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Northwestern students treated to live sex in class

Where were these classes when I was in college? A Northwestern University professor has stirred up controversy by holding a demonstration in which hundreds of students watched a woman get penetrated with a sex toy by her boyfriend. The class, which “treats human sexuality as a subject for scientific inquiry," is taken by more than six-hundred students. Scientists are secretly having way more fun than those lab coats and nerdy safety goggles would indicate.

Commentarium (6 Comments)

Mar 04 11 - 1:53am

his expression is priceless bahahaha

Mar 05 11 - 12:07am

Rutgers isn't exactly the first university to offer gender-neutral housing, so what makes them worthy of the news tidbit?

Mar 07 11 - 11:10am

Along the same line, MacWeddings? It must have been a slow week in sex. Not that that's a bad thing...

Mar 08 11 - 1:52pm

I think the crotch grab is an accepted form of greeting among the indie spirit people.

Oct 23 11 - 12:35pm

It's one of the best greetings my wife can give me when I get home!

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