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Gay-pride cupcakes banned in Canadian high school

Who could possibly have an axe to grind against cupcakes, the smallest, least-threatening of heavenly treats? As it turns out, a school in Ontario, Canada does. The cupcakes, which were rainbow-colored, were being sold with the intent of donating the proceeds to the LGBT Youth Line. This was in conflict with the rules of the Catholic high school, which stated that no rainbow paraphernalia could be worn, promoted, or displayed. The cakes were promptly banned. 

It's a disappointing response, considering that the kids were being philanthropic, and I always thought that whole "love thy neighbor" ranked higher in the Catholic list of priorities than "no gays allowed."

It also puts a major kink in the Canadian reputation of being comparatively cool and liberal. Canadians. They aren't just homophobic. They hate sweet things. 

Commentarium (32 Comments)

Jun 07 11 - 5:59pm

Those look disgusting.

Jun 08 11 - 8:33am

You're right, the leaders of that school do look disgusting.

Jun 07 11 - 8:01pm

Guess they should cover their ears later in the month when the millions show up for the Gay Pride Parade. Fun fact: the very first officially granted gay marriage in the world was performed in Toronto, in 2001.

Jun 07 11 - 8:33pm

"Canadians. They aren't just homophobic. They hate sweet things."

Yay for broad sweeping generalizations.[/sarcasm] Seriously Hooksexup? I thought you had better writers than this.

Jun 07 11 - 8:48pm

They were being facetious by use of the unlikely generalizations that may be made by their aforementioned statement.

Jun 08 11 - 8:58am

Good god, Kristina.

Jun 08 11 - 12:29pm

I get why its suppose to be funny, but I'm just not laughing with it :/

Jun 07 11 - 10:13pm
Snax on trax

Cupcakes (political or otherwise) and other fattening snacks should be banned from schools anyway. There's too many overweight kids. Though to be fair: if cupcakes are outlawed, only outlaws will have cupcakes.

Jun 08 11 - 3:23am

And don't forget, this Catholic school is likely also publicly funded.

Jun 08 11 - 6:47am
No Hypocrisy

Jun 08 11 - 7:56am

And the best part is that in Canada, government funds go to support Catholic schools.

Jun 08 11 - 7:58am

Logically they should also ban the Bible, because God uses a rainbow to indicate his mercy after the Flood.

Jun 14 11 - 6:57am

Why, because the rainbow was appropriated by homosexuals? I don't think so.

Jun 08 11 - 8:17am

I can't see where a Catholic school is wrong to teach Catholic doctrine. That's kind of the point of a Catholic school.

If only Canada permitted some secular alternative...

Jun 08 11 - 10:26am

Yeah, there are secular alternatives. But your tax money is still going to support the Catholic schools. And there is the possibility that if you are a non-Catholic in a primarily Catholic area, there is no choice but to go to Catholic school.

Jun 08 11 - 10:51am

Canada is a theocracy--their Queen is the head of state and also the head of the state church. If she wants to spend the peasant's gold on Papist follies, who are we to question it? It' s not like she permits voting or anything.

Jun 08 11 - 12:35pm


No you aren't required to go to a catholic school.

The public schools are not built based on religious demographics put population demographics.

There is no requirement to attend a catholic school.

Jun 13 11 - 1:50pm

@Doofus - your name is so very accurate. A theocracy is a state governed by the clergy. A monarchy is a state governed by a monarch, like the Queen.And the Church of England has been divorced from Roman Catholic church for almost 500 years - it happened when King Henry VIII was in power; it was kind of a big deal.
The residential school fiasco should be enough to oust the Catholics from the Canadian education system, if you ask me. Unfortunately, religious freedom can sometimes mean protecting the people's right to be hateful towards other groups, be they Aboriginal or homosexual.

Jun 08 11 - 10:01am

I wonder how people would feel if the students had sold cupcakes with the intent of donating all of the proceeds to a group that is against gay marriage? I would love to see a "straight day" at Disneyland or a "straight-pride parade" just so we could watch all the pro-gay hypocrites whine about it.

Jun 08 11 - 10:27am

Every day at Disney is "straight day". And if you want to see a straight pride parade, go to Mardi Gras.

Jun 08 11 - 10:53am

Any parade that is largely defined by flamboyant feathered outfits and costume jewelry can at best be described as "bi-curious."

Jun 08 11 - 10:26pm

Wrong, Moops. If we called it Straight-pride, then we're haters, bigots, whatever. I would rather people be inclusive because it's the right thing to do and not simply to avoid being ostracized or called out by those that disagree with me.

Jun 09 11 - 11:04am

You're a hater and a bigot. Happy now? There aren't really funds for straight people so they don't need money donated to them. There's no need for a straight-pride parade except to be a dick and pretend that all those gay people who are always ostracized are just pushing their gayness in your face by having parades and prancing around because they don't like you (a homophobic idea at its lowest form). I doubt you'll find anyone here who considers a group against gay marriage more worthy for donation that the LGBT Youth Line which is giving much-needed support to young people. I bet you want to have a white pride parade too, just to watch all the 'pro-[minority] hypocrites whine about it.' By the way defend your hypocrite statement? Just because there are gay-pride parades and it wouldn't be acceptable to have a straight-pride parade doesn't make anybody a hypocrite.

Jun 09 11 - 1:41pm

Happy Pride Month, dingbat. Dykes and Homos everywhere for a month, waving it in your face, yeehaw!

(although something tells me you live deep in the forest somewhere).

Jun 08 11 - 3:18pm

The Catholic Church, regardless of country location, remains a conflicted and repressive institution hoping to raise more conflicted and repressed followers (who toss money at them every week).

Canada, on the whole, remains safe for Gay marriage, has rockin' Gay parades (even Vancouver's is a hoot) and is a place you are expected to pour ketchup on your mac 'n cheese regardless of gender attraction or identification.

Having the queen on your money is just one more queenie thing that makes no difference in anyone's lives; heck, the currency is affectionately called Loonie.

Jun 08 11 - 3:21pm
Trend Follower

Anti-Catholicism: "the deepest-held bias in the history of the American people." Schlesinger, Sr.

Jun 09 11 - 10:56am

Oh boo hoo defend the catholics. Please. They can handle themselves, trust me.

Jun 14 11 - 7:00am

@Rj - But bigotry must still be confronted. +1 for Trend Follower.

Jun 30 11 - 12:52pm

It's not bigotry it's a rational response to an institution (an institution that supports bigotry itself in many forms).

Jun 11 11 - 12:20pm

It's not Canadian who are homophobes, it's Catholics. Don't paint Canada in a hateful light beacause of religious BS when we're the ones who allow gay marriage in EVERY part of our country. Toronto holds one of the biggest gay pride parades in the world AND one of the best places to party in all of Toronto is the gaybourhood. I am an open minded Canadian with many gay friends and am personally offended that you would rope an entire country into the anti-gay category because of a Catholic school's close minded stance on the LGBT community. Before you choose to make assumptions about an entire country maybe you should visit it, live it and experience what it's like and see how accepting we really are.

Jun 14 11 - 7:00am

Canadians also appear to be religious bigots, RKL.

Jun 25 11 - 5:29pm

The cupcakes weren't banned, they were the incredibly creative response by students to rainbow flags and "other paraphernalia" having been banned. The Ontario Government has directed Catholic schools to end discrimination and help fight homophobia. The Catholic church directs otherwise. Catholic school board finds itself in a little pickle, it seems. The province of Ontario holds the purse strings and homophobia flies clearly in the face of provincial and federal human rights legislation. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.