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Reader Feedback on "Cult Following"
I'm worried you will feel like I'm trying to promote something. I was personally very touched by your essay and feel like I can really relate to you as far as questioning my faith and wondering where to go. I am NOT advertising. From one confused person to another, I just wanted to let you know where I feel at home. Thank you for sharing such an inspirational story :D (i am the same person that posted below this, sorry for the double post)
I too thought I was kind of.. making my own version of the Christian faith. I myself had a LOT of issues with religion, it just didn't make sense that our so called loving father would send us to hell for using what he created. I even got pissed at al anon meetings when they mentioned a higher power... I realized later that the bible is up to so much interpretation. It is true that some use God as a vessel to promote hate and prejudice. On the other hand, there is a wonderful Christian church I discovered called "Unity". We study a positive, practical approach to Christianity. This church is considered "new thought" and sparked from the transcendentalism movement. I hope you find this interesting and not presumptuous! Feel free to check out their website. I have never felt more at home with a group of people than at Unity. here is the website if you are interested :)
Oh hush. Whoever commented below me didn't even read the damn story just copied and pasted a stock atheist rant. None of this huggy-cult has any espousal of violence or lemmings over a cliff. Just compassion in a super-strong concentrated form. I'm as faithless as they come but I think this is a beautiful essay.
The sheep will flock together... Once you have convinced people to believe that their whole reality is based upon colorful fiction, something which you cannot prove, something which pontificates wild inconsistencies, then you can get them to believe or do almost anything. These people act like reactionary lemmings, running modern society over a cliff with their hypocritical, unnatural absurdities. They believe rumors and lies without evidence and remain ignorant, even when bombarded with facts. They espouse violence, fear and misinformation, fake science and anti-knowledge. Their entire brainwashed belief system is based upon a massive collection of lies. Unfortunately, because the world is too small, those who are educated, independent thinkers suffer the results of those who are not. Humans need to move on from ridiculous, distorted folklore parading as reality. Humans need to progress past the age of fear, ignorance and anti-intellectual complacency or we will never change for the better.
Thank you for this nice story, i really appreciate you sharing it with us. There were some sceptic comments here of people who obviously never had an experience like that. I just wanted to say i feel this is genuine, although i never met Amma, and i also felt emotions rush through my body. However, for the last 12 years i am involved with another chinese technique, and although my master doesn't give hugs, her classes and sessions produce the same effect. I think it's NOT about the hug, as TED wondered in one of the comments above, i do believe it's a matter of a energy connection that we normally don't yet have. Hugging with these people, or for that matter when we learn to connect, we receive "the blessing", or in my words we get online. truly unique experience. thank you! greets from croatia
Very beautiful essay. Thank you.
brought me to tears - well done! ;)
sweet lady you.
Huh. Great essay, great climax, but I would really have liked to know why you think you broke down. Then again, maybe the point is that it doesn't matter why.
Nice piece, the ending is an unanticipated twist. I am interested to know, though, whether you think you ended up crying at the end because she is connected to a higher god-like power, or if it's because most all humans really really need a hug. I don't mean to trivialize the experience, but it does seem to me that much of puppy love -- early experiences of falling in love which also cause people to cry and cathart -- are fundamentally about being touched for the first time in a decade as our parents used to touch us as children.
Awesome essay. I feel a lot better about things just knowing there's an Amma in the world. Thank you so much for sharing this experience.
When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called Religion.
I interviewed Amma last year, during her European tour. I lined up and received the darshan. I also cried. And I was as skeptical as they come. I really could see why everybody was so into her. Your essay is 100% accurate, I can vouch for that.
Snore. Lesbian rantings? No, but close.

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