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Miss Information

Revisiting the age-old question: how long should I wait to call?

By Cait Robinson

Have a question? Email . Letters may be edited for length, content, and clarity.

Dear Miss Info,

This may seem like Dating 101 stuff, but I'm hoping you'll give us the definitive answer to the question that has plagued men since Alexander Graham Bell first got his patent and waited three days before calling Watson to say, "Come here, I need you!" Namely, when a guy expresses interest in a girl and she gives him her number, how long should he wait before calling?

For decades, we had the three-day rule — you didn't want to wait so long that she forgot about you or got a better offer, but you didn't want to call so quickly that you'd seem desperate, clingy, or lifeless. But we live in sped-up times, and that rule feels passé. (Still, I can kind of follow the reasoning).

There's another factor at play here, namely the day of the week that you get the woman's digits. Even if you're a next-day caller, and you get a number on Friday night, should you really call her on a Saturday? Thanks for tackling this always perplexing question.

— Phone-in-Hand

Dear Phone-in-Hand,

My approach to this is less "an answer" and more a "Choose your own adventure." Let's say you meet a girl at a bar and pleasantly chat for a bit, then exchange numbers and part ways. In a situation like this, you haven't yet figured out whether you click, so contacting her too aggressively will likely turn her off. While you're in this realm of polite interest, give it one to two full days. That's generally a safe bet.

It's different if you've spent some time time together (even if "some time" is the duration of a DJ set) and have had a chance to establish a strong rapport. If you've figured out that you both electrify the other, then playing hard to get is a waste of everyone's time. In a case like this, it's definitely acceptable to drop her a text a few hours after you part just to say, "[reiteration of inside joke], it was great to meet you." If she writes back, fantastic, and you can bask in a flirty text correspondence. However — and this is key — do not ask her out over text. Texts are fun little bursts, but give her a call to actually create plans. It shows that you're serious, dependable, and over the age of seventeen.

Now, though I think yours is a relevant question, PiH, let me undermine everything I just said. The whole question of "How long do I, as a man, wait to call?" may be a little old-fashioned at this point. It shouldn't be the man's responsibility to trot his horse-drawn carriage by the lady's estate and challenge her father to arm wrestling anymore. If she's the kind of girl that requires this much footwork and flourishy bowing, then she's likely not that cool. And if you have to wait three days to cultivate the adequate amount of mystery around yourself, then you're likely not that cool. (And she can call you too, you know. Some of us ladies have really bitchin' horse-drawn carriages.) The take-away message: if you're clicking, you're clicking, and these games are worthless. If contact has to be highly regimented work, then it's probably not going to be an easy relationship, either.

Dear Miss Info,

I feel like my sex life is spiraling out of control. I lost my virginity early, and I've always been open about sex. I've always been careful, I'm STD-free, and I have no problem with sex or my sexual history.

My moral dilemma started about a week or so ago, when I began sleeping with an old neighbor, "Logan." Things were great for the first few days; we were really connecting. Logan started mentioning his sexual past and how much fun sex with multiple partners was. I was over at his house — which he shares with his cousin ("Dan"); Dan's wife; and another couple — and then we I spent the whole day having sex, as usual. In the middle of intercourse, Logan mentioned how Dan had always been attracted to me, and that he'd love for him to join. I was hesitant at best, and brushed off the idea. He kept mentioning it, and ended up calling Dan in the room, with his wife only a few feet away in the living room. Dan immediately pulled me into the bathroom and we began to have sex.

Logan seemed to lose all interest in the thought of the threesome, and sat down in the corner to watch television. Dan left the room, apologized to me, and told me I never had to do it again if I didn't want to. He said he thought I was interested in him, and thought it would be a good experience for me to try.

I don't object to the threesome, as uncomfortable as it was, but everything in my heart tells me that sleeping with a married man was wrong. If I ever get married, I'd like an open marriage as long as safe sex is practiced, but do I have a right to impose this belief on other people? I feel sick every time I think about it. I've never had this feeling about sex, and it's really confusing.

