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3. "Under false pretenses, three-thousand miles
away from home...

Female • 17 years old • Los Angeles, CA

In an admittedly self-righteous and rebellious moment, I decided to hop a train from the comfort of my seaside high-school town to visit a friend who was at a state university. I thought only about two things on the way up: make-out sessions with college sophomores, and how delicious all of the vodka concoctions would taste on the way down.

But what I got was far more enthralling. At a college rager, amongst waves of red cups and cigarette butts, I met someone who would become the first love of my teenage life. He was from Los Angeles, black-haired, clad in vintage specs and a white t-shirt. He screamed badass.

Illustration by Thomas Pitilli

I was seventeen and indescribably smitten. I didn't have to think twice about ditching my friends, and spent the rest of the weekend trying to impress and out-cool my new beau. Before him, I'd never wanted to give anyone an inch, let alone a mile. But I was a frequent masturbator, and figured I was so in touch with my own body and sexuality that as soon as I let someone else explore, all those years of pent-up sexual frustration would erupt out.

I started living for weekend trips, sneaking off to the city for heavy petting in the park and quiet time at the museum. I couldn't think of bringing anyone home to my house in the suburbs; the idea of losing my virginity upstairs from my parents' bedroom seemed way too cliché for how I normally did things. I was a little more creative than that. So, I devised a plan for spring break to fly on my own dime to L.A. to visit an old friend and simultaneously check out some West Coast schools. My bohemian mother bought it, and soon I found myself flying across the country, alone, into the stardust city lights of Los Angeles, free and scared shitless.

Under false pretenses, three-thousand miles away from New York, I roamed around a foreign city, grinning at the realization that I'd actually pulled this off. Everything about the scenery seemed cooler and more dangerous than anything I'd ever experienced in my adolescence in NYC. We were staying at a pay-per-week motel in East Los Angeles, and no sooner had we checked in than I had him on the floor. We made out until our clothes were scattered about the room. On our way to the bed, I made him turn off the lights.

I wanted to try all of the positions my friends had bragged about. But they seemed pretty impossible for two chaste virgins in the dark. I wanted to be graceful, legs propped up like an umbrella, bent backward, sitting, standing, stretching. Instead, I had his body resting heavily on top of mine while he tore at my insides. I didn't cry, although for about two hours after the fact I wanted to do nothing but.

It wasn't romantic, and the blood spots certainly didn't make it seem beautiful, but there I was, in the throes of hysterical first love, in a new city with the most interesting person I had ever met, naked and free. The rest of my time in Los Angeles was a blur of moments captured in Polaroid memories. Despite all of the madness that followed, I still look back fondly and can't believe I got away with any of it.

NEXT: "I was the only person who'd ever befriended her before trying to get her into bed..."

Comments ( 18 )

this is great. The Hasidic one is my favorite

Ben commented on Jun 22 10 at 12:34 pm

Perfect sex in a hammock sounds good on paper. But man, being on bottom while merely making out was a bit wobbly. I give them props for making this happen.

Corabelle commented on Jun 22 10 at 3:03 pm

Another case of how religion makes things crap.

Moops commented on Jun 22 10 at 4:24 pm

Glad to know I'm the only one who didn't loose their virginity as a teenager... :-\

Steve commented on Jun 22 10 at 5:46 pm

No you're not Steve.

Christ commented on Jun 22 10 at 11:27 pm

You are definitely not the only one Steve :)

Jess commented on Jun 23 10 at 12:09 am

Totally not the only one, Steve.

Jen commented on Jun 23 10 at 1:31 am

You waited until you were a teenager?

John commented on Jun 23 10 at 2:03 am

The second story that ended with handcuffs must have been from a long time ago. If something like that happened today there would be sex offender charges thrown in there instead of just a misdemeanor.

asdf commented on Jun 23 10 at 2:25 am

The second story with police happened to me and my girlfriend before. The cop was a total dick telling me to "get the f*** out of here, you disgust me" and "How dare you take advantage of this girl like this". It was pretty rediculous how bad they were trying to make it look. I was 19 and she was 18. Not my first time having sex, but I can relate to the story.

Dude commented on Jun 23 10 at 6:56 am

Wish the illustrations had a bit more diversity when the narrator's features weren't explicitly described.

Ehh commented on Jun 23 10 at 9:17 am

its so sad for the last story

awd commented on Jun 23 10 at 12:36 pm

The 4th story is beautiful and sad and lovely and so well-written.

Name commented on Jun 23 10 at 3:45 pm

Yeah, no you're not Steve.

Christ2 commented on Jun 23 10 at 6:45 pm

Great stuff, but would be nice to include at least one boy-boy or girl-girl first timer.

V commented on Jun 23 10 at 8:31 pm


joa commented on Jun 24 10 at 12:19 am

yeah, it's weird that this is mostly white people illos with the only non-white being... the prostitute? :( and let's get some successful queer stories in here. reflect the rest of us a bit more?

lu commented on Jun 24 10 at 10:06 am

Mine's closest to the hammock...but I was 25... :-D

Jo commented on Jun 24 10 at 10:25 am

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