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Drunk priest offers sex to police

Many people have been drunk. Many have talked to the police drunk. Some have even had the misfortune of talking to the police drunk from the back seat. But when you're a priest who gets pulled over for drunk driving, you might want to quit while you're ahead. Father Ignatius Kury recently forgot this last tidbit of information, and when a DUI landed him in jail for the night, he became desperate to get out — blowjob desperate. Special thanks to the local officers for whipping out the video camera instead of pressing charges. YouTube took care of the rest.

Commentarium (6 Comments)

Mar 04 11 - 1:53am

his expression is priceless bahahaha

Mar 05 11 - 12:07am

Rutgers isn't exactly the first university to offer gender-neutral housing, so what makes them worthy of the news tidbit?

Mar 07 11 - 11:10am

Along the same line, MacWeddings? It must have been a slow week in sex. Not that that's a bad thing...

Mar 08 11 - 1:52pm

I think the crotch grab is an accepted form of greeting among the indie spirit people.

Oct 23 11 - 12:35pm

It's one of the best greetings my wife can give me when I get home!

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