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American Family Association affiliate One Million Moms has called for a boycott of Ben & Jerry's new Schweddy Balls ice-cream flavor, writing on their website that "The vulgar new flavor has turned something as innocent as ice cream into something repulsive." Schweddy Balls, whose name is derived from the indelible SNL skit, of course, is being distributed nationwide for a three-or-four-month test run, and may get further batches depending on its reception.

It's no surprise that the conservative group would find the playfully-named dessert misogynistic and in poor taste; after all, this is the same group that found the special edition of Chubby Hubby called Hubby Hubby offensive for celebrating gay marriage. Ben & Jerry's spokesman Sean Greenwood said, "The name is irreverent. But we've always been about having some irreverence and having some fun... We're not trying to offend people. Our fans get the humor."

The thought of someone shielding their kids' eyes as they stroll down the ice-cream aisle is kind of silly. Skit participant Ana Gasteyer, a mother of two children, said, "As a person and a performer, I am a sucker for holiday balls. And I have no doubt this ice cream will cause many to scream 'Good Times.'" After Weinergate and now, Schweddy Ballsgate, lovers of suggestive puns may need some time to recover from all the excitement.


Commentarium (12 Comments)

Sep 21 11 - 12:20pm

how pathetic are these people?

Sep 21 11 - 12:34pm

This is a 20 year old joke, wtf?

Sep 21 11 - 1:47pm

If everyone mailed a pint of Schweddy Balls ice cream to the AFA, I'm sure all the deliciousness of the melted goop would get their attention.

Sep 21 11 - 4:23pm
jon Wood

Ben & Jerry had a lot of trouble naming this flavor. They were going to call it Santorum until they googled the word.

Sep 21 11 - 5:02pm

I'm not particularly prudish, but I'm not sure I would want to eat ice cream with this name either.

Sep 21 11 - 9:10pm

Haha agreed, I wouldn't actually buy the flavor.

Sep 21 11 - 5:05pm

Can't these ladies find something real to boycott, like companies that pollute and destroy the resources of future generations, instead of one committed to sustainability and fair trade? I am sure they take their SUVs to the ladies forum and run the AC with the windows down, stopping only to spray hairspray on some endangered animals. . . WHATEVER. I am gonna buy an extra pint to make up for the million whiner moms.

Sep 21 11 - 5:11pm

Boycott, also known as not buying something because you don't want it

way to take a stand there

Sep 21 11 - 5:18pm

So they find balls, repulsive, eh? Say no more!

Sep 21 11 - 10:44pm

I'd buy that flavor by the sack.

Nov 21 11 - 4:42am

I can already tell that's gonna be super hpeulfl.