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Brass, 30

What do you do for a living?
I'm a professional musician and graphic designer and engineer.

You're a jack of all trades.
Semi, yes. I'm a jack of three trades.

What is the dating scene like here?
I don't know, because I've been married for four years!

What was it about your wife that you liked?
She's a musician as well. She's semi-athletic; she likes to hike with me.

We want specifics here.
Specifics like big boobs and a huge ass?

Yes, that's what I look for in a girl anyway.
[in macho voice] "Yes, that's what I look for a girl: big boobs and a huge ass." Oh wow, you're going to totally put that down, aren't you?

Absolutely. What did you do to impress the ladies when you were single?
You know what's funny? My wife was dating this guy who was super-Italian Italian...

What does that mean?
She's American-Hispanic and is a very independent woman, and he couldn't handle a girl who was independent. He was kind of belittling to her, and she came in one day and was having a bad day and I told her some jokes and made her laugh, and little by little we started talking and whatnot. She ended up breaking up with her boyfriend and we started dating after that.

So he was really macho, this ex of hers.
Yeah, he was a really nice guy to guys! He was cool — I knew the guy really well. But not to girls. To girls, he was kind of a dick.

Do you have any crazy exes?
I did have one. She was really, really crazy, and she dated a guy who had been in prison, and I had a party at my folks' house, and he showed up, and they screwed on my parents' bed, not only while we were dating but when I was out back with my buddies with everyone drinking and having a good time, and everyone knew about it except for me.

What's the most unusual place you've had sex?
On a beach in Puerto Rico in front of some people. They didn't care, so whatever. I wasn't really worried about them!

What's the craziest thing you ever did to get laid?
My friends and I broke into a Mexican restaurant and stole all their neon signs. I can't name the restaurant or where it was, but we stole their neon signs and put them up in our apartment. I totally got laid that night because of it. It was like ten signs too!

Do you believe in love at first sight?
I imagine it does happen. For me, I'm not a cautious person, but it's like trying out a car. You've got to test-drive it a few times to make sure it's the one!


Weejee, 37, and Jimmy, 33

What do you do for a living?
W: Advertising for movies.
J: I'm a prop guy for films and TV.

Make a sweeping generalization about the people here tonight.
W: They voted for Obama... if they voted.
J: I don't know... a bunch of good-looking hipsters.

What do you look for in a girl?
W: Moral flexibility. It's tough to achieve, but that's what I'm always looking for.
J: A nerdy self-deprecating kind of deal. A caustic self-awareness.

How do you impress the ladies?
W: A BMW. Yeah.

You drive one?
W: No, I steal them for them. That always impresses!
J: Yeah, he has a really sweet ride. I don't, so I cook for them.
W: He roasts a mean meat. I've suckled the products of his smoker so many times it's not even funny.
J: I have a smoker...
W: He takes his sauces seriously, which is rare.
J: My smoker and my sauces have gotten me laid on numerous occasions. Amazingly.

Do you have any good hook-up stories?
J: I used to live in Portland, Maine. I saw this girl. She took me up to this sculpture studio at the Maine College of Art. We ended up having sex on this big piece of leather. Anyway, she ended up stealing this big piece of leather and making it into a book. A few days after she had stolen it though, these signs went up all over the college that said, "I lost this huge piece of leather, or someone stole it, and it's really important because I need it for my huge senior project, if I don't find it I fail, so if anyone has any information..."

And you, Weejee?
W: I was living in a closet for awhile and my girlfriend actually came out to visit me. The best accommodations I could offer were of course, in my closet with me, and we ended up doing it on what turned out to be my roommate's beanbag chair in my closet. And then they threw away the beanbag, which I thought was unfair because actually we had just gotten out of the shower and it was clean post-shower sex. I didn't think the beanbag needed to be thrown away.

They obviously thought that you were filthy.
W: For which I was somewhat flattered. And I was not a young man at this point, either. I was pushing thirty, having sex on a beanbag in someone else's closet.

Has anyone ever offended you in the bedroom?
W: I remember living in an apartment that was in very close proximity to all my neighbors, and it was just a given that if anyone was having sex, we all heard each other. Everybody dealt with it. There was a girl I had been working on for awhile — it was like a solid month of foreplay leading up to when we actually finally had sex — so it was over fairly fast. A month of foreplay leads to fairly fast first-time sex. You know, that's going to happen.

Says you!
W: Well, the build-up in your mind, you know? Anyway, she actually uttered the words at a fairly high volume, "Wait, that was it?" And there was no doubt in my mind that at least two neighbors heard sex sounds really briefly followed by the phrase, "That was it?"

What's the craziest thing either of you have done to get laid?
W: I hired someone.

