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New Star of The A-Team Is Kind of an A-Hole

Poster for the A-Team remake featuring Bradley Cooper, Sharlto Copley, Liam Neeson, and Quinton Rampage Jackson.

Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, who plays B. A. Baracus in the upcoming A-Team remake, has some thoughts about acting vis-a-vis gayness, more specifically the inverse relationship of "time spent acting" and "hardness." In an interview with the LA Times which will certainly not come back to bite him in the ass, Jackson said:

Acting is kind of gay... It makes you soft. You got all these people combing your hair and putting a coat over your shoulders when you're cold. I don't want a coat over my shoulders! I'm a tough-ass.

For the record, Jackson's day job is UFC fighting, which naturally does not make one soft. It makes one hard. So very hard:

So Jackson seems like a very cool, very accepting kind of person, you know? Just someone who totally secure in himself. I'd love to hear some more of his thoughts on the experience of filming a movie. Mr. Jackson?

Vancouver strikes me as a San Francisco-kind of place.

Of course it does.

Via Towleroad.

Comments ( 10 )

What an overly sensitive post. Maybe you didn't like his choice of words, but the point is totally fair - actors get babied and he doesn't like it.

Linda commented on Jun 01 10 at 10:49 am

Kind of gay? Fine. Let's start calling violent criminal acts "kind of black".

clomb commented on Jun 01 10 at 11:10 am

Linda - He may have a perfectly fair point about actors being babied, but he didn't say "babied." The problem is that he thinks of being babied as "gay" but muscled men violently dry humping as "tough-ass."

M commented on Jun 01 10 at 11:13 am

Is it only me, or does anyone else see two men beating the shit out of each other and being squeezed between each others legs while one is on his back as totally gay?

Twolane commented on Jun 01 10 at 11:35 am

See, if I was in the UFC and having those problems, I would figure it was the hormones and steroids making me soft. I've seen any correlation between coat-wearing/hair-combing and my erection.

VoR commented on Jun 01 10 at 12:42 pm

I'm with Linda. Why is the liberal word police so afraid of a common expression. I have gay friends that use the term "gay" to mean such things, it's not a big deal. So sensitive.

Harris commented on Jun 01 10 at 2:13 pm

Black people use the word nigger so it's ok for everyone to say it, right? Don't be so sensitive, niggers! Don't be afraid of a common expression, junglebunny spearchucker jigaboos!

clomb commented on Jun 01 10 at 2:29 pm

It's not the "liberal word police." JBR is a gay man, posting about some actor equating "gay" with soft, weak, and spoiled. He thinks that's fucked up. I'm gay, and I think it's fucked up too.

KS commented on Jun 01 10 at 7:48 pm

Gay raaaaaaage!

apo commented on Jun 02 10 at 8:18 pm

All you idiots questioning how hardass you gotta be to fight in the UFC step into the ring and tell that to a fighters face and see how far that gets you. But tbh, the grappling is definently has gay undertones, two gyrating men on the ground isn't exactly hardass. But your forgetting the fact that these guys are trying to pound in eachothers faces and knock eachother out. You don't see softies prancing around in the ring, guys g2 be tuff (rampage is all stand up btw).

If he was such as sissy, would he have had the balls to make such a statement regarding the career he's planning on pursuing? I g2 give him props for that.

Tien commented on Jun 04 10 at 4:04 pm

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