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In the opening of the above video, Indiana preacher Paul Begley eloquently screams, "The water's turning red! The water's turning red like blood! Are you serious?? Whaaa?" He's referring to the OC Fisher Reservoir in San Angelo State Park, located in West Texas, which has dried-up and turned blood-red. But the reservoir hasn't gone dry and red due to the crippling drought occurring across Texas; it's occurring, apparently, because an angel poured its bowl into the sea, turning the water into blood.

Scientific thoughts on the matter relate the red color to a build-up of algae in the nearly dry body of water. But end-timers won't be satisfied by explanations not involving horsemen, "bible signs," and/or Barack Obama as the Antichrist.

In all seriousness, the drought in Texas is one of the worst, if not the worst, in their state history. Maybe it's time to start paying more attention to the ways we're changing global weather patterns, causing more and more extreme weather events. We should take this blood lake as a sign, but I've got a feeling it's got more to do with fossil fuels than with the return of Christ.

Commentarium (13 Comments)

Aug 02 11 - 12:16pm

Are you fucking kidding me?

Aug 02 11 - 12:26pm
mr. man

that's pretty red. sadly the nature of humanity is that problems only get addressed when they have reached levels of undeniable catastrophe. so fuck you texas mutherfuckers. i live on a northeast lake and i will shoot you if you try to take it from us.

Aug 02 11 - 1:59pm

I love the fact that this is casting the Bible Thumping, zealot Texans in the role of the Egyptian Pharaoh from the book of Genesis. I guess God does know these people pretty well. The frogs and locusts can't be that far behind.

Aug 02 11 - 3:03pm

I guess god does in fact work in mysterious ways.

Aug 02 11 - 3:05pm

It's probably just super heavy polluted or is that bacteria or algae thing.

Aug 02 11 - 3:39pm

The same thing happens when water is allowed to evaporate from a pond of sea water in order to concentrate and harvest the salt. The combination of increased mineral concentration and algae cause the remaining water to get more and more red.

Aug 02 11 - 8:32pm

Yeah. Also, when I flew over Salt Lake City there were a lot of waters around the lake that looked like this, I think that was because of bacteria that can only live (and in fact thrive) in super salt saturated waters. Which would make sense in this case because there is a drought, and since we know evaporation can only evaporate water, it will leave the salt behind, making an ecosystem just like that.

Aug 02 11 - 5:53pm

@mr. man:

Don't get too excited. Where I live our reservoirs are still half-full and we're not even on the strictest watering restrictions (yet). That said, most lawns and vegetable gardens are toast. And I'm sure glad I'm not a farmer or rancher. We don't want your water (yet). But we'll be delighted to buy your produce.

And don't mind that mumbling you're hearing. Just us born-agains and atheists praying for a good hurricane season (sorry, coasties).

Aug 02 11 - 8:46pm

there is no red algies. If it's red or pink it's a bacteria.

Aug 04 11 - 2:32am

well there is red tide but that is in the ocean

Aug 02 11 - 8:49pm

there is no red algies. If it's red or pink it's a bacteria. And as for that ass hole paster saying that the profacies are fulfulling themselves, i have to say this. Any person can predict the future, like Nostradomus, and at some piont your bound to get lucky, or people are bound find similarites.

Aug 03 11 - 2:00am

Where's your messiah now!

Aug 03 11 - 2:03am

Maybe when it turns into blood....