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Meryl Streep Vogue

Over the course of her thirty-five-plus years in the business, Meryl Streep has had her share of triumphs. Let's see — there's her sixteen Oscar nominations, unofficial title of "actress of her generation," and, if IMDb is to believed, that letter Bette Davis sent dubbing her Davis' successor. But at long last, Streep has something to actually be proud of: a record-making Vogue cover.

Because she defies all human expectations, Streep didn't just land a place on the magazine's cover. Oh, no. At the age of sixty-two, she has now become the oldest person to ever appear on the cover of Vogue in Anna Wintour's entire reign, and possibly the publication's eighty-odd-year history.

Since 2000, Vogue's covergirls have been an average age of 30.3, though actresses in their forties like Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman have appeared with some regularity. The only Wintour covergirl to even come close to Streep is Priscilla Presley, who was fifty-nine when she graced a 2004 cover. ("Priscilla Presley?" Streep asks in our minds. "Oh yes, she was in that Naked Gun movie, wasn't she? I remember because that was the year I got my seventh Oscar nomination.")

Of course, the story every man, woman, and child across America is dying to hear is the tale of Streep's (possible) encounter with Wintour. With any luck, some member of the Vogue video team is strategically cutting footage of Wintour telling Streep through clenched teeth how much she loved The Devil Wears Prada, before collapsing into her lap, wailing, "I can't even hate you!" as we speak.

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Dec 13 11 - 12:09pm

How about the only woman not to have been photoshopped...oops too late...