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(Not Necessarily) An Ode to My Vibrator  

by Emily Jenkins  

ecstatically with a white plastic phallus in The Slums of Beverly
and when there's a kinky little leather shop on nearly every
block in my neighborhood -- but I did not own a vibrator until last week.


I think I was turned off by their nursey-white smoothness, or else by
their anatomical aspirations. The ones I had personally inspected always
seemed designed to assert clinical sterility, like some dry-fingered
dental hygienist was offering me expert stimulation. Otherwise they
fetishized the cock in such exaggerated detail I felt mildly nervous
about their perpetual states of engorgement -- as if they might pop in my
dresser drawer and spew plastic cum all over my panties.


My friend Barbara had found her mother's vibrator (or was it a dildo? in
any case, a big plastic cock) in a drawer when we were fifth graders, and
we actually convened a small conference on the playground to discuss the
possible uses of that rubbery erection. It seemed to us more like a
symbol of castration than a symbol of virility or self-sufficient
pleasure. Ick, we agreed. Why would Barbara's mom want some leftover
penis without a man attached?


Well, I'm thirty-one now, and the leftover penis is starting to seem more
interesting. Plus, everyone has one but me. I order from a catalog, even
though the shop is just a subway ride away.


Then I wait.


And wait.


And wait.


For weeks. Turns out my choice is on backorder -- the "eroscillator" is
an extremely popular toy. (That's what it's called, the eroscillator, and
it comes with four attachments in different bulbous shapes and an

instruction manual by Doctor Ruth. Also, it doesn't technically vibrate
but oscillates, if you know what that means. I don't.)


By the time I find out about the backorder, I am itching to gratify my
gadget fetish, but I manage to make due with my Cuisinart and a cool
garlic press for another month before calling up the sex shop. Where is


"We delivered the item," says Dolores, on the other end of the line.


"You did? I don't have it."


"Someone signed for it in your building. Let me see." She looks it up
with a rustle of papers. "Do you know someone named Carlos?"


"No." It's true, I don't, but I think of this young guy who goes in and
out of the basement apartment and sometimes messes with the recycling
bins. We don't really have a super in my building, but this kid takes
care of the trash. Maybe UPS felt he was the right person to take charge
of an undelivered eroscillator.


I tell Dolores I'll call her back and spend the next three days tapping
on this guy's door at various intervals. When I finally get him he shakes
his head. "No package came here, miss." I do not get his name.


Dolores is shocked. "You really don't have the item?"


I tell her someone named Carlos is eroscillating himself into a frenzy at
my expense.


"I'm bringing it right over on my way to my mother's after work," she
tells me. "Will you be home this evening?"


"You don't have to do that," I say. "You can just mail it."


"No no. I have a car. And you really should not be without the item."


I have been without the item thirty-one years and I am hardly in a state
of extreme sexual frustration. My boyfriend's not that obsessed

with Tomb Raider, and he knows where to put it. But Dolores lives in a
world where sex toys are like food and shelter. She does not want me to
be lacking for a moment.


But I am going on vacation for two weeks, so I put her off, and she even
calls me at my grandmother's house to see when I'm coming back because
she so sincerely wants me to have it. When I do get back she zips over
promptly -- again on her way to her mother's -- and I pop down the stairs
to meet her so she won't have to walk five flights.


Dolores is a Latina lesbian with acid-wash pants and about sixteen
ear-piercings. I am a nervous white lady with a brand new sex toy, we
smile at each other, and I blush. I take the package from her. She has
wrapped it up like a birthday present -- floral paper and a cheery bow.
"I didn't want you to be without it," she says kindly, and trots back to
her car.


The eroscillator is bronze. I couldn't tell from the catalog, which was
printed in black and white, but it glitters like a miniature Porsche,
like the cock of C-3PO.


I turn it on.


It's a little disillusioning.


