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The Rise and Fall of Lindsay Lohan


We try not to dwell on the weight fluctuations of celebrities, since our greatest collective fear on this blog is-- shot in the dark-- that someone will point out our own problems with bacon cheeseburgers and failed diet plans.

But when the entire internet is worried that Lindsay Lohan is starving herself to death, we really have no choice but to investigate. Thankfully, we didn't have to spend all our waking hours on this or stare too hard at the evidence... it's pretty clear from this topless shoot Lohan did recently for Hedi Slimane that there's at least one thing wrong with her...

Drumroll, rimshot... she has fake boobs.

For years, scientists and other observers (i.e. mean bloggers) have commented that Lindsay's bust enhanced at precisely the time she transitioned to "adult" roles. (Unfortunately, not that kind of "adult" role.) No one could say definitively... until now, at least, according to those same mean bloggers. They're playing the "told you so" song and pointing out that the new ultra-skinny Lindsay should have sagging breasts, what with all the weight loss.

In other words, if we were going to title this article more inappropriately, it would be headlined: "The Rise and Rise of Lindsay Lohan's Boobs."

Here's what they're referring to-- the only two boob pictures from the shoot:


What do you think? Does this prove, disprove, or have no bearing on the theories? Also, um, should we give her one of our bacon cheeseburgers or something? Disturbing stuff...

Via Hedi Slimane's website.



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Caption This: Lindsay Lohan's Boobs And Sam Ronson's Eyeline

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Comments ( 6 )

Can't tell from these. From the New York Magazine pics, they looked pretty real. She's still a young woman, and it looked like they had a natural curve to them (i.e., they didn't stand up by themselves).
profrobert commented on Feb 25 09 at 11:34 am
I'd believe that they're real. And if they're fake, the fact that it's being disputed at all means that her plastic surgeon did a damn good job.
Anonymous commented on Feb 25 09 at 2:36 pm
so, because she lost 15-20 pounds (she was tiny to begin with) and her boobs aren't hitting her knees, they must be fake? Firstly, she might just be one of the lucky few who doesn't immediately lose all of their weight in the tit area. Secondly, they were ample to begin with and its totally reasonable that she could have lost some mass and had them still be full and perky, not to mention all of the surgical and minimally invasive options there are for people with saggy tits and big wallets. Thirdly, these are photographs for crying out loud. If they were saggy they would be tapped, harnessed and/or photoshopped into their former perky glory. You really need to stop talking smack about stuff you are clueless on, or at least think before you do.
blondage commented on Feb 25 09 at 3:51 pm
Give her cheeseburgers! Her regular skin is sagging.
maybeapril commented on Feb 26 09 at 12:59 am
Nevermind the fake boobs, I've seen enough of the fake hair. When did "yarn-like" become a coiffure goal?
Anonymous commented on Feb 26 09 at 11:58 am
c'mon people - she's bordering on auschwitz-thin - and has these enormous globes??? yeah, mebbe they're real, and mebbe bush really wanted to bring freedom to iraq.
Anonymous commented on Feb 28 09 at 12:17 am

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