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Hooksexup Dating poll: Do you believe in soulmates?

Grab yourself a net, because there are about seven billion fish in the sea. An overwhelming percentage of Hooksexup voters decided they could see themselves spending their lives with a whole range of people. Hear that, Earth's population? You aren't going to die alone, after all!

On Hooksexup this week, we got sex advice from an eighty-six-year-old grandma who instructed her granddaughter to look for her soulmate. So we wondered if Hooksexup Dating members would follow that advice. When asked "Do you believe in soulmates?" 89% of people said "I think you can fall in love with all kinds of people," prompting this Hooksexup writer to let go of his inhibitions and start doing all that weird shit I've been holding back. (I'm looking at you, sea life.) 

This gives hope to those who have always deemed themselves "too tall," "too hairy," or "too icky" to find love, because somewhere out there is a nice lady or gent who doesn't mind your cankles and thinks Snorlax tattoos are badass.

For the 11% of you who think there's one and only one person out there for you and you're looking for them right now — we here at Hooksexup wish you the best of luck. That said, if you've been spending your time scouring sports bars, you may want to tweak your searching methods. May we suggest Hooksexup Dating?


Commentarium (6 Comments)

Apr 19 12 - 4:08pm

Soulmate: The person you leave your significant other for.

Apr 20 12 - 4:38am

Ambrose Bierce? Are you speaking to us from the other side?

Apr 19 12 - 4:13pm

I have a soulmate--but he wasn't anyone I'd ever consider marrying. He was crazy and a pothead. I loved him so very, very much. But I'm a practical sort; I was never going to have children with a crazy pothead. So yeah, I believe in soulmates. I just don't think that means soulmates are necessarily good for you.

Apr 19 12 - 9:21pm

are you always going to suggest Hooksexup dating after every poll? it has its own 1/3 of the page to the right of my screen all the way down the page. I think we all know it exists...
anyway, yea soul mates are legit.
most people think that its only the person you are in a romantic relationship with. I disagree. you can have a best friend who is your soul mate.
anyone who is attuned to you so naturally can fit the description. most of the time it is your romantic interest though

Apr 23 12 - 10:00am
Annette Vaillancourt

Your definition of soulmate assumes that we have only one. I disagree. People who come into our lives and change us at a deep level are our soulmates. They may not be someone we marry or who stay in our lives for a long time, but YES, we can have many soulmates.

Apr 23 12 - 3:58pm

No, you may not suggest Hooksexup Dating!

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