a man wants a whore in the bedroom and a chief in the kitchen.Congratulations.The BO girl could be trichomonasis. Been there, done that.

Not God-Above God commented on Dec 06 09 at 2:09 pm

Don't bother dating the girl that smells. The nose knows.

FM commented on Dec 07 09 at 6:46 pm

What Now - give us an update! What happened when you got home?

MC commented on Dec 18 09 at 3:35 pm

i have a girlfrend..when i ask bout her past relationship with her bfren.she say nothing happen with sex..but after 2 year she confess she fuck up with her ex-boyfriend...just imagine what i feel hurt.even it was her past was feeling no good coz i never done that sex.never..haiz..i feel unfair but i love that be nicer sometimes make u hurt..maybe im not an open minded person.thinking back,i should just fuck other girl.then that fair..anyway i will not doin such things.just accept their past...forgive them..give them a chance coz everybody have their really interesting in discuss bout this..i just wanna share my was rubbish.thanks

tin commented on Mar 18 10 at 9:27 pm

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