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Miss Information

By myself, I can have an orgasm in thirty seconds, but with my boyfriend, it's hopeless!


By Cait Robinson

Have a question? Email . Letters may be edited for length, content, and clarity.

Dear Miss Info,

I’m twenty-five years old and I’ve happily been with my boyfriend for the last six years. We moved in together last February and took on a third roommate. (Originally, it was going to just be my partner and me, but the third needed some roommates.) I knew she was a lonely character before we signed our leases, but we had a lot in common and got along great. Things have changed (surprise). She is very needy and has formed a dependency on my boyfriend that has strained our relationship. Before this, most of our arguments consisted of minor bickering, but we were pretty open with one another. What can I do? I’ve tried speaking to him but it usually turns into a shouting match in which he accuses me of jealousy and insecurity. Please help. I’m beginning to feel like the third wheel in my own relationship.

— Not the Jealous Type

Dear Not the Jealous Type,

Wow, six years together by age twenty-five! That’s a lot of formative years spent in a committed relationship. Of course, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that — but your boyfriend’s behavior suggests that he’s missed out on some of those critical growing-like-a-weed years. Though this other girl’s involvement is, no doubt, upsetting, I think she’s just a distraction from the real issue: that your boyfriend is using her to leverage distance in the relationship. His refusal to listen to your concerns or engage with you on a respectful level just confirms this. It sounds like he needs to hike the Andes, or go through a Tarantino phase, or build a car out of lawnmower parts, or whatever the young-straight-male equivalent of Eat, Pray, Love is. My point is, Not the Jealous Type, it’s not you. It’s not about him choosing this other girl over you; it’s about him choosing himself over you both, and not (yet) being man enough to put words to his feelings.

So what to do? You tried talking, and he screeched and flailed and threw his sippy cup from his high chair. Now it sounds like some distance is in order. This may mean that one of you moves out; this may mean that you stay together, but both make an effort to get out more, make your own friends, and establish your own identities separate from this relationship. Frankly, Not the Jealous Type, I think you’re better off giving him plenty of distance — like enough distance that you get to explore the idea of other guys. You two may be meant for each other, and you may find yourselves back together soon. But it’s not a relationship worth fighting for when one of the partners is this self-centered, this nakedly confused, and still grumpy that he didn’t get his afternoon nap.

Dear Miss Information,

I grew up in a pretty sexually open environment; sex was never "dirty" to me, and I cultivated the impressive ability to make myself come almost anywhere, any time, in under thirty seconds. I never understood when people told me that sex isn't that interesting, that for girls it just "isn't the same." But now, at eighteen, I find myself in my first serious relationship and with an awful understanding of what it means to "fake it."

Before this boyfriend, whom I'll call C., the only sexual experience I had with another person was with my female best friend the summer before high school, so I'm relatively and technically inexperienced. Naturally, as a newcomer, I believed that since I could come so easily by myself, I would be able to do the same with another person. I've been with C. for seven months and I have not had one orgasm (with him, that is).

At first I thought it was because his fingering technique was similar to that of an overeager jackhammer, but even after I specified what I like and what I don't like and he made accommodations, I haven't even gotten close. He's gone down on me, we've tried nearly every position, we've utilized every room in my house, but still, nothing. The clencher: I get really vocal during sex, hoping that it'll turn me on a little more, so C. thinks I'm enjoying every second of our barely legal sex-capades. I can't bring myself to tell him that all this time I've been drowning in a pool of sexual dissatisfaction, afraid that I'll shatter his already fragile ego. I'm starting to feel all kinds of incompetent, even though I hear Betty Friedan's voice commanding SPEAK UP, YOU DESERVE SATISFACTION.

With each month that passes, he falls more in love with me, despite me having broken up with him twice already and warning him that I don't believe in monogamy. In fact, just this last week he suggested we move in together. With each month that passes, I find myself resenting him more, turning to my 3 a.m. lesbian fantasies when I want mind-altering, earth-shattering, ground-shaking orgasms.

