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Sexting more prevalent among women than men

When sexting pops up in the news, it's often the foible of some famous man, like Brett Favre or that guy with the phallic last name... I just can't seem to remember it — I must have not heard it enough. But new research seems to indicate that women are more likely to engage in sexy texting than men.

Researchers surveyed married and single people looking for noncommittal flirtation and hookups online, and found that two-thirds of women reported sending sexually explicit texts or photos of themselves via phone or email, while only half of men did. 

Study co-author Diane Kholos Wysocki, professor of sociology at the Unversity of Nebraska at Kearney:

"Of course, this is a self-selected population, but I've also observed that women are more likely to show pictures of themselves than guys are..."

The study surveyed more than 5,000 men and women on the popular "affair-finder" site Admittedly, this is a sample inclined to infidelity, and so maybe it doesn't come as such a surprise that the researchers found that more than two-thirds of the respondents had cheated online while in a serious relationship.

Also, the study doesn't address one of the inherent questions about sexting or online flirtation: at what point, if any, does it become infidelity? Many people identify the difference between "physical infidelity" and "emotional infidelity," but the latter category includes everything from pornography to simply sharing secrets with someone who isn't your partner, which is a large net to cast when discussing cheating.

Is it simply that the gap between actual infidelity and online flirtation/sexting is wide enough that more women feel comfortable indulging in it? It's commonly held that men are more likely to physically cheat, while women are more likely to engage in emotional infidelity — is the sexting statistic reflection of that?

More About Sexting

Comments ( 9 )

Jul 19 11 at 11:38 am

"...and in other news, groundbreaking research indicates that men are visual-stimulation based." If a boob shot assures he will bring home the half-gallon of milk on his way from work, I'm all for it.

Jul 20 11 at 2:29 pm

I agree completely!

Jul 19 11 at 2:14 pm

Isn't texting in general a largely female activity? Or am I basing that impression on all the teenage girls I see constantly pecking away on the bus?

Jul 19 11 at 11:26 pm

Sexting women? There's a fap for that.

Jul 20 11 at 9:38 pm

What good is a friendship without a little casual sexting?

Jul 20 11 at 10:27 pm
Quizzical mama

Hm. Worth pondering.

Jul 21 11 at 10:58 am
Quizzical mama

I've done some pondering and here's what I think . -- As a former professor of women's studies and founder of Love, Sex, and Family, an online progressive resource site, I don't appreciate Levine's reinforcement of gender stereotypes ("by nature, men are known to be visually stimulated" and women "are known to be turned on in a creative fantasy sense," even if adding a disclaimer in that very same sentence: "and women are definitely visually stimulated."

I do, however, appreciate what Wysocki says about how sexting can be a way of taking "care of our relationships. We have all these good feelings at the start, but then real life steps in, bills, babies -- and we don't put in the work to keep those good feelings going." And Laplante's point about how "sometimes people have a hard time communicating what they need sexually, but they can do it in a text." I love using email, texts, and sexts for keeping a good energy flow between my husband and I.

Jul 24 11 at 12:16 pm

Does that mean that women end up talking to themselves?

Jul 26 11 at 8:34 pm

Don't suprise me.. women love texting so dirty photos are appreciated :)

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