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Porn-by-Numbers: How Coloring in the Lines Can Get You a Date


My entire life, I've lusted after arty guys, and I've got to say that there are a few undeniable perks involved in dating an artist (of any variety):

1) the swoon: when it comes to romance, arty guys tend to say and do all the right things
2) the sex: chalk it up to artistic sensibilities, but these guys have got it going on where it counts
3) the goods: paintings, poems, songs... date an arty guy, and you're bound to be a muse

But thanks to Porn-by-Numbers, you don't necessarily need to be an actual artist to cash in on arty guy lust.


The Porn-by-Numbers kit comes with everything you need to hone your artiness: a handy paint-by-numbers-esque numbered image on canvas, a set of paints, a brush, a postcard-sized version of the image (in case those numbers fail you), and even a frame in which to display your completed artwork.

Meaning you'll not only be going through the motions of artistry... you'll actually create art! And sexy art, at that.

Spend a few hours in the shoes of an artist (and definitely don't knock the added mystique of being an erotic artist), and soon you'll be walking, talking -- and hey, maybe even creating your own boudoir illustrations -- like a pro.

[$25, Scarlet Librarian]

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