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Rommel, 30

Whiskey Tavern - m4w (Chinatown / Lit Italy)

I waved, you waved back, I came and we had a conversation. You were with your friend talking to the married guys that you were obviously into. I had to go, but I gave you my number and said you'd probably never call...I may or may not have dialed it incorrectly so now I'll never know and I seem like the jackass that can't type. Buy you a whiskey shot with a spicy back?

Hmm. You're wearing flip-flops. 
It's a California thing. I stay in sandals as long as I possibly can, 'cause I know I'm not gonna be able to wear them for very long. It's going to get cold and snowy — that's my cutoff point. It's a way to keep a little piece of me from back home here.

So tell me about this Missed Connection. What happened? 
Well, it was a Thursday. We were headed to a law-school event, and we decided to get a couple of shots at Whiskey Tavern before we went out for dinner. We were there for a good while. The girls were at the bar, and we were at a booth, so I didn't even notice them at the beginning. Then as we were leaving, I turned around to wait for one of my friends, and I saw these two girls looking at me. I was feeling bold, so I waved. And they waved back, so I jetted on over there. One of her friends was talking to two other guys, so I asked the other girl who they were. She was like, "Oh, they're not very interesting. They're married." So I was like, "Oh, okay, well..."

...I am not married? 
"I'm not, and obviously you guys aren't, so it's perfect." But we were rushing. My friends and I had already been at the bar for a while and we were pretty hungry. I talked to this girl for like three minutes at the most. I was like, "Okay, I really have to go, but I'm going to give you my number and you should call me." So I typed my phone number into her phone, and I was like, "But you're probably not going to call," and she said she would. Then I left. But when we were at dinner, I realized that I never got a missed call from me calling my own cell phone, and so I think I typed my phone number incorrectly into her phone. That was dumb.

Did you get her name? 
No, I didn't. It was brief talk, and that was it. It was so random, and that's why I even tried posting on Craigslist. I was like, "Meeting her at all was a random coincidence, so I might as well just do something that's a little bit different."

Was there anything that drew you to her? What about her made you feel bold? 
I think it was just the situation. The fact that they actually acknowledged that they were looking at me, that was my in right there. I was like, "If I don't go over there, I'm going to feel like a giant idiot, so I might as well take this opportunity." I'm just starting to get out and be single here now. I'm usually pretty reserved when it comes to dating. I don't meet many girls in general. School keeps me really busy, but now I'm in my last year so I have an opportunity to have some fun. I don't know if I'm staying here or going back to California, so I'm just letting myself have fun.

How do New York girls compare to California girls? 
There are a lot of really, really attractive girls here, but they're all really tall. Height's a problem for me.

So they've got to be shorter? 
Just enough so when you're wearing heels you're right where I'm at. I'm comfortable with that, but the second a girl gets taller than me... It's just a confidence issue. I don't know, it's nice to be able to look down on somebody.

So have you used Missed Connections before or is this your first time? 
No, that was my first one. Probably the only time I'll do it, to be honest with you. But I guess you never know. You could meet someone one night and then never see them again. Or you might run into them again.

Maybe at Whiskey Tavern? Go hang out there for a little longer. 
I know — I should've just gone there again last night.

What responses did you get? 
There were two other ones — one was like, BBW for, uh... small white man? That was the response! Not even like a question mark or anything. And the other one, I'm pretty sure was from a guy. And then I got your e-mail and I was like, this has got to be a scam or something. This has got to be a joke.

If tables were turned — if you were browsing Missed Connections and saw a posting that looked like it was for you — what would you do? 
I'd probably respond if I really had a strong feeling that it was me, but it's pretty weird. I don't cruise Missed Connections at all. I read it because I think it's funny. But this was the first time I'd ever thought about posting something. But if the shoe was on the other foot I'd probably respond, because obviously if someone was willing to put that out there and you remember it, it doesn't hurt to try. Especially in a city like this. I tend to be pretty picky with girls, so if someone stands out...

So if this girl were to get back to you, what would you say to her?
I'd definitely have to ask her what her name was, 'cause it's kind of weird not knowing. I'd tell her we have to meet at the exact same place, then just take it from there. We obviously had some sort of connection to begin with, so why not start at the exact same place where it began?

