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Jimmy McMillan

Jimmy McMillan, the self-styled icon of cheap New York real estate, may soon be evicted from his own (relatively) cheap apartment in lower Manhattan. The former "Rent is Too Damn High" party gubernatorial candidate is currently a court battle with his landlords, who want to oust him from a rent-controlled East Village apartment that runs him $872 a month. 

According to his landlords, McMillan doesn't even really live in the apartment, and actually resides in Brooklyn in an apartment that also serves as his party's headquarters. According to McMillan, however, the "landlords are giving him the boot so they can pull in way more dough," and he warned the New York Post, "they can't bulldog me because I know the law."

Maybe this is sour grapes, but when a person who's stock and trade is bitching about money pays more than I do for an entire monthly rent and utilities, just to hang onto a place he doesn't even live in, it's a little hard to keep seeing him as a lovably weird underdog. Even so, here's hoping this all gets sorted out in time to let Jimmy focus on his highly legitimate presidential run.

Comments ( 6 )

Aug 05 11 at 4:56 pm

If Jimmy McMillan's alter-ego is a superhero called "The Rent," it would actually make a lot of sense.

Aug 05 11 at 5:39 pm

They might be lying as an excuse to kick him out. It's a pretty standard trick of landlords that have rent-controlled apartments.

Also--that's pretty damn cheap. If you pay significantly less than that you are damn lucky.

Aug 05 11 at 11:51 pm

Not if you live in backwoods Virginia, which may or may not be where "Virginia Smith" lives.

Aug 07 11 at 11:18 am
Virginia Smith

Sad fact: I have never so much as set foot in the state of Virginia (or West Virginia).

Aug 05 11 at 9:31 pm
Ren Turr

The rent is not too darn high. The paycheck is too darn low.

Aug 07 11 at 1:45 pm
Vinegar Bend

$872 is, you know...not that high

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