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    Congresswoman Accused of Lesbian Affair With A Spy


    Democratic Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky did nothing wrong, except maybe cheat on her husband. But she's about to go through one of the most bizarre scandals in years-- if this story grows some legs, that is...

    Gawker relates a tale from the pages of American Conservative that read like something out of internal KGB memos from the Cold War. In an interview with Sibel Edmonds, a former translator for the FBI who was fired for being a lousy, no-good, truth-telling whistleblower, Edmonds reveals:

    1. Schakowsky was shadowed by Turkish intelligence agents, who discovered she was a married bisexual.

    2. The Turks assigned a sexy female spy to befriend the Congresswoman, attend her mother's funeral, and seduce Schakowsky.

    3. Cameras set up in the Illinois lady's residence were said to have recorded sexual acts, which were then used to blackmail her. It's unclear if these efforts were successful or what exactly the Turkish lobby allegedly wanted in exchange for silence, but what they wanted was definitely illegal:

    The reason for attempting to get at Schakowsky, Edmonds believes, is so that they would be able to get both her "and her husband Robert Creamer to perform certain illegal operational facilitations for them in Illinois," along with [Republican Speaker of the House Dennis] Hastert, who was already on the payroll, and several other Chicago officials.

    You are right to be totally creeped out by these allegations. And that's before you hear about the State Department employees being recruited to hand over nuclear secrets.

    Via Gawker. Image.

    Commentarium (5 Comments)

    Sep 23 09 - 9:00am

    I live in Schakowsky's district. So let me tell you: the Illinois Democratic Party is about as corrupt as it gets, without any need for help from Turkish Intelligence agents, thank you very much. Besides, since when does a run-of-the-mill member of Congress have access to sensitive data on manufacturing WMD? This whole thing is just way too weird. As to who shares the bed of the Gentlelady from Illinois... that's really nobody's business. Threats to national security are everybody's business, but this scenario strikes me as way too far-fetched.

    Sep 23 09 - 9:19am

    You said it, D. I live in Schak-a-lack's 9th district as well. Nobody puts that particular baby in a corner. I don't care how Turkish or ''sexy'' one is. And if she did do it- awesome. awesome.

    Sep 23 09 - 11:40am

    True or not, I see a darn good Lifetime movie coming out of this.

    Sep 23 09 - 1:42pm

    According to Schkowsky's own website, "In January 2007, Speaker Pelosi appointed Schakowsky to serve on the House Select Committee on Intelligence." That's how you get sensitive data on manufacturing WMDs.

    I have no idea if this is real or not, but I'm hoping somebody responsible and honest is looking into it.

    Jul 06 10 - 5:25pm

    I thought switch hitting for the other team was an advantage....