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Monsters in a Box by Neal Pollack
Searching for generational significance in this season's glut of horror shows. /tv/
Miss Information by Erin Bradley
It's Virgin Week! Plus: your letters to a serial cheater. /advice/
Revolution Girl Style Now! by Kara Jesella
Ariel Levy's Female Chauvinist Pigs pretends third-wave feminism never happened. /books/
Scanner by Ada Calhoun
The Right declares war on pornography, because the other wars (drugs, Iraq, terrorism) are going so well.
Ms. World by Lynn Harris
Hail to Geena Davis and Commander in Chief. /tv/
The First Time: Transactions by Elizabeth Patton
Dating a sex worker: he fed me fantasies, I fed him food.
Horoscopes by Neal Medlyn
Your week in sex.
Bad Sex With . . . Steve Almond by Steve Almond
Chestfro Agonistes.
Natural Impulse by Isaac White
Frolicking in an enchanted forest.
Lurking in the Background by Bilge Ebiri
Ricky Gervais upstages himself in Extras. /tv/
Film Reviews by Mike D'Angelo, David Diehl and Logan Hill
Quirky gang film Dear Wendy features celebratory breast-baring; Steal Me, a teen's Oedipal complex. Plus, Date DVD: Garbo.
Sex Advice From . . . Lawyers by Kate Sullivan
Q: What do you think about dating other attorneys?
A: I would avoid it if at all possible.
The Bad Seed by Lynn Harris
Inconceivable is inexcusable. /tv/
Flirting With Disaster by Ada Calhoun
How I fumbled into the post-sexual-harassment era.
*sex@work issue*
Work in Progress by Justin Clark
How Friends and American Apparel could affect the future of sexual-harassment law. *sex@work issue*
Miss Information by Erin Bradley
Should a serial cheater confess? Plus: breaking in a bend-over boyfriend. /advice/
The Hollywood Guide to Office Romance by Gwynne Watkins
Do's and Dont's for sleeping with your boss. *sex@work issue*


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