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Tupac on PBS website

Tupac Shakur is still alive and living in New Zealand. Thanks to some snarky hackers, that's what the PBS website was reporting last night. (And here I thought he was living on an island near Fiji all this time.) The group taking responsibility for the hacking calls themselves "The Lulz Boat." According to a statement released by the group, they took aim at the network because they were dissatisfied with a Frontline documentary special about WikiLeaks, which the Boat-sters claim "tries to build an 'espionage' case against [WikiLeaks] founder, Julian Assange, and also the young soldier, Bradley Manning." I'm still not sure what a rapper who's been dead for well over a decade has to do with any of this.

In less innocuous news, the Lulz Boat also published the login and password information for a bunch of PBS employees, including server administrators, reporters, and other staff members. There's pretty much nothing LOL-worthy about that. Though it probably shouldn't come as a surprise since they've pulled similar attacks on other media giants including Fox and Sony in the past.

Commentarium (5 Comments)

May 30 11 - 2:38pm

Dead for half a decade? Pretty sure he died 15 years ago...

May 30 11 - 2:49pm
Jessica Gentile

oops, that's what I meant. fixed. i guess he lived on a lot longer in my mind...

May 30 11 - 3:35pm

I still think the 90's was last decade too

May 30 11 - 4:28pm

lol. This story was tweeted about 3000 times before the url was plugged.

so many disappointed people.

May 31 11 - 12:42pm

Pretty sure he had no idea where New Zealand was/is.