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getting around

This week The Hooksexup Dating Confessions were full of calls to action, from showing some self-respect to shaving your shrub. We also had workplace romance, Facebook stalkers, cheating fiancés, and an entire genre of music ruined by one girl. Can you relate?

Here’s what you got off your chest in the past week:

July 25 2009, 12:03 p.m.
"Listen everyone: if you are dating/screwing someone who treats you badly, doesn't return your calls, cheats on you, neglects you, is more interested in video games/drugs or whatever, I have the solution. Move on or start setting some boundaries. People are only going to treat you as well as you make them treat you. If you give people leeway to fuck around with you, that is what they are going to do. Get some self-respect, some self-esteem, and realize that if people are treating you badly, it is because you are letting them. Ditch the loser you are with, figure your shit out, and then start dating again when you're positive you're not going to let anyone walk all over you. You will feel a million times better and you will find someone who treats you like the beautiful person you are."

July 25 2009, 06:49 p.m.
"I could really use some help here. I am not too good at coping with grown-up stuff like nursing homes, eldercare, and home health care. My parents are sick and I need a friend and you still haven't called. I thought we were a couple. We've been together for six months now, but when shit goes down you totally flake on me. I hate you so much right now. If I didn't need the idea of having someone be there, I wouldn't feel like I have nothing. But that's clearly what I have."

July 26 2009, 02:29 a.m.
"For the love of god, SHAVE YOUR CROTCH! Or at least trim that hedge! How do I know if I'm doing a good job when I go down on a shrub? It's called a razor. It's not nearly as hard or scary you OBVIOUSLY have been told."

July 26 2009, 11:06 a.m.
"I think you're pissed off because I'm dating your brother. All I can say is that you fucked me over, so stop acting like a little bitch. However, I still think you're the sexiest guy I've ever met. Shit."

July 26 2009, 12:14 p.m.
"I fantasize about making out with my ex and then having an all-night summer fuckfest with her. I send her dirty texts and she calls me back to tease. We are planning a weekend of hooking up. We are both in relationships."

July 26 2009, 02:25 p.m.
"I'm quitting smoking for you — you better have something good to stick in my mouth."

July 26 2009, 09:59 p.m.
"I miss our banter and the way we challenged each other. I miss our secret elevator make-outs and the tension because you were a supervisor and no one could know. I miss meeting you in the underground parking lot in the middle of the night. I miss the look in your eyes when we would cuddle naked after fucking each other multiple times. Most of all I miss the way you held me. I am so hurt by the way you just ended it even though I know it never would have worked. I want to fuck you one more time."



Being your co-worker sucks. Do you have any idea how many times a day I get off to imagining you taking advantage of me in the walk-in freezer?

RAW commented on 08/03

6:27, send him over here. i like my men with style!

lt commented on 08/03

oops- 2:51, send him over here. i like my men with style!

lt commented on 08/03

ignore it, those fake ass facebook greetings are bullshit. i just ended up removing the wall option so people actual write a message if they want to be in touch

mo commented on 08/03

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