Basically, what I want to know:

1. Will I ever have an orgasm with another person? Because I'm losing hope.
2. Is it possible that I'm just not sexually attracted to C.?
3. Should I just break up with C. once and for all and go live out my bacchanalian fantasies before I'm too old?
4. If I do break up with him, on what grounds do I explain my decision to him? Should I be brutally honest? Or should I use the "I think I might be a lesbian now" cop-out?

— Desperately Seeking Satisfaction

Dear Desperately Seeking Satisfaction,

Any eighteen-year-old who writes like this and hears Betty Friedan in her head commanding her not to fake it is destined for great things. Don’t settle for mediocre, soul-sucking relationships, sister. You’ve got so many hearts to break, boundaries to challenge, and bras to burn.

First and foremost, let me just point out that you essentially answered your own question. You said not one good thing about C., and your inner conflict seems far less like “should I break up with him?” and far more like “what should I wear when I break up with him?” So yes, I think you should break up with him, because you’re clearly not getting what you need here.

To your question, “Is it possible I’m just not attracted to C.?” Oh, it’s probable that you’re not sexually attracted to him. That being said, that doesn’t mean that you’re not attracted to all men; give the gray area a chance. (That’s the title of a little-known Beatles B-side, by the way.) Along those lines, “Uh, I think I’m gay now” is only a cop-out if it isn’t true, or if you’re using it to avoid having to say something more honest. It is edgy territory, though, so tread lightly with it.

Just like you know that faking orgasms does you (or your partner, or his next partner, or women at large, or men at large) no good, neither does faking affection. It’s curious that you’re pulling away and he’s proposing that you move in. Have you been employing the same “fake it ‘til you make it” strategy to your fully-clothed relationship, too? No wonder you’re on different pages — because all he’s hearing are moans of pleasure, while all you’re hearing is a voice in your head going, “Ah, shit, I need to finish that pre-calc homework.”

So, yes, Desperately Seeking, break it off, be honest, but be gentle. He deserves to leave this relationship with his dignity intact, so avoid going too far into sexual politics (“It’s just that dicks disgust me, yaknowwhatImean?”), or to the details of your sex life at all (“Oh, by the way, I was lying to you the whole time. But I did get a lot of pre-calc done.”) Keep it abstract, keep it clean, and wish him well.

In summary, Desperately Seeking, you seem like a pretty kick-ass girl who’s got a good sense of what she wants. You will find people — maybe male, maybe female, maybe somewhere in between — who rock your world. I’m not concerned.

Commentarium (28 Comments)

Jan 03 11 - 1:28am

Good letters, good & amusing advice. Further thoughts for Desperately -- can you make yourself come in front of C (or, maybe better, someone who turns you on more)? Make yourself come while watching him make himself come? make yourself come lying under or on top of him, with his hand on top of yours or with him touching you in some way?... If you encounter not-coming with others in the future, I suggest working your own way to orgasm into the partnersex. Worked for me :)

Jan 03 11 - 1:46am

For Not The Jealous Type, guys like to be needed by multiple women. It strokes their ego. So he may not sleep with her, but don't expect him to discourage her, either. And she's around all the time. The only ways out are to put distance between you two and her, or find someone else to satisfy her neediness. (Got any single friends you'd like to hook up with a needy roommate?)

For Desperately Seeking Satisfaction, you're trying too hard. Stop focusing on orgasm and think about what else feels good about your sexual experience. If the "what else" is "nothing," that's your problem, and you'll either need to dump this guy for someone who knows better, or get him away from the "Come, come, as fast as you can" strategy. Don't move in if you're not in love. Rest assured that orgasms will happen someday, just maybe not with this guy. (Obligatory programmer nerd joke: Dump C for his more functional friend, C++.)