The eroscillator has to be plugged in to a socket, and it makes an urgent
buzzing noise. Now it's less like a Porsche and more like an electric

drill. The four attachments have to be kept in a zip-lock baggie so
they stay clean. There's one that looks like a paddle and mimics digital
stimulation; one is cup shaped, and promises a suction effect; one is
a fat aggressive arrowhead designed for anal penetration; and one is a
flowery stalk-like shape that hits the G-spot.


I pick the flower, and it takes some doing to attach it properly. But I
persist, get it up and running, and try to work with the toolbox
aesthetic. I imagine hard-hatted construction workers building a gazebo
with no clothes on.


It works. I get off, and it's even hot -- in a zippy, rushed, gadgetty
way. Everything stays pretty dry and when it's over I unplug my tool,
wipe it down, pack it up, and zip up my baggie.


I find I like this procedure. It's like having a penis of my very own to
care for and keep in working condition. There are post-coital maintenance
chores, then it goes back behind its zipper.


I also like how synthetic and jangly the eroscillator experience is, so
different from the warm oozing of oral stimulation or the urgent friction
of manual. It's a new activity altogether, like the pleasure of that

cheese-in-a-can that squirts onto crackers in little floral shapes. Fun.
Tasty. Quick. But not filling, nor exactly satiating, because it's hardly
even cheese. It's just a snack.


Most of all, I like owning that big bronze toolbox cock. I like the idea
of being a person who has sex toys. Its very adult to purchase things
you didn't even know existed as a child, plus it makes me feel that sex
might be simply one of several things I get done in a day, a way to kill
time if I'm waiting for a fax to go through. It doesn't have to be full
of feelings and fondlings and nudity. No fantasies required (though
naked workmen don't hurt), no lubrication, and almost no time. It can
take less than a minute, and I don't even have to take my pants off.


Of course, I knew sex could be quick and easy before I got the
eroscillator. But the item reminds me I've got options, that a penis can
be a toy as well as symbol of power or desire or potency. It reminds me
that there is a future for sex -- that technologies and fashion will
change our fantasies and practices. It's a golden goose at the end of a
string of mail criminals, trash boys and customer service
representatives. And it's mine, mine, mine.

Emily Jenkins

Comments ( 14 )

Kudos on Emily Jenkins vibrator article. Would love to read more entries like that. Was fun and well written. Thanks,

PG commented on Jan 15 98 at 1:00 pm

A friend forwarded the vibrator article; I found it very true and funny. I am widowed and years ago as a joke my son and his wife gave me a package with two mini vibrators they purchased at WalMart. They were great. Wore them both out and have never been able to find them again. I take care of elderly Mom and have little privacy. I can't order by mail; she checks out everything. Isn't life fun. Thanks for the great article.

JC commented on Jan 21 98 at 1:00 pm

I enjoyed reading your article on vibrators. Being a man, I never thought much about them, but you have given me a new appreciation for them. It's too bad men just have a hand, and maybe some lotion. My only previous reading about vibrators came from the "autobiography" of Linda Lovelace from a friend of mine in college. She said she used to have one in her when she went to the grocery. She said an orgasm in the produce section was not a pretty sight, especially if tomatoes were involved. Well, enjoy your new tool until you find a true craftsman.

CM commented on Feb 02 98 at 1:00 pm

I enjoyed this piece on the eroscillator. In a day and age when if I don't own every Nina Hartley "how to" video then something must be wrong with me, I find this naive experience refreshing.

MM commented on Jan 13 99 at 1:00 pm

Wow, it's so refreshing to see an article about those "unmentionable" little toys women have found to be their new best friends, when diamonds just aren't available. I read articles like this and hear about women all the time that have found joy in sex toys, but for the life of me, in my own circle of life and friends, you'd think they were still something only laughed about, nervously, at lunch, all the while, you know every single person is wishing they had one. Well I have one, and I am PROUD!! We need to share this with the world, get over the taboo, make it known it's okay to have these toys!!! Hell, if we have to listen to one more account of certain cigars and certain intern orifices, PLEASE why can't we just stop the world-wide giggle, and get it over with!! Okay, I've said my peace. Thanks again for an enlightening and amusing article from someone just like all of us other women wondering about these mysterious oscillators!!! BRING IT!!!! Sincerely, one VERY satisfied user

