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This Week in Sex

Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers have terrible sex lives

The Baby Boomers have been kind of a disappointment. The Man has not been fucked, Love is not free, and in fact, it might not even be very good. In a new study, more than a quarter of forty-five to sixty-five year olds are completely dissatisfied with their sex lives - the most of any group. The happiest group, unsurprisingly, is the young, but in a close second come the elderly — in a surprise coup for the ‘age-is-just-a-number’ camp — or for the guys at Pfizer.


Comments ( 5 )

if only the page was found!

ArtistPG commented on Nov 26 10 at 2:23 pm

puke in the back of my throat

@femmmefatal commented on Nov 26 10 at 11:42 pm

that was for #1/ #6, the exposed sex blogger. he lives on The Mission, enough said. Let him experiment

@femmmefatal commented on Nov 26 10 at 11:52 pm

Photoshopped with the guy in the trunk - look at the dogs back end - it's half missing

KittyMo commented on Nov 27 10 at 12:20 pm

Photoshopped? Hardly. It's what happens when the Google car moves along and the computer stitches together the pictures; perhaps the dog left the scene.

The Watcher commented on Nov 28 10 at 10:02 pm

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