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75 Nude Bicyclists Rally Around Dad And His 3-Year-Old


Picture this: you're a cop in Vancouver, Canada. You have your doughnuts and your Molson Ice (or whatever it is you Canucks think is sooo awesome) and you're sitting there at your desk in the small city's proportionate precinct house, when all of a sudden...

...75 naked bicyclists swarm the station like a flash mob chained at hip, chanting and hollering at you for following orders...

It seems a nude bike ride turned chaotic when it was pointed out that a three-year-old boy was present and that his father was planning on taking both their clothes off. Event organizers got involved, the police were called, and the man agreed to keep the kid's underwear on. Sure enough, he was pulling a fake out, and the kid was seen riding around in the buff. Cops swooped in, the organizers pointed out the "perv," and he and his son were hauled away.

But it didn't end there, according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer:

The father was arrested at the scene of the bike ride under public nudity laws.

Schmidt said the boy was in tears as police took him and his father away, and the arrest prompted the group to cycle through downtown Vancouver to the police station.

"The leaders of this event do not support what the guy did," one cyclist who declined to give her name told The Canadian Press. "I think that's wrong. The kid's a minor."

[Constable] McGuinness said it appeared the man afterward regretted his actions.

"When they were leaving (the scene) it was under the understanding that perhaps he hadn't shown the best judgment; there were a number of people that took offense to the child being naked in the group and subjected to people's scrutiny," she said. [Seattle PI]

Yeah, we don't think he showed the best parenting skills when he ripped the kid's clothes off in public... or when he decided it was okay to have the kid see naked people in mass numbers. (See, it would've been okay if the kid was to being around a lot of naked people-- but we're guessing this was the first time he was forced to take his clothes off in front of strangers. Speaking for ourselves, the whole thing would have made us ill at three years old, for sure.)

Via Flickr.



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Comments ( 6 )

Now I have in my head, "Seventy-six nude freaks led the bike parade . . . ."

profrobert commented on Aug 25 08 at 1:22 pm

Small city? Molson Ice? Your ignorance of the country to your north is appalling.

BibroK commented on Aug 25 08 at 2:59 pm

Seriously.. Small city? The Metro Vancouver Area has a population of 2.1 million. I know we're not NYC but we're not exactly Bumfuck, Saskatchewan (or Dildo, Newfoundland for that matter)

People are always naked and/or on bikes up here. And that cop was undoubtedly enjoying the fruits of a Tim Horton's run.

Anonymous commented on Aug 25 08 at 3:36 pm

So... a three year old was naked, and we're all terribly upset about it? Ever tried to keep clothing on a three-year-old in summer? Depending on the household attitude towards nudity (I'm guessing fairly liberal, but there's no way to know for sure), this kid's probably been naked lots, likely even around naked adult family memebers (who doesn't like to lounge on the couch undressed after a shower?). Are we telling this very young boy that his body is dirty and naughty? Isn't that something lots of parents are fighting against these days?

Anonymous commented on Aug 25 08 at 9:07 pm

Yeah, the whole timbre of this post is a little distressing. "Forced" to take his clothes off and subjected to naked people, which is somehow worse for being a large number of people seeking social normalcy...

Anonymous commented on Aug 26 08 at 9:58 am

3 year olds don't care about being naked, and it's only the parents who care about other naked people - the kid sure wouldn't. Naked is not always about sex, especially not in the city with a world famous nude beach. (wow - Hooksexup is so enlightened these days...)

funrun73 commented on Aug 26 08 at 10:27 pm

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