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Comments ( 69 )

Dec 02 11 at 2:15 am

Did it not occur to either of these that the persons they're after may simply be playing them?

Dec 02 11 at 2:39 am

Am I the only one wondering if/why there's rope, or perhaps string, tied around her torso?

Dec 02 11 at 5:57 am

I didn't wonder about it, but I did think it wasn't flattering.

Dec 02 11 at 9:38 am

I actually know this girl and it's keeping the lower half of her body attached to the upper half. If she undoes it her torso falls right off. Grim, I know.

Dec 02 11 at 3:55 pm


Dec 02 11 at 3:20 am

A friend of mine in college went to interview for a summer internship at a museum. She didn't get the job, but after she got home, she browsed Craigslist for another job, wandered into missed connections, and saw "Cute, redheaded girl who interviewed at xxx museum earlier".

The guy who interviewed her, who didn't offer her the job, wanted to know if she wanted to go to dinner with him "and potentially get another shot at the position".

She sent an email threatening to take it to his HR person and then forwarded us all the craigslist entry.

Dec 02 11 at 10:28 am

That's what you get for applying for the xxx museum.

Dec 03 11 at 1:27 pm


Dec 02 11 at 9:10 am

Um, who names their kid after a German field marshal?

Dec 02 11 at 9:47 am

If either of these people (or the the last pair for that matter) really do meet their missed connection, how do we find out? We don't. Like a story without an ending.

Dec 03 11 at 1:13 am

ha! so true...

Dec 02 11 at 12:17 pm

I'm sure Hooksexup has asked to keep them posted, this is probably intended to be part 1 and part 2 will be a cute update about the peeps reuniting. I just checked missed connections myself hoping to break a story to Hooksexup.

Dec 02 11 at 2:24 pm

Great story, I love your blog as well so glad I found it! !

Dec 02 11 at 2:29 pm
little miss mel

that's the girl from that blog! seems like this sort of thing happens often! good thing she has a sense of humor!

Dec 03 11 at 2:10 pm

Oh, hello Miss Tooting-her-own-horn.

Dec 02 11 at 2:41 pm

Ooh I've seen her blog before and it's hilarious!

Dec 02 11 at 2:45 pm

Oh, Whiskey Tavern is a dangerous/amazing place. But it always draws people back, so he should just hang out there. I'm sure that girl will wind up there again. It's impossible not to!

Dec 02 11 at 3:10 pm

Ha Couldnt help but check out her blog after reading this!!! This girl is hilarious!!! Hope she finds Bob!

Dec 02 11 at 3:29 pm

OOh, you are quite the writer, I saw above you have a blog so here I go. http/ Clever and witty, hope they find each other..

Dec 02 11 at 3:31 pm
Desiree Mandelbaum

YES! Billionaire BOB! That is a great story :)

Dec 02 11 at 4:15 pm

Just checked out her Blog, Great stuff!!!!!! I wish I was bob!

Dec 04 11 at 6:49 pm

You wish you were a billionaire? Good for you.

Dec 02 11 at 4:31 pm

Everyone should definately check out her Blog! Very witty and entertaining stuff. CHECK IT OUT!

Dec 02 11 at 4:36 pm
Tony C

This is just the tip of the ice berg, go read it is epic stuff!

Dec 02 11 at 5:04 pm

Well, at least you don't get the vibe he was raised by gnomes!! Curious about that? Check out Karen's blog: ...she's had plenty of misadventures and always throws on a positive spin - definitely a good read ;)

Dec 02 11 at 6:03 pm

Uhh, it seems like all the comments about the blog are spam... anyone who's not a spambot clicked on them yet?

Dec 02 11 at 6:04 pm

Oh, I see, Karen has the blog. Guess I'll check it out.

Dec 02 11 at 9:37 pm

It's still spam. And it's obnoxious.

Dec 02 11 at 6:06 pm

have any of you gone on her blog yet? checking out happelstance has become a weekly tradition for me.

