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    Accused Russian Spy's Ex-Husband Leaks Her Nude Photos

    Anna Chapman bikini photo

    What do you do you when you find out when your ex-wife is an accused spy and, for all you know, became or was already one when you married her? If you're Alex Chapman, whose last name is now famous because of his former wife Anna's alleged exploits, you sell your story to the British tabloids and unleash a bunch of sexy photos of her.

    “Her father controlled everything in her life, and I felt she would have done anything for him. When I saw she’d been arrested on suspicion of spying it didn’t come as much of a surprise.

    “Towards the end of our marriage she became very secretive, going for meetings on her own with Russian friends, and I guess it might have been because she was in contact with the Russian government.”

    Anna and Alex were married from 2002-06, so these were probably taken when the Russian temptress was between 20 to 24 or thereabouts.

    Anna Chapman topless photo

    Anna Chapman sexy

    Anna Chapman boobs

    Anna Chapman sexy body

    Anna Chapman topless


    Commentarium (4 Comments)

    Jul 06 10 - 11:00am

    What a cad.

    Jul 06 10 - 11:05am

    How about blurring out her face so it doesn't detract from the goods?

    Jul 06 10 - 11:05am

    Oops. That was me up ^^^ there.

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