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Dating Advice from . . . Zinesters by Chantal O'Keeffe
Q: Is it wrong to date someone for their craft? A: It's not wrong, just weird. And we're all weird.
Dating Confessions by You
"I'm so full of anxieties about us, I fantasize that you'll cheat on me just for a convenient way out."
A Life in Lips by Elizabeth Manus
Twelve men, twelve kisses. /personal essays/
Screengrab Q&A: In a Dream by Sarah Clyne Sundberg
Jeremiah Zagar wanted to capture his parents’ love affair on film. Then it fell apart. /interviews/
Miss Information by Erin Bradley
How do I know if I'm gay? /advice/
Horoscopes by the Hooksexup Staff
Your week ahead. /advice/
Bad Sex with Ssagala Ndugwa by Ssagala Ndugwa
She thought I was a Magnum man. /regulars/

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