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Scanner by Ada Calhoun
The Gucciones are reconciled; seventh sign imminent.
It's Back. . . by Kate Sullivan
After ten years off the market, the Today Sponge has returned. Meet the man who made it happen.
The Babysitter's Club by Ada Calhoun
My Supernanny obsession has nothing to do with kids.
Aversion Therapy by Tobin Levy
Why I can't date Jewish men. *moral values issue*
My Issues With Becoming a Greenberg by Mara Levy
Or, what's behind the modern Jewish fairytale.*moral values issue*
Sex As a Weapon by Jeff Sharlet
Decoding the literature of the Christian men's movement. *moral values issue*
The Weekly Pic by Jason Wishnow
Our favorite online video. This week: The Honey Pot.
Horoscopes by Neal Medlyn
Your week in sex.
Burning Brides by Gwynne Watkins
The real reason nuns seem so serene. *moral values issue*
Double Occupancy by Carlos Alvarez
All about my girlfriend.
Hand in Glove by Margaret Wappler
Inside the Christian ministry People of Leather Among You. *moral values issue*
Miss Information by Erin Bradley
New! Your digital dating help desk. This week: fear of kissing and jerk anxiety.
29 Thoughts About the Apparent Sexiness of the New Pope by Adam Boyle
I love the person-on-the-street interviews about the new Pope. Oh, great, Phil from Toms River thinks Ratzinger's a good selection. Now I can rest easy.
Film Reviews by Mike D'Angelo and Logan Hill
Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn try to wrest a few moments of real conviction from their schematic pas de deux in The Interpreter. Plus, Date DVD.
All That Heaven Allows by Yolande Elise Brener
My sexual re-education in the Unification Church. *moral values issue*
Poll: Public Morals by Gwynne Watkins
Tell us how your values affect who you date, how you vote, how much sex you have, and more. *moral values issue*
Can I Get a Hallelujah? by Elva Maxine Beach
"I was addicted to the ecstasy that emanated from underneath that crazy orange canopy." *moral values issue*
God's B-List by Myung Joh
Born-again celebrities attack! *moral values issue*
Behind Closed Doors by Noy Thrupkaew
Marjane Satrapi reveals what Iranian women talk about when they're alone. *moral values issue*
Brothers in Christ by Will Doig
A new book asserts He liked it both ways. *moral values issue*
Scanner by Ada Calhoun
Good scary blonde Suze Orman vs. evil scary blonde Ann Coulter.
The Passion by Steve Almond
"The disciples all had their little proclivities. It was what made them disciples." *moral values issue*


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