Like a prostitute?
W: Like an employee. I felt it was a really good step down that road. Now, she turned out to be a qualified employee, which was a bonus, but I took a gamble in a work setting by hiring her.
J: I guess it would be getting really really really really drunk and thinking, "Oh, if I'm really drunk, then they're drunk by proxy, and will sleep with me. They'll also be really really drunk."
W: By osmosis, right! If I stand next to them really hammered and horny, they will somehow become hammered and horny enough to sleep with me.
J: There have been multiple occasions of getting really drunk and ending up masturbating at the end of the night, alone.

What's the one thing you wish you could change about the opposite sex?
W: It really bugs me that they have an emotional range of about 355 degrees more than I do. I feel like we're playing on an uneven field or that it's an entirely different game. I don't begrudge the other sex that, but it's like they're playing a game with a million rules and I'm playing a game with just one rule, and they keep calling me for fouls.
J: That's a really good answer.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
W: I really like Dutch girls. They don't even have to be from Dutch-land. There's just something about women of Holland-ish descent — they could turn out to be assholes that I don't get along with, but there's this instant, like, "I really need to go talk to that person right now and I don't even know why." They've got the little button-noses and rosey cheeks. I don't know what the fuck it is, but there's clearly something genetic in my weird Scotch-Irish heritage — clearly my ancestors at some point maybe were conquered by some Dutch women and a natural affinity has passed down over the years, so I have an instant response to that type or whatever. I can't say it's "love" at first sight, but there's a specific instant chemical reaction for that type.

And you, sir?
J: Sometimes women aren't as openly pervy as guys. From the outset, a lot of women are like, "Ugh, that's gross!" But if some sort of weird pervy thing comes out from the outset —
W: On a first date: "I masturbate to lemur porn." You're going to respond to that on a certain basic biological level. Like, "Really? Do you?"
J: Yeah. And you think, "Wow, could I be into that? Oh yeah, as it turns out I can."


Brennan, 41

How long have you been married?
Almost nine years.

Is there anything you miss about dating?

Really? Nothing? What about the newness of the experience, the excitement?
It only gets better the more deeply you know someone. I mean when you're randomly dating, you don't really know the person, but I always find that attraction grows the more you learn about someone.

When you were dating were there any dealbreakers?
Oh, I once had a boyfriend who thought it would be funny to imitate everything I said. I was like, "Goodbye, you need to leave now, I'm never going to see you again," and he was like, "Goodbye, you need to leave now, I'm never going to see you again."

Were you dating a six-year old?
He was sixteen.

What do you look for in a guy?
An original mind. A sense of humor. Compassion. Integrity.

If they have all those other things, how good-looking do they have to be, on a scale of one to ten?
A seven.

Are you friends with most of your exes?
Yes. Sometimes querulous friends, but friends nonetheless. [Laughs] You find that they change outside of your influence, you know? They change in ways you wouldn't expect. Different things resonate years later.

Is there anything you specifically do to impress the gentlemen?
I'm just brashly honest. I don't know, I feel like if they can volley that...

Do you believe in love at first sight?
Definitely. I didn't believe in it until I experienced it.

You experienced it with your husband?
Yeah. I fantasized about calling him and singing him a song on his answering machine. I did end up calling him, but his then girlfriend answered! I asked for him, but I don't think she was too happy about it.

Did she just hang up on you?
She said, "Wendell doesn't live here anymore."

Look who got the last laugh, though! What's the most daring or interesting place you've had sex?
A pile of rocks. Yeah, I'll go with that. It seemed comfortable at the time.

Where was this?
Claremont. A friend of mine had a quarry in the backyard.

Interviews and photography by Amanda Cotylo. Want to talk to strangers in your town? Email .

Comments ( 42 )

Jul 26 11 at 11:41 pm

wow, even in LA people get wiser with age, who would've thought? great TTS, everyone was pretty attractive and good balance of humor/wisdom.

hell yeah bilal, fuck texting while in conversations.
titi was hot and funny
Wejee/Jimmy were cool, so was brass

what is the deal with the sudden change of scenery for Brennan?

And First

Jul 27 11 at 9:21 am

Brennan was the first person we saw when we woke up.

Jul 27 11 at 1:08 am

so wait, how does Titi husband actually have his own opinion, cuz it just sounds like he shares hers. Not that her politics are wrong, but her husband sounds whipped, and has the opposite of what she describes.

Jul 27 11 at 10:13 am

That's what I thought. He now has "his own" opinions which are her opinions enforced by a violent sounding "sock in the head". She doesn't sound very tolerating of differing opinions.

Jul 27 11 at 11:56 am

Yeah, screw her. If she can't entertain opposing povs, she's a pinhead.

