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My First Time

Female • 22 years old • Dallas, TX

I graduated in May of 2002 and spent the following summer lonely and feeling sorry for myself. All of my friends had gone back home or off to grad school. Once the school year started again, I went to a college party. (Yes, as an alumna.) I drank a lot that night, to help get through missing my classmates and the parties that we'd thrown.

It was a weird time for me. I hadn't figured out what I was going to do with "my future," I was partying with undergrads, and getting drunk was the only fun I felt like having. So when one of the school's rugby players approached me confidently at that party, I in turn played the role of cocky, confident graduate. He flirted with me, and the situation felt wonderfully dangerous and different.

Illustration by Thomas Pitilli
We left the party, sauced-up and horny. Somehow we ended up in his car, a teeny-tiny Nissan. Our kisses were messy and we slurred while talking dirty. I removed my jeans with some difficulty, and when he saw my little black panties he pointed at them, like he owned them, and declared that "those [were] coming off." I remember being turned on by how sure he was.

His shorts and boxers were off quickly after that, and I went down on him for a bit (one of my first blowjobs ever), only to realize that he'd fallen asleep. I stopped for a minute and went back at it. He woke up briefly to murmur, "That's the coolest thing ever to wake up to." Then he got out of his car, naked, and vomited in the parking lot.

He crawled back into the car, where I'd been laughing at him. We fucked. We managed a doggy-style position in that little car. I didn't come. He did.

He called me once or twice after that to try to hook up again, but it never happened. I felt ridiculous after finding out that he was something of a slut on campus, and that our little escapade was probably nothing new for him. It just made me miss my friends more.  

We're looking for stories about the first time you had sex. Email with 300-800 words. (Don't worry, we won't print your name — but please do make sure to include your gender, where you were, and how old you were.) Submissions may be edited.



Drunk. Car. No one special. My first time exactly. Ech. As I'm sure you know by now, it gets better.

LL commented on 02/02

I hope it got better for you.

DJFA commented on 02/02

It will get better, when you find someone you're more in tune with. But just think you've already learned how not to make it fun.

rf commented on 02/03

How sad.. guess kids don't have a clue about how good sex can be. at least sets the bar so low that anything else would be better.

je commented on 02/04

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