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Texas Governor Rick Perry appeared in front of a conservative group in Manchester, NH on Friday to give a speech and hopefully drum up more support as the primary date draws near. Perry isn't exactly known for being flamboyant or super-expressive when he talks, which is why those who saw the appearance immediately noted that something seemed a bit... off. Why was he speaking with such a strange rhythm? Why did his sentences sometimes fade off into nothingness? Why was he using his hands as if he were Marcel Marceau?

One popular theory: dude was drunk. But don't just take their word for it! Instead, watch this highlight reel of Perry's oddest moments from the evening and judge for yourself:

Now, it's impossible to know if Gov. Perry was actually sauced for his talk. I'm sure he and his campaign would never admit to it if that was actually the case, and sometimes people just have off moments that make them act bizarrely out of character. Of course, whatever the reason, the point is that he was acting odd enough to seem drunk even if he wasn't, and some political commentators are saying that this performance might seriously undermine his viability as a candidate.

So congratulations, Mitt Romney: if you can go just a couple more months without coming off as insane, racist, woefully under-informed, or publicly intoxicated, this candidacy might actually be yours!

Tags Rick Perry

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Oct 31 11 - 5:26pm

Romney doesn't drink, so that should be an easy hurdle to clear. If only he could do something about that whole Republican thing.

Oct 31 11 - 5:32pm

I think his behavior is more like someone that got a dose of some kind of uppers. I have a hard time believing he was sauced up enough to be this weird but didn't slur or look like he was losing his balance. I would even buy that he had a shitload of Red Bull.

Oct 31 11 - 5:46pm

Or he is coked out of his head. I've heard that Texas Governors love that shit.

Oct 31 11 - 8:38pm

I'm wondering if he has either an undiagnosed or unpublicized medical problem, like diabetes. With blood sugar extremes, a diabetic can appear to be drunk.

Oct 31 11 - 9:02pm

Interesting. I still wouldn't like him.

Oct 31 11 - 10:24pm

Hmm. Looks like he has been replaced by a double in a last-ditch effort by the Republicans to salvage their prospects.

Nov 01 11 - 12:32am
The Janitor

Dude had back surgery not that long ago. I'd bet on pain meds.

Either that or the stem cells used in his surgery are fighting back.

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