321 Contact

Dear 321 Contact,

So many things about this situation seem fishy. Your description of the hook-up with Dan is pretty free of emotional commentary, and I would like to know how you reacted to it. You say that you don't object to the hook-up, "as uncomfortable as it was," and I take you at your word. But it does sound like your position in this was awfully passive. Did you want to sleep with Dan? Or did you just go along with it? Is it possible that some of this conflict comes from being in situations that you find uncomfortable, but not trusting yourself to speak up?

You made the comment that "as long as sex is safe, it's okay." That's a solid philosophy, but I want to broaden it. Sexual safety is about so much more than appropriate birth control; it also includes emotional attachments, trust, and respect. By those standards, your unease is absolutely justified. Even if the hook-up was consensual but uncomfortable, it left you with the feeling that you may be hurting Dan's wife, a bystander. That makes it feel unsafe. Why have sex if you leave with sickening guilt?

In short, Contact, you absolutely are allowed to "impose" your values onto sexual partners — when it comes to behaving ethically. And here, your standards are straightforward: honesty, openness, and consideration for other people. It seems that these very basic tenets aren't being met. Even in its best-case scenario, this doesn't sound like a group of people who are communicating and looking out for one another. If you are "feeling sick about it," listen to those voices — that means something's not right. A situation that makes you feel like you can't trust your own instincts or that you're "spiraling out of control" is likely not a good one.

Comments ( 26 )

May 22 11 at 2:02 am

Both of these answers were wonderfully thoughtful and complete. Although I will say that the whole tradition of men asking for a woman's number, and then being the one to call her, is a useful one, simply because it avoids the stand-off that can emerge from two people waiting for the other to call while not wanting to seem pushy/desperate themselves.

I would add that 321's boyfriend or fuckbuddy or whatever, Logan, seems like the real icky person in that relationship, not Dan. He does not seem to have much respect for her or her boundaries. Even in the most casual of relationships, you want someone with respect for your sexual boundaries and express consent. Then again, that could be the influence of the fact that I imagined him as Wolverine the entire time.

May 22 11 at 2:20 am

321's letter gave me the serious creeps. I hope she can avoid people like this in the future.

May 22 11 at 3:08 am

Dear 321,
What happened to you is seriously fucked up. Despite expressing your disinterest to Logan about having sex with Dan, he basically throws you to the lions and then abandons you. Not cool.
It also sounds like Dan had sex with you without getting your consent, which seems a little borderline rapish to me. The fact that Dan apologized afterwards shows that he knows he did something wrong, and it would make total sense that you'd feel bad afterwards about this violation of your body.
You don't deserve to be taken advantage of like this, you deserve to be treated with respect.

May 23 11 at 12:42 pm

My guess is she has rewritten what has happened (in her head) to seem less responsible for what took Cait said something about this story does not sound kosher. I think 321 is having in retrospect difficulty in taking responsiblity for her part in this threesome...I mean they even go into another room and have what I assume is quiet sex in the bathroom so his wife cannot hear them. There are alot of ifs buts and coconuts for any of us to assume this was rape (ish) or otherwise with so many holes in the story.

May 22 11 at 4:12 am

I think Logan degraded 321. I think he demonstrated that he doesn't care about her. Very icky. 321 doesn't need people like that in her life.

May 22 11 at 11:17 am

Sweet Jesus, 321. I'm sure I will catch hell for saying this, but do you have a history of sexual abuse?

Logan did the equivalent of calling in a friend to try out his new toy. Disrespectful and chilling. This guy sounds like garbage. Let's remember he suggested a threesome with his cousin. That right there should make us pause. He also seemed okay with creating immense amounts of drama between you and the people he LIVES WITH.

Nobody gets to treat you that way, 321. Just because you don't say no in that situation doesn't give some creep the right to treat you like a blow up doll. You are a human and there is more to you than how much fun you are in bed.

If you were my friend, we would grab some lunch today and I would talk you to death about your intrinsic worth.

May 28 11 at 2:05 am

All I can do is clap. Thanks for saying what needed to be said.

