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Thirty-five-year-old Greg Fultz of Alamogordo, New Mexico has rented a billboard in the main thoroughfare of the town accusing his ex-girlfriend of aborting their unborn child. The sign depicts Fultz holding the outline of an infant with text beneath reading, "This Would Have Been A Picture Of My Two-Month Old Baby If The Mother Had Decided To Not KILL Our Child!" Needless to say, his ex-girlfriend was less than charmed and has taken him to court for both harassment and violation of privacy.

While no one is disputing that this is a dick move, underwritten, no doubt, by creepy anti-choice organizations, Fultz maintains that he's got every right to publicly shame his ex to bring attention to his point of view. To support his right to "very unpopular offensive speech," he relies on the recent Supreme Court ruling in favor of Westboro Baptist Church and their right to protest funerals of fallen soldiers. Though it seems, to my rational mind, like aligning yourself WBC might be the first sign you're on the wrong path.

The billboard does raise many questions regarding protection of free speech and how it must be balanced with protection of individual privacy. After all, the right to choice established in Roe v. Wade was really just an extension of a women's implied constitutional right to privacy. Is the billboard a legitimate, albeit controversial, way to draw attention to "father's rights" in the abortion debate? Or is it simply a large-scale version of slut-shaming?

Commentarium (49 Comments)

Jun 07 11 - 11:19am

If something is factually true, I have a hard time prohibiting it. The woman is not even named or pictured, per the story. People don't have the right to live a stress free life. I wouldn't want to be her, but I wouldn't want to live in a world where someone taking offense is a reason to curtail speech, either.

Jun 07 11 - 11:35am

Agreed. As an aside, the tone of this article seems absurdly biased, especially considering that the facts of the situation pretty clearly paint the picture of a total douchebag ex-boyfriend. "A large scale version of slut-shaming?" How? No one's sexuality or promiscuity is in any way on trail, nor is any particular individual identified.

Jun 07 11 - 12:19pm
guestest friend

I'm only a law student, but this seems to me to be a public disclosure of private facts issue.

Jun 07 11 - 12:22pm
Guestest is Right

The above commenter is right. Truth is not a defense against the public disclosure of private information.

Jun 08 11 - 9:23am

But you can legally disclose private facts about yourself.

Jun 10 11 - 11:44pm

@guestest - Keep studying. Nothing here qualifies as a private fact.

Jun 07 11 - 11:25am
Miss Lady

It's awful, and the guy's a dick, but he's within his rights. "Legal" and "right" aren't always the same thing.
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all."
-- Noam Chomsky

Jun 07 11 - 1:18pm
That's not right.

No, he is not. Defamation is not the same as freedom of expression.

Jun 07 11 - 3:09pm
Miss Lady

Having read a different article about this, I agree with you about defamation. Based on what is in this article, I couldn't have made that judgment.

Jun 10 11 - 11:44pm

How is the woman defamed?

Jun 07 11 - 11:27am

It's worth mentioning that she claims she in fact had a miscarriage, not an abortion. That might moot the whole free speech vs. privacy debate, since free speech is much less protective when the speech is false.

Jun 07 11 - 11:36am

It bothers me when anybody splits their infinitives. It bothers me even more when it's a sanctimonious right-to-lifer on a billboard. Also, I don't agree that the billboard is factually true. Had he said this "possibly could have been" instead of "would have been," and said "abort a fetus" instead of "kill our child," I might agree with rm.

Jun 07 11 - 1:01pm

Fuck, I knew there was a reason I was having issues with the grammar of this poster but I couldn't pick it out. Thank you.

Also, guy's a douche etc.

Jun 07 11 - 1:19pm

There is nothing wrong with splitting infinitives, unless you believe that English should follow Latin grammar.

Jun 09 11 - 11:08pm

I know it's not technically incorrect, but it still bugs me. I use it as a way to identify under-educated people. Then again I'm kind of stuck up.

Jun 07 11 - 11:36am

So maybe I should reconsider my billboard: A picture of me in a mansion with cash and bling all around, saying "this would have been me if my ex-girlfriend aborted and I didn't have to pay child support."

Jun 08 11 - 10:15am

I will donate $10 to your kickstarter for this.

Jun 07 11 - 11:37am

I kind of think that this asshole has a tiny dick. She should tell him the baby wasn't his.

Jun 07 11 - 11:37am

Providing his position that it was an abortion is true he is probably legally within his rights. That does not mean it is ethically sound. Based on his choice to publicly air private matters I think she made the right choice to continue his bloodline. One wonders what other behaviors he may have exhibited that caused her to not tie herself to him with a child.

Jun 07 11 - 11:53am

If I were that ugly I would not put a billboard of myself up anywhere.

Jun 07 11 - 12:01pm

Also, what's up with his hair?

Jun 07 11 - 12:30pm

On the bright side, she is not with this waste-of-billboard-space, really challenged-in-the-looks-department jerk anymore. Good for her!