Dec 02 11 at 6:31 pm

Does her blog remind anyone else of the Onion columnist Jean Teasdale? Like, too... crappy to actually be real?

Dec 02 11 at 6:32 pm

Her blog is terrible. Had to be the one to say it.

Dec 02 11 at 10:44 pm

Agreed. Just the worst.

Dec 03 11 at 12:44 pm

+1. The writing is beyond terrible, and even the layout and formatting are an eyesore.

Dec 05 11 at 11:01 am

its kind of amazing that people take the time to crap on other people's writing- I'm sure "ridic" you're a much more clever writer of course

Dec 05 11 at 12:49 pm

I think "ridic" et al are reacting as much to the hype trolls as they are to the actual content of the blog. But ridic's blog is pretty awesome, so back off.

Dec 02 11 at 7:12 pm

I was browsing the missed connections once and found a description of me in my roller derby practice outfit. Feeling that it was serendipity and could be a big deal, I messaged him back. We dated for two months. We had some good times. Then he dumped me. He was an asshole just like every other guy I've ever dated. I'm hoping these people find who they're looking for.

Dec 02 11 at 8:57 pm

Huh. So he didn't want to date you forever, and this fact makes him an asshole. And every other guy you have ever dated also just happened to be an asshole? I've got bad news for you: Odds are that the problem is you, not the rest of the world.

Dec 04 11 at 8:42 pm

My mouth -- you took the words right out of it.

Dec 05 11 at 2:38 pm

I don't think it's uncommon to think people dumping you makes them assholes. Being dumped sucks.

Dec 05 11 at 2:41 pm

I don't think it's uncommon to think that the person who dumped you is an asshole. Being dumped sucks.

I'm also saying that people thinks that this Craigslist missed connections thing is so romantic and everything and that if the person responds to it , then things will work out and be amazing, but that's not true. I was supposedly the girl this guy was looking for and I still wasn't good enough for him.

So you guys can keep pontificating about how shitty I am as a person.

Dec 05 11 at 4:22 pm

People always ask "has anyone ever match up on Missed Connections?" Now we know. Thanks MG :)

Dec 05 11 at 10:26 pm

You're welcome :D

I was actually surprised that we had a lot in common.

Dec 02 11 at 7:48 pm

Haha just checked out her blog! This girl's hilarious! Hope they both find their missed connections cos I wanna hear about that!!

Dec 05 11 at 12:59 pm
in the rough

I also love exclamation points.

Dec 02 11 at 10:41 pm

Another needy fat girl.

Dec 03 11 at 3:20 am
w painer

you say fat. i say great tits.

Dec 02 11 at 10:57 pm

I'm loving me some Happlestance! if you're one of the people who say it isnt a great blog, you need to generate a personality! This blog has had me entertained all year! And, after reading her blog, I had the priveledge of meeting her in Portland once - the girl is the real deal, just as witty and darling as her blog reflects! Catch the Happlestance fever, read her blog!

Dec 02 11 at 10:58 pm

You ask how you will know if she reunites with Gonzo? She'll tell you on her blog when/if she does!

Dec 03 11 at 2:48 am

Wow- getting people to spam a website about your blog- that's classy. Must be a great blog then.

Dec 03 11 at 4:03 am

sheesh, honestly, i'm just a reader who appreciates good writing and thinks Karen is hilariously funny! No spam here, i'm the real deal fan...i think you need a little Happlestance in your life, you're cranky... :)

Dec 03 11 at 12:55 am

Hey posh, you're the one sitting around calling strangers fat... Cause, well that takes balls.

Dec 03 11 at 1:20 am
Tango Turner

Love Rommel's t-shirt celebrating ten cent beer night in Cleveland Municiple stadium. A date that will live in infamy!

Dec 03 11 at 11:47 am

Jeebus Fucking Cripes how many people are going to repost the link to her shitty, boring, typical blog?

Dec 03 11 at 2:18 pm

Ya people, it's making the blog wayyy worse. The simple link at the top sufficed. Fuck that blog.