se commented on Jan 20 99 at 1:00 pm

Liked the story, Liked the ending, But the rest of the yarn Is still pending. The flower you've used And enjoyed its bliss Cup, arrow and digit Have been given a miss? So next when you plug In your socket of joy Can you give us the vibes On the rest of the toy. Seriously, thanks for sharing your experience. I was about 45 before I plucked up courage to by one. Yep, and males enjoy them to - they can give the teasiest mind-blowing result.

RC commented on Jan 21 99 at 1:00 pm

Keep them coming Emily. I know, a sorry pun; but appropriate. And I wish YOU were "mine, mine, mine." I'm looking forward to more of the same.

JV commented on Mar 21 99 at 1:00 pm

loved the essay...did a performance piece along the same lines in a program called "What People Do In Their Small New York Apartments and Lie About" riff was: thirty years old,introduced to the toy by friends, can't leave home for the first two weeks because of it..story. Funny how when I pulled it out of the bag no one of even the smarmy loft Artiste types knew what it was. I came to similar conclusions about how it frees you up in a way and added that as time goes on it starts to seem more like a boyfriend with the unreliable Korean wiring and all. I'm glad to hear that it is a different experience then boyfriend sex though, I was starting to feel paranoid/addicted...jangly is a good description. I really like your frankness and humor with your experience and am interested in other adventures going on that you would write about...

MS commented on Aug 25 99 at 12:00 pm

I just returned to the "joys of toys" after recieving one in yesterday's mail. It's been ten years since I had a vibrator in my house. I disposed of the last one after my then 5 year old son discovered it. It was very realistic looking. I still can recall his horrifyed expression when he exclaimed, "Mom there's a penis on your floor!" I can only imagine the possibilites his young mind was conjuring up. I actually tried to tell him it was a dog's chew toy left by the previous renters. Ya know, a rubber bone. So now at 31 I've given in and decided to be more carefull and more satisfied. Oscilate in good health! I will!

M.M. commented on Oct 18 00 at 12:50 pm

Lee esto...

MH commented on Oct 23 00 at 3:20 pm

I have a question for your readers. I use an old vibrator, but now I think it is too noisy for me to feel comfortable to use if my children are home. Is this eroscillator really better than other vibrators? It is a lot more expensive, but I'd like to get something I can enjoy and that my husband will like also.

PM commented on Sep 27 01 at 3:56 am

Both my husband and I have found a high appreciation for vibrators. The vibrator is both separate and intertwined with our sex lives. It enhances it when used together, it substitutes for either of us when one is away. It is a great solo getaway. My husband didn't believe it would work for him at first. He is a true believer now who only wishes they make better ones specifically for men.

TC commented on Mar 15 02 at 12:29 pm

My first vibrator experience was listening to the neighbor in the next apartment (paper-thin walls, of course) go at it nightly. Her routine started at 9:30 every night after turning off the television. I'd hear her plug it into the wall , then the whir of the motor (must have been a massager), then her moaning and bed squeaking, then finally peaceful bliss. She was older (30's) and single. I was younger and just out of high school (first apartment). I joked it off at first, then realized that there was nothing wrong with it. She unknowingly taught me to get with the program. I went from fingers to buying a vibrator after the first couple of weeks. Now I could return that smile she gave me in the elevator.

GK commented on Mar 15 02 at 12:40 pm

lol, great review. Best I've read so far.

sle commented on Aug 11 09 at 1:19 am

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I'm ashamed to admit this in an age when Jerry Seinfeld and Howard Stern
discuss masturbation and breakfast cereal in the same breath, when
every other chick-zine waxes poetic on the merits of electrically
assisted stimulation, when Marisa Tomei and Natasha Lyonne gyrate