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Couple wins competition to test sex toys for pay

A married British couple from Birmingham, Mel and Steph Teague, were the last two standing in a national competition featuring hundreds of British couples vying for the privilege of testing sex toys and underwear for online retailer Your Pleasure Zone. In the head-to-head final, Mel and Steph garnered sixty percent of the public vote, winning the right to work doing the "world's most enjoyable job."

Mel, a plasterer, and Steph, a photographer, will be paid to review a different sex toy each week, and film three-minute videos that will run on the company's online TV channel. The twelve-month gig comes with some responsibility; any toy they give an orgasm rating of 7/10 or better to will end up in the site's inventory and be offered for sale. So that purple plastic bunny has a lot riding on the couple's opinion.

As a former stripper, lube wrestler, pole-dancing teacher, and radio sexpert, Steph should be well suited for this dream job. She explained:

"I was on the Your Pleasure Zone website looking for some naughty underwear for a weekend away and saw the advert for the competition. I thought it looked like fun so we applied. But we never expected to actually win. We are so excited; we have changed the sheets on our bed in preparation. We are cleaning our diaries a little for a bit more 'naughty' time!"

Tags Sex Toys

Commentarium (4 Comments)

Apr 17 11 - 3:39am

The toy in the picture? Because that thing is scary long.

Apr 17 11 - 10:28am

damn, no wonder they drew it with a smile on its face!

Apr 26 11 - 5:16pm

Creepy. That is the drum stick to a toy drum set that I got my nephew a few years ago. Eeeeewwww!!!!

Nov 20 11 - 8:32pm

The British are Cumming .. The British are Cumming !!