Dec 03 11 at 3:20 pm

What a sad, sad girl.
She looks like a muppet in less flattering clothes, so she spams how hilarious!!! and whatnot that she is in a lame bid for self-esteem.
Very, very sad.

Dec 05 11 at 11:04 am

almost as sad as taking the time to post cruel comments- you sound like a good person

Dec 03 11 at 3:22 pm

On her blog: "Let know how much you love reading Happelstance!!!!"

So, yes, she is encouraging her readers to send these "OMG I love her blog! She is so funny!" comments

Dec 03 11 at 5:32 pm
Panda Bear

"I don't care about the money" <---- lmao

Dec 03 11 at 10:52 pm

Unreal how people are so petty and ridiculously F-ed up! DO you have nothing positive happening in your life so you have to pick on a gal who writes a happy blog and loves the muppets? You trolls need to get a life! However, it has made me a fan out of curiosity! For you trolls....

Dec 04 11 at 4:14 am

"trolls" are people who post the same link after it has already been posted about 20 times.

Dec 04 11 at 4:16 am

PS- you spelled the blog's name wrong

Dec 04 11 at 3:47 pm

You killed your crowd, Hopelesstance.

Dec 05 11 at 1:31 am

Rommel's lips just scream "MAKE OUT WITH ME!" I would respond to his Missed Connection

Dec 05 11 at 10:34 am

Yikes. Karen seemed kind of okay until I read her awful blog. I'm no grammar Nazi, but if you don't know the difference between "its" and "it's," maybe writing isn't your particular forte.

Dec 05 11 at 4:53 pm
Tango Turner

She looks like Shrek, with a string tied around his middle. And her blog sucks.

Dec 05 11 at 6:35 pm
Saratoga Slim

Lovely Karen has gone as far as to write an entry on her blog about the Hooksexup "haters" who criticize her flimsy ploys for attention. I think the most telling item in all of this is that the comment sections of her blog entries are mostly empty, that they can't even generate a flurry of activity stemming from dislike. I feel kind of bad for her, honestly, and I'm not trying to be cruel.

She's not bad-looking, so I have to think she should work on being much more interesting if she wants to get attention - and a bit more dignified in handling criticism. Honeychild, you put yourself out there in a big, LOOK-AT-ME sort of way. If you want people to look, you have to have thick skin, not to mention something substantial to back up what you're pushing (Faye Dunaway to Warren Beatty in 'Bonnie & Clyde': ''Your advertising's just dandy; folks'd never guess you don't have a thing to sell"). Don't start complaining now. If you want to blog, get outside yourself, get over yourself, and start writing well about something interesting. If you can prompt someone besides your friends to comment, you're getting somewhere.

Dec 05 11 at 7:27 pm
no no no

Listen people. She isn't trying to take over the world. She makes the most out of her life and so should you. Most of you probably sit in your pajamas and Spotify all day. Life is for living, so get a life. Most of you probably aren't human though, so that might be impossible. Seriously don't you have anything better to do?

Dec 05 11 at 7:51 pm
That guy

Her writing style isn't my type of thing, but you're wrong about that post about this feed. Seems like she's getting a kick out of all of this and making fun of herself in the process. Props to her for doing what she likes and not giving a shit about what you guys have to say. I won't be reading, but I'm sure there are a bunch of chicks who'll eat this mindless shit up. Whatever.

Dec 05 11 at 9:58 pm
Saratoga Slim

As I stated previously, if she can get someone besides her friends to comment (no no no, so transparently. Perhaps a trip to rehab is warranted), she'll be getting somewhere. And it's not that I have nothing better to do, it's that Karen has nothing better to write. I'm on here looking for information and entertainment, and I'm open about it. I'm not pretending to be anything more than I offer in these comments. She - KAREN - put herself out (via advertising her blog) like she's Will Rogers' and Mark Twain's heir apparent, and her writing doesn't hold up. THAT is the issue. So, everyone has to shut up and be polite because her blog is shitty? That's rather immature. But, hey, there's hope: The TV show 'Friends' had a, what, seven-year run of shitty writing with fans galore. At some point, I imagine the writers figured they should stop reading the reviews and just shut up and count their money. Big hint there, except for that part about money.

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