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Not to say that my twenties have been a bastion of maturity. A few years after Jeff and the zombies, I found myself stuck between a few different men. One in particular seemed to be using my feelings for him as a petri dish for experiments in cruelty, and, tired of being played, I decided I needed to feel like a player.

So I asked Craigslist if anyone wanted to come over to my house and drink a bottle of wine with me. Not just any wine, though: Klingon Blood Wine, a souvenir picked up from the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas.

That ad didn't get as many responses as I would have liked. (My friends figured that really nerdy guys had been too intimidated to respond.) But I did meet Michael, a sweet giant of a guy who sent a witty reply and equally witty follow-ups. After a first date in a public place, I invited him to my place for a night of Star Trek movies and the afore-promised wine. The wine, we finished. The movies, we didn't — thanks to my booze-fueled pounce upon him. It was one of the few moments in my life when I've felt completely confident in myself and my sexuality.

The wine, we finished. The movies, we didn't.

What's always been a defining factor of my Craigslist use is this — I never respond to more than one or two replies, picking out the respondees who trigger just the right feeling. This kind of makes me an asshole, I suspect, someone who added to the heaps of rejection men experience across all dating sites. But it's also given me a certain confidence in my own judgement, confidence I'll admit that I was lacking before I first turned to the site.

And it made a romantic of me, oddly enough, a believer in fate as well as my own judgment, this ability to read some text and get a good sense of the person who wrote it. That sort of certainty gave me the confidence needed to approach Charles, when I first saw him across the room at a friend's birthday party.

It had never happened to me before in person, that kind of instantaneous recognition. But Craigslist had given me a taste of what it was supposed to feel like, the knowledge that I'd found what I was looking for in someone else. And that's what let me trust it that day, let me flirt heavily, meet his eyes, strongly hint at how much I liked it when nice young men invited me out for a drink and a chat.

I was still sleeping with Michael then, as casually as when we first began four months earlier. I liked him enough, but his also being a writer meant that our dates frequently devolved into shop talk, and the sex was never that exciting. He'd become someone I would call on Friday nights when I didn't have plans, a back-up option for my social life (with perhaps an orgasm at the end of the night). I told him it was over the day after I'd slept with Charles for the first time, and just like with Jeff, it was a clean break, almost emotionless.

Over a year and a half later, Charles and I are still together. It's love, and I know that because I know what a relationship without it feels like.

In my single days, Craigslist represented possibility. With the control and freedom made possible by the bulletin board, I was able to reach out to what felt like the entire world, asking just one person out there to like me. It never worked out with any of my Craigslist men, in the end — too many neuroses and not enough chemistry eventually cured me of my addiction. But for teaching me about the opposite sex, about how to woo and be wooed, about the value of having confidence in myself, I owe them all a huge debt.

Even the ones who sent pictures of their dicks. Even them.

Photography by Lisa Stefaniak.

Comments ( 18 )

NHA commented on Aug 13 10 at 12:15 am
gal commented on Aug 13 10 at 12:30 am
She starts with, "After almost two years of abstinence, I posted a new Craigslist ad this week. The ad was for a new roommate, as my current one is moving," but ends with, "Over a year and a half later, Charles and I are still together." Shaky chronology, right?
confused commented on Aug 13 10 at 12:37 am
weak, immature, silly!
enh commented on Aug 13 10 at 12:40 am
@confused, i'm not sure what's wrong. she was abstinent for two years, then ventured onto clist. dalied. met charles and dated him for 1.5 year. wrote this.
reply to confused commented on Aug 13 10 at 1:10 am
this is bullshit, not very exciting bullshit at that
what commented on Aug 13 10 at 1:49 am
pretty sure she meant abstinent from craigslist. if her last ad had resulted in 4 months of michael, followed by over 1.5 years with charles before she posted an ad for a roommate...that's about two years between craigslist posts.
mm commented on Aug 13 10 at 2:09 am
Hmm, and for the men who are in a similar situation? Screwed.
John Darc commented on Aug 13 10 at 2:54 am
This is a lot like my own experiences 10-11 years ago with chat rooms. Meeting choice guys in person after chatting with them online gave me the confidence to approach and talk comfortably with guys who weren't on the Internet. Been married for eight years now to a man who I felt that "instantaneous recognition" with. I think that the Internet helps a lot of nerdy girls get social confidence.
Betty commented on Aug 13 10 at 3:10 am
This is cute story. It's admirable that the author was able to muster the courage and maturity to end relationships that weren't working.
Meh commented on Aug 13 10 at 9:51 am
This was great! I’m a guy who’s been using craigslist to meet girls for several years now, and I couldn’t agree more. I love the possibility she discussed – the feeling that you craft a good ad, set it out there, and refresh your inbox to see who’ll show up. It feels a little like fishing to me. And yes, if you’re a guy you have to wade through a lot of scammers and gay men who are into straight boys, but if you put in the work it definitely pays off. Through craigslist I met a girlfriend I was with for two years, as well as many several-month flings. She’s also right about the phrasing – I usually spend a week thinking of a good title, another couple days crafting the text, and sometimes you have to wait a few weeks to get the right response. But IT DOES WORK for guys too, you just have to put some thought into your writing, not sweat rejection, and have some patience. There are LOTS of regular woman who check out m4w occasionally. I really enjoyed this.
JonDS commented on Aug 13 10 at 9:54 am
bad dad commented on Aug 13 10 at 12:38 pm
Lucky she didn't end up in an ice box somewhere
yeah commented on Aug 13 10 at 1:07 pm
@yeah . . . ya know, if you can't say that about a few times in your life, I'm not sure you've lived a properly adventurous one. Just sayin'.
mpb commented on Aug 13 10 at 5:08 pm
she mean abstinence from craigslist
wt commented on Aug 13 10 at 5:24 pm
@yeah What is so different from the chance that you meet a crazy person on match? I you make sure you are safe I'm sure you can meet good people on Craiglist.
Megs commented on Aug 13 10 at 5:40 pm
wow... thanks:) that's white jealousy in me speaking, too:)
anna commented on Aug 15 10 at 3:09 pm
I met my spouse on CL seven years ago. It wasn't a random hook up but like yours a boyfriend situation. I like CL b/c of its candor and often on the other end of the computer is a normal person looking to connect.
Therealthing commented on Aug 17 10 at 8:58 am

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