Jul 27 11 at 7:13 pm

Ehh. That picture of here makes me want to smash.

Jul 27 11 at 8:40 pm

Or maybe he realized how wrong he was about everything.

Jul 27 11 at 11:56 pm

Yeah, but is voting Republican really a point of view? It seems to me more like a lack there0f, except you want our country to be poor and ruined.

Jul 29 11 at 10:51 am

titi's husband is a spineless question. he probably settled for the first chick that would bang him twice, or sober.

Jul 27 11 at 2:07 am

Helloooo Jimmy! So adorable that I actually like the nerd glasses on him.

And how the hell did Amanda Cotylo clog Hayden Christensen's toilet?? I want to know this story! There should be a Five Stories: Close Encounters of the Celebrity Kind (that go beyond just "I sold him a shirt, blah blah").

Jul 27 11 at 9:47 am

Ah, if only The Force were real, it would be so much easier to unclog toilets!

Jul 27 11 at 12:55 pm

That, too, is my burning question. Even if it was the obvious way, it's still a great story lead-in...

Jul 31 11 at 7:50 pm

She was at a party at his house through friend-of-friend deal. She did not cop to it, just came downstairs and, I think, left shortly after.

Jul 27 11 at 2:41 am

Bilal is my man. Grand answers, espesh on the fly

Jul 27 11 at 1:23 pm

Yep, he was charming.

Jul 27 11 at 2:18 pm

Yeah. He was the best guy they've ever interviewed.

Jul 27 11 at 4:26 pm

Loved Bilal and his outlook on relationships, people, sex..

Jul 29 11 at 11:19 pm

Bilal was a fun read.

Aug 02 11 at 12:17 am

And cute! Can't believe he's having a tough time with ladies in L.A.--I'd be glad to meet a fellow like him.

Jul 27 11 at 2:48 am

W&J were also lovelt

Jul 27 11 at 4:02 am

Most enjoyable. Probably because they're older. I liked them all!

Jul 27 11 at 4:41 am

give W and J a column..

Jul 27 11 at 11:09 am


Jul 27 11 at 12:55 pm

Me too. Funny guys.

Jul 27 11 at 9:13 am

Titi had me at "I was naked except for snow boots."

Jul 27 11 at 10:58 am

Pretty good.

Jul 27 11 at 11:04 am

Gillian. My kinda woman!

Jul 27 11 at 12:13 pm

All of that was excellent. Cool bunch. Love older people for TTS!!

Jul 27 11 at 12:28 pm

This actually makes me want to go to LA. These people are great.

Jul 27 11 at 2:04 pm

I only read the ones from women. Almost every time I skip past the dudes.

Jul 27 11 at 5:25 pm

Holy crap Jimmy is good looking. Though I was kind of thrown off by the hipster comment, since he looks pretty hip... In the best way.

Jul 27 11 at 5:54 pm

I love the picture of Titi that is the featured image for this story. It just makes me smile and feel happy.

Jul 27 11 at 6:17 pm

Brass? Weejee? WTF?

(BTW I hope Brass gets arrested as a result of his confession. What a complete asshat.)

Jul 28 11 at 4:54 pm

If anyone's an asshat, it's you.

Jul 29 11 at 3:20 pm

What uh..... Whaterya doin with my name?

Jul 27 11 at 10:02 pm

Hot damn! Yay for married people!

Jul 27 11 at 11:27 pm
You'll thank me


Here's a group of happy, happily married, seemingly monogamous people with positive outlooks and interesting responses! Shows you don't need to fuck five people and a pony for a great sex life.

Jul 29 11 at 11:09 am

hahahahahaha. i love it when married people try to convince the rest of us that they have active sex lives. titi's fixation with one night stands certainly makes me wonder if she's as happy on the home front as she says it is...she sounds like a cult follower spouting the party line. "i love my husband, he's so wonderful and perfect, everything's great! the sex is AMAZING!" sorry but ten years with the same person, since before you were really an adult, does not give you the experience necessary to judge a good relationship or good sex.

Aug 03 11 at 10:12 pm

Wow, someone has issues...issues that I don't have. I wasn't trying to convince you of anything. Reading your post, though, convinces me that I'm damned happy to be out of the dating pool.

Jul 28 11 at 9:03 pm

Bilal has soulful eyes

Jul 29 11 at 10:32 am

besides the fact that Titi will be divorced very soon, the rest of the participants were funny/original people. Brennan tried a bit too hard to impress. the two guys W and J were by far the most entertaining, perhaps 2 on 1 interviews lead to better material. this beats the last two installments.

Jul 29 11 at 11:15 am

oh and the dude who stole the neon signs should have been left out...what an a-hole. there is nothing cool about stealing.

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