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Reader Feedback on "Sex Advice From . . . OBGYNs"
After reading negative criticism of Dr. Ishoof, I want to take up for her a bit. I am a man so I don't know the feeling of going to visit a gynecologist, but I do consider it worth my while to learn how to spell it, if only as a common courtesy. And I say this with the full understanding that our culture has, with internet reliance becoming common place, largely relaxed its degree of fixation on always having exactly "correct" spelling. Still, "gine.." grinds me as a writer. Sorry. When we ask advice, particularly sex advice, I feel we want an opinion. In this case, we get not only that, but a rather more educated one, and considering the potential value of the doctors' input on reducing infection ... well, I think it more than just a matter of opinion for them to point it out with genital piercing, and the comparison to the soil which Dr. Ishoof pointed out. And I didn't get the feeling that she was being judgmental in the sense that she made a character judgment about the people in question, those who might adopt some degree of piercing. Her comments on multiple partners could more easily be construed as being somewhat judgmental, or if not that, I can see how a reader may take it that way, reacting strongly against any comments which might cast a negative light on hooking up, as such. Still, I felt like we should give her the benefit of the doubt, in the sense that we want her opinion. After all, that IS what we asked for, didn't we? She says she feels it is emotionally and physically damaging. That's an opinion, one borne out by her experience in exposure to women who have informed her of their multiple partner lifestyles. If we don't want her opinion, we need not have asked. Do we really want to confine contributors to some sexually PC patent responses? I think not. I would rather have it all, the whole gamut of opinions, and thereupon make my own judgments. I feel I am old enough to hear politely phrased, negative judgments, particularly professional ones regarding potential health problems, about sexual activity I am considering doing or already immersed in, and not get all bent out of shape, taking it personally. I truly believe that if you look at vaginas all day long, that male or female, you will quickly, in a day, get over the initial quibbles and concerns that there may be some sexual feeling from doctor to patient. Furthermore, I feel that professionalism extends to other areas, such as judgments about diseases, and that it would be quite difficult to deviate from the development of this professional attitude, as a doctor is surrounded by the clinical environment, and every patient who comes to him for help is uneasy, a human being before him who depends upon his expertise and aid. He has great psychological incentive to deliver "the goods," which is help delivered with unquestionable ethics, paramount professionalism. Too, anyone who deviated from this wouldn't be in business very long. Consider the readers comments here, those who felt uneasy about some professional encounter and said they would not return to that sort of doctor again. I think the grapevine quickly weeds out those doctors who can't provide a stellar professional atmosphere, particularly in this sort of "touchy" issue. Good answers Dr. Ishoof. You gave us valuable input to consider, and you did it with sufficient tact, I think, particularly in light of your relatively young age. Also, thanks to all you doctors for providing us with a photo. That added a lot for me. Love, Nathaniel
My compliments. This is the best Sex Advice column I've ever seen. The responses were great. Ask the same people more questions, and run the column again. Love, Nathaniel
Great article!
Dr Isahoof : being condsending snd preachy to the pubic is not going to educate them.
I totally agree with AJS. Dr Ishoof (?) is scary. I hope I never bump into such a ginecologist! She's one of these people who studied medicine in order to judge people and make them feel like shit. In my story as a patient I've met a couple of those doctors and it sucks.
I've always been on the fence about "Sex Advice From..." but this issue was stellar. People who are actually informed about what they're talking about, as opposed to people just trying to look cool? Fantastic!
Dr Ishoof is the reason I never want to go to a female obgyn again. She is judgemental and ill informed. Doctors like her are the reason many women are not as honest with their physicians as they need to be and do not receive the health care they deserve.
---o, whipped cream with a cherry works great too. And maybe some honey BBQ dipping sauce and deep-fried blue-cheese sticks. The blue cheese has antibacterial properties of course, that will fix you right up, and give you a pleasant taste as well! (this was sarcasm for you cluless persons out there, although it just might make her taste better...)
Dr Ishoof - you are the most responsible clinician in the bunch. My congratulations for being on the job even in a fluff interview.

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