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Male • 17 years old • Pennsylvania

I worked with this girl — let's call her Anne — at a grocery store in the small town where I grew up. One day, while we were standing at our cash registers, she (rather aggressively) gave me her phone number and told me we should go out. And so, for that whole summer after my junior year of high school, I would pick Anne up in my Ford Focus and we'd drive places where no one could see us and roll around in the grass or in the backseat. It was revelatory. Making out, petting, and good ol' fashioned marathon dry-humping sessions. This went on for months, and although Anne was not a virgin (and I was), there was still no sex. I wanted it bad. And she knew it.

Illustration by Thomas Pitilli

Then Anne went away to North Carolina for a couple weeks. When she came back, she told me some crazy party stories — including one about her getting drunk and sleeping with another guy. This did not upset me. Anne and I weren't dating, and I didn't want to date her. During the school year, she went to a prep school an hour away, while I went to the public one in town. We were just having some summer fun. If anything, her story made me want her more. And then she said, "You're probably wondering why I slept with him and I haven't slept with you, huh?" I said yes.

"Well," she said, "I think that's a good point. Let's do it tonight." We drove to one of our usual spots next to a park and hopped in the backseat and just as I was inside her and had become a man, a car drove by us, its headlights flashing. We got scared and decided to drive somewhere else. 

So, technically no longer a virgin, I drove us to my dentist's office outside town, where there was a small, vacant parking lot. There, we finished what we had started. I was very excited, and at one point she told me to slow down and relax. Afterwards, I stepped out of the Focus and tossed the used condom onto the grass next to Dr. Flinner's office. Anne and I saw each other a couple more times that summer and then never again.

We're looking for stories about the first time you had sex. Email with 500-1000 words. (Don't worry, we won't print your name — but please do make sure to include your gender, where you were, and how old you were.) Submissions may be edited.

Comments ( 6 )

Beautiful illustration by Thomas Pitilli. Why would anyone think tossing a used condom like that ?!?

pomoboy commented on Jun 08 10 at 1:47 am

this flinner? ha

commented on Jun 08 10 at 2:15 am

You know, the more I talk to my friends about how they lost their virginity, the more I realize how lack-luster "losing it" can be. Makes me feel a bit better about my catastrophic deflowering.

bealzebub commented on Jun 08 10 at 10:44 am

Gotta respect a girl that knows and takes what she wants :,)

Corabelle commented on Jun 08 10 at 11:05 am

Excuse the pun, but the vast majority of "losing it" stories are super anti-climatic. Agreeing with bealzebub here. Yet another reason to reconsider our weird virginity complex.

ManleyHopkins commented on Jun 09 10 at 10:10 am

Virginity is generally not lost... it is discarded.

Sorry but.... commented on Jun 09 10 at 11:46 am

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