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Discredit the Bible with this handy infographic

Bible Contradictions Chart

So… about the Bible. You know, that book people talk about a lot? The one that’s been the justification for some of the most terrible things that have ever happened (and some pretty nice things, too)? Apparently it can’t quite get its story straight if this unbelievably awesome chart is to be believed. 

Commissioned by Sam Harris of Project Reason and designed by graphic designer Andy Marlow, the chart makes a convenient, mesmerizing visual of 439 different questions on which the King James Bible doesn’t give a straight answer. Issues range from the all-too-relevant (answers vary on “How should adulterers be punished”) to the slightly… less so (see: “Was Abiathar the father or the son of Ahimelech?”) Click, gawk, and fuel either your righteous indignation or spiritual bewilderment, as the case may be.

Commentarium (12 Comments)

Nov 12 10 - 1:10pm

What would one expect from a collection of fairytales?

Nov 12 10 - 1:31pm

What? You mean I'd have to sift through impossible-to-find notations in a bible? I'd have to find chapters and shit? I'd have to actually read the bible? Screw all that. I'm going with the you're all a bunch of heathen bible-thumpers meme. Or something.

Nov 12 10 - 4:42pm

@Twolane. If you look at the expanded info-graphic page it has more broad fallacies than the specific nitty-gritty ones shown in the pic above.

But, it is a really big infographic.

Nov 12 10 - 4:44pm
Julian. Here is the url to the PDF of the info-graphic so you can get up close in personal. ;)

Nov 12 10 - 10:42pm

This is totally just a trick to get people to read the Bible. You guys got played, Old-Testament-style.

Wonderful book though. Too bad people use it for hate.

Nov 13 10 - 10:37am

"the justification for some of the most terrible things that have ever happened"? Check out this list of the most terrible things that ever happened. I challenge you to find the bible thumper responsible for those!

Nov 13 10 - 10:37am

"the justification for some of the most terrible things that have ever happened"? Check out this list of the most terrible things that ever happened. I challenge you to find the bible thumper responsible for those!

Nov 14 10 - 7:14pm

That's what you get when you have a bunch of egomaniacal authors and no decent editor.

Nov 15 10 - 1:08pm

I like this.

Jan 01 11 - 7:10am

It's a real shame this infographic is getting peddled instead of the far more interesting one that it's based on:

Mar 28 11 - 9:58pm

They are completely different. Absolutely no similarities. What are you, peddling or something?

Jan 19 12 - 10:43am