Jan 03 11 - 3:06am

I completely disagree with your advice about DSD's problem. It's more likely her lack of orgasm has to do with her masturbatory habits. Happens all the time for guys. They get so used to their own death grip they can't get off with a girl. Advice for them and for DSD is to either ease off on the frequency of masturbation, or change up the style of it. Orgasms in 30 seconds is impressive, but that's likely just one kind of stimulation. Her boyfriend doesn't have a hope in hades in duplicating it exactly. Plus, psychologically, she just might have a problem cuming in front of him in the first place. Happened to me and it was something we just played through. I would masturbate myself almost until orgasm, and he would take over at the last minute. Eventually, he could perform the whole act without my hands.

It does sound concerning that she's thinking of dumping him over this, but they've been together 7 months and he's her first serious relationship, so it's probably not worth making assumptions yet.

It doesn't have to be his fault.

Jan 03 11 - 4:00am

Disagree with Cait on the first letter. It sounds to me like NTJT has a sensitive, kind, good-hearted boyfriend who doesn't know how to set boundaries, and they invited an emotional vampire into their home. If the needy roommate is monopolizing his time because he can't say no to a sad person, that's not a reason to turf him. I think they need to gently ask the depressed girl to leave, and then see where they are.

Jan 03 11 - 4:44am

@m I agree with you. Maybe cait cut down some of the letter or something, but if that's all it was she's jumpin to some crazy conclusions pretty quickly

Jan 03 11 - 8:52am

@JCF I wouldnt say that is an exclusively boy thing. I know of at least one girl who works that way 100%. While these crushes are oftem consumated, this isnt totally necessary. I think its often a sign of low self esteem when someone needs to constantly be propped up by new admirers.

Jan 03 11 - 1:12pm

There is no way that last letter was written by an 18-yr old.

Jan 03 11 - 2:57pm

I think @Jealous Type needs to just calmly and rationally point out to the boyfriend that their relationship will end if he keeps devoting so much time to the roomie. Then go to the roomie and tell her the same thing. "I feel like you're interested in my boyfriend." Also, who says they have to live with that roommate? I know leases suck to break, but it's possible. Move out! If he says, "Oh I don't want to." you know where his loyalties lie.

I totally agree with @M on @Desperately. I think it's more her problem. I used to have that same problem and two boyfriends have that problem. You get so used to the way you do it yourself that you can't get there when someone else does it. Dan Savage has some great advice on how to break the masturbatory "death grip" Secondly, I'm a vocal person too. Over the course of a few weeks in a new relationship I realized that the guy thought I was having mindblowing orgasms constantly when I was just kinda digging it. I fixed it by kinda breathily, teasingly, sexily saying after we stopped one day, "and if you think THIS is vocal you should hear what happens when I come!" @Miss Info is right tho. Her letter sounds lots more like, "I want to break up" than, "should we break up?" so I think even if she could change the sex she wouldn't want to. She sounds over it.

Jan 03 11 - 3:00pm

DSF definitely has to try mixing up her masturbatory techniques. Also, if she's only using a finger on herself, she needs to find a nice average sized dildo and learn how to use it. By herself. When you've got a guy on top of you and he's trying his best, getting closer and getting more and more tired, there's a bit of pressure to not let the poor guy down. Obviously he's doing everything he can, and you know it's not going to happen, so you just fake it.

She needs to learn what she likes without that sweaty dude on top of her. A no pressure situation by herself, relaxing and enjoying herself. Once she can get off like that, then she should try tackling the sweaty dude.

On another note, I thought I was sexually liberated and having orgasms when I was 18 too. Turns out I was wrong, wrong, wrong. It took a few more years to realize what a real one was. Might just be the same thing for her.