May 22 11 at 11:25 am

Miss Info, rock solid this week. An authentic connection between two people reduces or eliminates the need for game-playing - this is excellent point that should be kept in mind by everyone who is dating.

May 22 11 at 2:12 pm

The advice and the comments re: 321 are all very important points. I also think that there's the really difficult issue of being able to take responsibility for oneself and feel empowered to set boundaries or, to be more blunt, SAY NO. Having sex with a guy whose wife is in the other room seems like far less of a concern than all of the different ways Logan tried to coerce her into doing something this wasn't comfortable with, and all of the different points 321 could have said, "I don't want to," "No," and "I'm leaving." This woman needs to think really seriously about how much she lets men and sex control her decisions, and whether she ought to take a long break from both to focus on her own mental health.

As an aside, I'm tempted to point to situations like these as the reason "forcible rape" has traction as a legal definition. Of course, every man (or woman) with any sense should take even a hint of hesitation as a sign he/she should not have sex with a woman (or man). But it's also fair to say that a woman (or man) who has hesitation should have the sense to decisively say no to sex. I want to call this rape because neither Dan or Logan backed off when 321 didn't clearly say yes. But on the other hand, 321 seems to have refused every opportunity to actually say no. It makes this really hard to understand.

May 22 11 at 2:30 pm

321's question of "do I have a right to impose this belief on other people?" really interested me. My answer is: it's your body, you can set as many conditions as you want for people to have sex with you. AML made a good point by noting that you have the ability to "SAY NO." As an extreme, if you only want to have sex with guys who wear yellow socks, tell guys that, and if a guy wants to have sex with you but isn't wearing yellow socks, you have the right to say "No." In your case, if someone wants to have sex with you, and the person doesn't want to have "safe sex," YOU have the right to say, "NO!"

May 24 11 at 5:24 pm

I love this. Yellow socks! Word. I want to expand it into an earnest, "Full House"-style heart-to-heart: "Honey, if he isn't willing to wear yellow socks for you, then he's not worth it. Find someone who will. You're a star." (Cue '90s music and hug.)

May 22 11 at 8:49 pm

Waiting to call just sounds like game-playing to me. Whether you're male or female, initiate a conversation with that person that looks interesting, make sure numbers get exchanged, and call when you feel like it & have time. Worry less about how you'll be interpreted, and don't judge others by stupid b.s. about whether they waited long enough to call. Worry less, act more, and reject stupid, out-of-date societal "rules".

May 23 11 at 2:58 pm

I agree. To me the 3 day wait is more of a control issue than a courtesy. And to be honest, if I feel like we hit it off, I give you my number and you wait 3 days to call.. I'll probably wait 3 days to return your call. I gave my number because I was obviously interested in being in contact... dont make me regret that I gave it to you. and dont text for the first conversation.. unless it's to ask if now is a good time to call.

May 23 11 at 12:40 am

I wonder if 321's hesitancy to say no stems from her wanting to be sooooo sexually open. I think there is a pressure on young women to be "down with anything" and if you're not then there is something wrong with you, not the other person. I see a woman who wanted to go along and then afterwards realized she had violated her own personal beliefs. The indecisiveness on her part should have been Dan's signal to back off, but of course a creeper like that wouldn't.

May 23 11 at 9:07 am

Um, 321, if you have that weak a handle on your own sense of boundaries you should really not be trying to do 'open relationships'.

In fact, until you get a handle on yes/no/I am into this/I am not into this, you should back off a little on the sexual openness, period. Being open means being comfortable saying "no" and having playmates who are comfortable hearing that.

When you fall all over yoruself describing how open you are, you just sound like you have yourself conditioned not to say no because you're afraid it will make you a prude. Tip: "Not wanting to have sex with your creepy new fuckbuddy's married cousin" is not prudish, that's "not wanting to have sex with your creepy new fuckbuddy's married cousin".

Though there are superficially similar acts I enjoy very much when performed with certain partners with small hands and different orifices, I have never had a large man shove his arm up my ass. I do not think I would enjoy it, and do not believe that I need to try it in order to find out whether or not I am okay with it. That's not "prudish", that's "why would I go through that?"

