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America's foremost tastemakers, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their child army, have finally revealed their 2012 political allegiance. This one might be a little startling, so please sit down, do your yoga breathing exercises, and swallow your beverages. It's Rick Santorum.

Jim Bob and twelve of his children rolled up to a Santorum campaign stop in Iowa in a bus, with "Santroum" proudly painted on the exterior, on Monday afternoon. (Spelling is placed only marginally above sex education in the Duggars' education priorities.) Jim Bob then addressed the crowd at the Pizza Ranch restaurant, saying:

"[Santorum's] somebody that doesn't take a poll to know where he stands. I'm asking families, Christians all over America to get behind Rick Santorum for the next president of the United States."

The Duggar patriach mainly praised Santorum for his strict anti-abortion policies, while putting down morally bankrupt Mitt Romney. Apparently, Jim Bob asked Romney why there was a $50 co-pay included in his Massachusetts health care plan for women seeking abortions four years ago, and Romney walked away without a response.

As much as Jim Bob likes Santorum (he even made let some of his kids stay up until 5 a.m. on New Year's Eve to paint their bus), he did admit that there's only one perfect candidate: Jesus Christ. And you know what Jim Bob? I say accept no substitutes. Until Jesus is a viable candidate, you should just abstain from the political scene. And leave my TV in peace. It's what a real Christian would do.

Commentarium (8 Comments)

Jan 02 12 - 9:58pm
Banana Sam

Go easy on me guys. I'm posting under the name "Kristin Hunt" but I'm actually the monkey that was stolen from the SF Zoo. I'm not particularly good at putting together an argument which makes me a natural as a Hooksexup writer.

Jan 03 12 - 8:34am

Or commenter.

Jan 03 12 - 11:41am

I'm a rabid conservative, and every morning I read Hooksexup so I can get my Hooksexups going. It only makes sense. I complain constantly about how unconservative they are, how they make fun of conservatives, and how that's unfair. I complain about their writing, because as a forumista, I'm a specialist in good writing: I write five-line snippets of it every day, I should know. I say Hooksexup writers must be sub-human, because that's exactly the kind of sensible, rational commentary I would like them to produce.
And I feel fine.

Jan 03 12 - 11:50am

Good to hear. There's room for you here, Publius.

Jan 03 12 - 2:02pm

Ugh. He makes it so hard for me to continue liking him.

Jan 02 12 - 11:23pm

Ugh. They make it so hard for me to continue liking them.

Jan 03 12 - 12:48am

That's a lot of endorsements!

Jan 04 12 - 3:10am
Bobby Jim


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