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A nineteen-year-old man was arrested yesterday for allegedly making hacker attacks on Sony, the U.S Senate, the CIA, and, like, the man. Okay, not that last one, but it's pretty easy to imagine him saying that, because he's nineteen, and seemingly did it just for kicks.

The kid, Ryan Clearly, told investigators he's affiliated with the group LulzSec, short for Lulz Security. The hacker group claims responsibility for briefly taking the C.I.A. website offline and posting sarcastic comments about it, among much more internet tomfoolery. The organization accepts donations on their website, where they describe themselves as:

A small team of lulzy individuals who feel the drabness of the cyber community is a burden on what matters: fun. Considering fun is now restricted to Friday, where we look forward to the weekend, weekend, we have now taken it upon ourselves to spread fun, fun, fun, throughout the entire calender [sic] year.

Quoting Rebecca Black! Casual spelling errors! And fun, fun, fun! At least until you get arrested and none of your buddies back you up. The LulzSec Twitter account is saying that they have no affiliation with Clearly. The poor kid is on his own, staring at the cold, hard face of the law, IRL. Who's lulzing now?

Commentarium (12 Comments)

Jun 22 11 - 2:28pm

"Who's lulzing now?" Me. Very loudly. In fact, I'd call this the best and most hilarious news I've heard all day.

Jun 22 11 - 4:26pm

He may not be backed up in court but he will on the internet. Watch out!

Jun 22 11 - 7:16pm

Knowing he has the support of many on the internet might make jail more fun for him.

Jun 22 11 - 4:35pm

T'was bound to happen.

Jun 22 11 - 7:06pm

Some kids just can't handle the internet.

Jun 22 11 - 7:58pm

He's still Lulzing. He was probably offered a job..

Jun 22 11 - 8:32pm
of Arabia

I was just thinking that, he is going to get a sweet job out of this! Especially if TV and movies have taught us anything.

Jun 22 11 - 8:52pm

Good! I hope they take this little bastard and his freinds and throw them in a deep,dark whole of a federal high security prison for the rest of there worthless little lives!

Jun 22 11 - 10:33pm

Now we know your IP and it's Friday. Fun. Fun. Fun.

Jun 23 11 - 8:54am
Sir Fur

And he'll have fun fun fun till the government takes his freedom away

Jun 23 11 - 9:03am

You can take our lives but you can't take our freedom!

Jun 23 11 - 12:28pm

This kid has a bunch of mental health problems and no previous record. I wouldn't be surprised if he got off with 5 years of probation.


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