Jun 07 11 - 12:53pm

Somebody break the news to him that the baby wasn't his. You can tell in the picture it would have been black!

Jun 07 11 - 12:56pm

Anti-choice? Would the pro-choice people like to be referred to as anti-life?

Jun 07 11 - 1:03pm

We are, all the time.

Jun 07 11 - 2:54pm

pro-life is the nice way of saying anti-choice because they literally want no one to have abortions (or at least in elective abortions) which restricts those women's rights to their own body. But, pro-choice doesn't at all mean one -wants- abortions to happen in all cases when the fetus is unplanned. It just means you think a woman should have the right to abort the fetus as just one of the options she can have, other options include giving the baby, when born, up to adoption or foster care. So, pro-choice =/= anti-life.

But, yur just gonna do that thing where you say I am using fancy rhetoric word semantics to split hairs rather than actually listen.

Jun 07 11 - 1:03pm
Word Choice

By your use of "slut-shaming," are you insinuating that getting pregnant means a woman is a slut? I am surprised that as female you would use such a word when she had as much sex with this jerk as he did with her. Talk about double standard.

Jun 07 11 - 8:20pm

I figured she considered it slut-shaming because only sluts get abortions. Then we can keep having the sex without the responsibility/consequences. Or something? I don't know.

Jun 07 11 - 11:23pm

Obviously we just want to keep having sex and abortions and sex and abortions. We just CANNOT keep ourselves from wanting to have/having sex with these really charming attractive men (like dude above). Also, we're blind, deaf and dumb.

Jun 07 11 - 1:21pm

Wow. You people are really awful for some of the stuff you've said. But I'm sure you don't care,so neither do I.

Jun 07 11 - 1:34pm

Umn... by presenting this picture of his entirely un-studly self, he's strongly suggested the identity of his former girlfriend, at least, to the people who know her well enough to actually affect her. Her friends, family, possibly even boss and/or coworkers are clued in about some pregnancy stuff that's none of their business, which is made worse by the dispute over what actually happened in the pregnancy (his abortion claim, her claim of miscarriage). This could result in serious consequences for the woman, including, perhaps, losing her job if her boss is an anti-abortion type. This is some bullshit on the man's part.

Jun 07 11 - 9:36pm

Worse than that, actually. The asshole who put up the billboard created the name of his "organization" by way of backronym from his ex's name. "National Association of Needed Information" is an incomprehensibly stupid name until you realize that this was the best this jacktard could come up with to spell "Nani". On the plus side, it's his picture he posted, and letting women see what he looks like can't be good for business in the future.

Jun 07 11 - 2:26pm

Anyone who is THAT much of an a$$ doesn't deserve to be a father....and I agree, he is one FUGLY guy, how she got pregnant is beyond me!

Jun 07 11 - 2:29pm

I bet you for the price of that billboard he could have flown to Thailand and taken a little baby. Some people just don't allocate their funds well.

Jun 07 11 - 2:31pm

It was probably for the better. Between that hair, shirt and his obvious, "Rape Face," that baby would have been figuratively and literally, "Fucked."

Jun 07 11 - 2:32pm

Why is "fathers rights" in quotes? This whole premise that the mother has all the choice and the father none is just so much feminazi BS.

Jun 07 11 - 2:34pm

Are you positive?

Are you HIV positive?

Jun 07 11 - 4:14pm

I'd be all for fathers' rights if the father was able to choose to risk his life (literally) to carry and deliver the baby, and the woman's could choose responsibility as minimal as making 18 years of child support payments.

Jun 07 11 - 5:16pm

Hey MRAGH, fathers will have rights when they carry the baby. You should be mad at your god, not the women.

Jun 07 11 - 5:29pm

You shouldn't be having this conversation because that means you're not in the kitchen.

Jun 07 11 - 7:28pm

You can always tell an idiot by his use of the word "feminazi."

And also by his identification with the billboardist. Ew.

Jun 10 11 - 11:46pm

@MRAGH - +1, completely correct.

Jun 07 11 - 2:34pm
Nine Fingers

That black baby is obviously not his.

Jun 07 11 - 4:06pm

It's Steve Jobs'.

Jun 09 11 - 12:26am

Could be worse. If it were Bill Gates', it would have had the blue screen of SIDS.

Jun 09 11 - 1:46pm

i don't identify with the billboardist at all. but i do disagree that the father has zero say in any abortion decision. oh, and there is no god.

Jun 09 11 - 2:09pm

No Uterus = No Opinion (on what to do with anybody else's uterus). Memorize it, MRAGH.

Jun 09 11 - 11:05pm

MRAGH, no offense, but I have to agree that you are missing something basic here. If you're not carrying the baby, then you have no say. None. Your (or the father's) say was in deciding to have sex or not. After that, the mother has all the choice.

Jun 10 11 - 11:47pm

@SimpleEquation - How silly.