May 23 11 at 12:23 pm

321 sounds like she's in a tough situation and has a hard time sticking up for herself and saying no. If I were her I'd abstain from sex and relationships until I could know what I wanted and was able to develop firm and direct, "NO I don't want to do that." and be able to stick by that...and also stop dating pushy assholes.

Oh the other hand, if she's saying, "well I kinda didn't want to" meaning, "I wanted to but I felt like as a woman I'm not allowed to have 'deviant' sexual desires so I pretended not to like it and to only go along with it because my man wanted it, not me, because I'm not a pervert." then she should strengthen herself to be able to go for what she wants. Maybe she's feeling guilty b/c she didn't think the wife knows about it, yet it happened only a few feet away from the wife. Perhaps they have the open relationship she mentioned wanting herself. I think there's more going on here than meets the eye.

If you're not into it 321, run far far away and work on yourself. If you are, stick around, learn more about the relationships of these folks and make sure that Logan doesn't pressure you into things any more.

May 23 11 at 12:43 pm

Nice column Cait.

May 23 11 at 5:31 pm

On the subject of phone calls, I always think that a text a few hours or a day after meeting someone going something like, "Hey, it was nice to meet you at (place) last night. Would love to hang out sometime. Cool if I call you on (day in the near future)?" is nice. It lets the person know you're thinking about her/him, without coming off as too aggressive. You also probably won't have to worry about leaving an awkward voicemail either, since the person will be expecting your call. As others said though, it's imperative that you do the actual asking out and making of plans in a phone call (and for God's sake, call when you say you will). You can also use the preliminary text as a means of gauging the other person's interest if you're unsure - if she's always busy and it's never a good time to call, she's probably not interested.

May 24 11 at 5:15 pm

Oh my god, the awkward voicemail! Yes, that rang bells for me. I love the moment at the end where you go, "So anyway, if you, that movie....okay, I'll, to you soon...unless you don't want to...which is cool like know, like that song... [omigod I can't believe I just said that] [pregnant pause] CLICK."

Thanks for the memories, Dea!

May 23 11 at 5:32 pm

also love Cait's description of texts as "fun little bursts"

May 23 11 at 8:02 pm

I don't know a single woman who wouldn't love to receive a phone call (or text) before 3 days. I have never thought it "too aggressive/clingy/whatever"--unless I wasn't interested. And I agree--you wait three days, then I wait three days to call back, and the relationship begins with a game. Is that really how you want to start to get to know someone?

May 23 11 at 8:29 pm

I scrolled down here with the same general thought as Dea but I would suggest a declarative text rather than a question: "It was great to meet you. I'll call you on [specific day]." Sounds more confident.

May 23 11 at 9:53 pm

After three days of me wondering if you will call, I will be over you by the third day. Each person is different, just do what comes naturally. If whatever comes naturally to you if off-putting to her.... then it is better to know that early on.

May 24 11 at 1:13 am

I'm thinking fraud on 321's letter. I don't think someone who claims to be open and okay with their sexual history is all of a sudden going to feel misgivings because a guy who dragged her off for some unwanted sex is married. I think the concerns are going to be a little different. At least in any thinking human.

May 24 11 at 3:09 am

Oh, 321. This rings some bells for me. You talk about your sexual freedom and hopes for an open relationship... but you dont seem to be in control of your own body or desires. I cant see that you are mature enough for any of that. You very much remind me of someone I used to know, who seemed to put the same kind of self-worth into how sexually liberated she could be. She also talked about open relationships/polyamory and so on... but it was more because she appeared to be unable to say "no" to anyone. I sense this in your message. Your bravado is a front to hide the complete lack of control or restraint in your sexual life. I am all for sexual freedom and openness, and down with any kind of arrangement anyone wants to make. You need to start from a healthy position, however. You dont seem healthy. Good luck.

May 24 11 at 7:45 am
Testing 123

I can't believe how naive women are today. It should be recognized that the boyfriend passed the girl there were five guys there she would have wound up under each. It's been happening to women for centuries. Ladies, find more respect for yourselves.

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