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Chelsea Handler Claims Her Sex Tape Was A Big Joke


But it can't be a bigger joke than 1 Night in Paris, amiright?! (Thank god I got to use that; I've been saving it since 2004.)

Handler made the claim on her show in an attempt to preempt whatever scandal might break out now that RadarOnline has the video. (Screenshot of which above.) While the tape isn't out yet, the site was nice enough to provide us this synopsis:

The tape, which was made nearly a decade ago after Chelsea moved to Los Angeles starts out with Chelsea turning on the camera in what appears to be her apartment. During the first part of the tape, Chelsea is fully clothed in her work uniform. She begins by introducing herself by name before going into a stand-up routine before suddenly cutting to Chelsea and her male partner engaging in an explicit sex act.

Chelsea, who is on all fours on a bed is naked and at several times during the filming she looks directly at the camera. Her breasts are bare and swinging during the sex act. At the end of the “performance", Chelsea’s partner speaks in a clear British accent, asking, “Did we get the (bleep) shot?” Chelsea looks into the camera and smiles at this point. Then the tape immediately cuts back into Chelsea continuing her stand-up routine in her apartment.

So that sounds pretty odd for a sexy tape made for sexy time. Which I guess means Handler is telling the truth, even though I will go on the record to say that including a bit of blue film in your job application is probably not the best idea. Watch the clip and decide for yourself:

Commentarium (3 Comments)

Apr 29 10 - 1:37pm

that's a pretty creative gift idea

Apr 29 10 - 4:37pm
G Unit

Yeah, I think the sex tape is real and not a joke. Her career on the other hand...

Apr 29 10 - 6:04pm

Adding a bit of XXX footage might land you the job for sure at some places. Whether or not you would want to take the job is another question.