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What Would You Trade For 3000 Porn DVDs?

What Would You Trade For 3000 Porn DVDs?

A Texan on Craigslist is willing to hear any offer, besides cash or live animals.
The Ten Least Desirable Casual Encounters of the Past 48 Hours

The Ten Least Desirable Casual Encounters of the Past 48 Hours

Some of these sound anything but "casual."
Milwaukee police invite you to do your Craigslist business at the station

Milwaukee police invite you to do your Craigslist business at the station

After an uptick in Craigslist-related robberies, police in Milwaukee have made a novel suggestion: instead of going to a stranger's place, or…
Man writes epic Missed Connection to Leighton Meester after <em>Gossip Girl</em> films outside his office

Man writes epic Missed Connection to Leighton Meester after Gossip Girl films outside his office

It's been a while since we've seen a really good Missed Connection bubble up from the depths of Craigslist, but now the drought is over…
People of Missed Connections: Karen and Rommel

People of Missed Connections: Karen and Rommel

We interview two Craigslist Missed Connections posters and try to help them find their partners in serendipity.
People of Missed Connections: Frankie and Jack

People of Missed Connections: Frankie and Jack

We interview two Craigslist Missed Connections posters and try to help them find their partners in serendipity.
Savage Love

Savage Love

"I think I found a picture of my sister on Craigslist. Should I say something?"
The Wu-Tang Clan seeks an intern via Craiglist

The Wu-Tang Clan seeks an intern via Craiglist

I'm not sure which is weirder — the fact that the Wu-Tang Clan are looking for an intern or the fact that they're using Craigslist to find…
True Stories: Casual Encounters of the Third Kind

True Stories: Casual Encounters of the Third Kind

On finding love where you least expect it.