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Sex Advice From Joss Whedon Fans


Caroline, 28caroline

What have any of Whedon's shows taught you about dating?
That it's deadly and the person you're with could become someone else at the drop of a hat. The more you love someone, the more likely they will become possessed, chopped in half, shot, have someone else's demon spawn, or land the ship safely, but die anyway.

What is the best reason to date a Whedon fan?
Open-minded kinkiness abounds.

A friend of mine asked me to be part of a threesome with her and her boyfriend. I'm up for it, but what can I do to make sure things don't get weird afterward?
Leave. The best thing you can do is remember that no matter how much fun you have during the threesome, immediately after it's Couple Time. They asked you there to enhance their relationship with each other, not with you. Go and have fun, but know where you stand and make a graceful exit.

Let's say someone asks you to do something you're not into in the bedroom; what's the best way to let them down gently?
Tell them you're so hot for them right now that you don't want to risk the moment on something you're not sure about. Then immediately redirect their attention with some lovely thing you're doing that you both know you enjoy. Bring up Thing You're Not Into at a less vulnerable time, without being judgmental.

There are times when, instead of sex, I'd just like my partner to go down on me. How can I assure them that I'm not trying to say they're bad in bed?
Bad in bed? Reassure them that they are the Going-Down Master, which requires much greater skill.

It's that time of the month for my girlfriend. I don't really want to go there, so to speak, but she really wants to. Is there a middle ground that can be reached here?
If she wears a pad, touch through clothing. If she's a tampon user, here comes some fun — outside stimulation with a hand or a vibrator. Hopefully she will concede to no oral sex so you don't end up like Carrie at the prom.

I need to know: Spike or Angel?
Faith. Dream big.

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Comments ( 16 )

He who is deterred by menstrual fluids deserves not to delight in the flesh through which they pass. Ever.

Jessica commented on Mar 19 10 at 6:16 am

Gotta love these Whedon fans!

Sarah commented on Mar 19 10 at 7:16 am

Hey people deterred by menstruation: my girlfriend and I have discovered a way of having sex (even going down on her) during her period with no blood. There is some sort of disposable menstrual cups (I think they're called "instead" or something) that works pretty much perfectly. You can feel it in her with your fingers, but it is pretty unnoticeable during PIV and works like a charm.

Max commented on Mar 19 10 at 7:44 am

Whedon fans must all be sexperts.

Dan Abrams commented on Mar 19 10 at 8:28 am

Is it me or are these ladies full of kink. I gotta brush up on my Whedon.

darren commented on Mar 19 10 at 8:41 am

"The more you love someone, the more likely they will become possessed, chopped in half, shot, have someone else’s demon spawn, or land the ship safely, but die anyway." Touche!

Ben commented on Mar 19 10 at 9:09 am

Joss Whedon fans don't have sex. They're like Twilight fans, but uppity.

Joe commented on Mar 19 10 at 12:05 pm

Totally Faith! I'm gay and I would still go for Faith. Good call. Hot.

Benjamin commented on Mar 19 10 at 12:29 pm

Whedon fans have sex you couldn't imagine!

and totally Faith!!!

DRB commented on Mar 19 10 at 3:02 pm

Wow I am impressed with Red's comments. I disagree with the Spike or Angel question though. Why not both? With a Xander/Giles tagteam? I'm just saying.

stoofruity commented on Mar 19 10 at 4:18 pm

Better question...Spike or Giles?

Kim commented on Mar 20 10 at 12:03 am

"And if you perform a particularly memorable sexual act, it could reach cult status with how much we talk about it and reference it in our daily lives." HA!

Jen commented on Mar 20 10 at 2:35 pm

I enjoy using 'You can't shock me, I read vampire porn!' at every possible chance that present. Yes, I am a Whedon fan :p

Fiction commented on Mar 20 10 at 4:00 pm

sorry i'd have to say Buffy or Willow

Karen commented on Mar 21 10 at 11:57 am

Caroline is one smart cookie.

hadra777 commented on Mar 25 10 at 10:42 am

Personally I don't see anything wrong with going down while she is menstruating - I try and shower when I can before I think I might be having sex with my wife, but sometimes she is turned on after a long hard workout - and I am sure that I don't smell or taste the greatest... I like going down, but my pleasure is in her pleasure and vis versa, so what is the big deal? You do things for the pleasure of those you love, not because is smells pretty.

chris commented on Mar 28 10 at 7:56 pm

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