Jan 03 11 - 3:29pm

@um: I hear you. If she is 18, then perhaps she's an only child raised by hip psychologists (a kinda proto Brenda from 'Six Feet Under' but without the troubling addition of Billy). She's probably so painfully self-aware/self-obsessed that anyone other than herself will struggle to make her gasm. If they do it'll be because of what they represent than who they are so technically it's still all about her. Try some grounding meditations and look at each sexual encounter as something other than fodder for your future books of confessional erotic poetry.

Jan 03 11 - 3:44pm

JCF: you want this poor girl who can't come with her boyfriend C to jump into a language with MULTIPLE INHERITANCE??? What are you thinking?

Jan 04 11 - 12:25am

So, um and TeiddlerOnTheHoof, because she is a smart, feminist 18 year old who knows what she likes but has some pretty run of the mill insecurities, she's "painfully self obsessed" and can't possibly actually be 18?

Jan 04 11 - 2:08am

Lots of good advice. A p.s. for Desperately Seeking, and others: Don't fake it. At least not with any kind of regularity. Sure, 1 out of 10 times if you fake it for some reason that seems valid to you, fine. But if you fake it regularly, you're just training him to do it wrong, and mis-leading him. You're destined for a bad sex life, and, if you ever tell him, a big wrench to his ego. And if you don't tell him, probably an end to the relationship because you're dissatisfied.

Jan 04 11 - 2:24am

Ummm I'm 25 and in an 8 year relationship... not really appreciating the judging. Attitudes like the one in your column are the reason I never tell people how long we've been together.
That being said we've recently become polyamorous and it's really worth talking about with your partner if someone is getting bored or dissatisfied sexually. We haven't really acted on it yet but just talking about it has brought us so much closer. It took us 7 years to figure it out but once we flipped that mental switch we now have no idea why so many people force the monogamy issue. It's comforting that neither of us has to be perfect.

Jan 04 11 - 10:32am

Chill out. As a 30-something, I know of only one couple who lasted that long in our generations so far. They are currently 26 and after 10 years together are having problems because they did not develop as independent adults. Your needs and wants change when you leave your formative years. Your surroundings change. Consequently, relationships do not make it out of the teen years or early 20's. And, many of my peers are already divorced or on their second and third marriages. That's just a fact of life. Your successful ltr doesn't change statistics. And you'll have to admit, what's going to extend the longevity/strength of your relationship is your new polyamourism whether you've done anything about it or not. Other 20-somethings just choose to do the same thing outside of the boundaries of a relationship. You're just playing catch up. Congrats anyway!

Jan 06 11 - 6:15pm
Harold Angel

the key here is the happiness of the individual. just having a long relationship isnt enough reason to stay together, you have to be happy with your relationship and able to progress as well. sexual troubles almost always reflect emotional distress and its unfair to blame masturbation for those troubles when, frankly, many people can masturbate and have sex and enjoy each others company all in the same day.

Jan 08 11 - 11:20am

Please. As a 30something I object to the generalization that relationships formed early don't last. I've been with my husband for 15 years, we were both 20 when we met. We've been through it all together. Still in love. Still having great sex. It does happen. It may be this is just a rough patch for NTJT, not the end.

Feb 06 11 - 8:19pm

Humankind would be a lot better off if we could get past the notion that the end of a relationship is a "failure". Relationships last as long as they do. Humans are somewhat slutty group-social primates, like chimps. We don't naturally mate for life, like gibbons. There was the time when long term and lifelong relationships were the norm. We were far more influenced by religion then, and the majority of us lived on farms, in couples, in relative isolation. As we moved into cities, we just started doing what comes naturally again.

If we realized this about ourselves we'd come look at the quality of relationships in terms of how fulfilling and successful they are, regardless of how exclusive they are or how long they've lasted. So, you've got five men in your life that, at various times, you've lived with, fucked like a bunny with, not lived with, not fucked like a bunny with, then fucked like a bunny with again. Any or all of the five think the world of you, and would show up on any given saturday to help you move, or help you through any kind of rough patch. Is that success, even if you weren't "with" any of them very long?

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