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Dear Miss Information,

I live in a small city (70K) and use online dating as a way to meet women. About six weeks ago, I met a nice girl. We went on two dates, but I decided it wouldn't work out. We scheduled lunch for the next day and I told her how I felt. She was not upset but asked if I still wanted to sleep together sometime. We ended up at her place that afternoon. I couldn't believe it happened either. We said our goodbyes and that was that.  

Fast forward three weeks. I meet another woman. We've been on numerous dates, had a few sleepovers, but no sex. We added each other on Facebook and while looking at her page I noticed she is friends with the woman I previously slept with. I did some research and found out they are sisters with different fathers and different last names. Now I'm really bummed. Do I need to bring this up? Do you think she already knows? Once she finds out, is she going to end it? Should I message the sister and ask her to keep quiet? I really enjoy her and don't want it to end because of something I did before we even met. — Fearing the Premature End

Dear Fearing the Premature End,

I'm not a fan of oversharing, especially when it's an online-dating one-off. However, in this case, I would tell her. Why? Because it's her sister, not a random friend. Because you run in the same circles. Because you live in a small town. Because the breakup with the other woman was amicable and you were the initiator. Because it only happened once and your current girlfriend was someone you didn't even know. Because you didn't have the information then, but you do now. 

How you act now that you have that information will be what sets the tone going forward. Contacting the other girl and asking her to keep quiet? Shady. Very shady, sir. That's putting misters above sisters. Dicks over chicks. There are consequences that come with breaking that rule. Plus, even if you do ask her to keep quiet, who's to say she's going to actually do it? You barely know her. Her loyalty is going to go to her sister, not some dude she met online. 

You do have the option of never saying anything to anybody and hoping the sister does the same, but that's also risky. What if the relationship gets serious? Are you going to avoid every Thanksgiving dinner and family reunion? What if dear sister's the type to get loose-lipped and start commenting on your bedroom encounter once she's had a couple glasses of Merlot? Do you want a solid relationship or one built on uncertainty principles? Remember what the first rule of celebrity PR — tell your story, or someone else will.

The good news is that it's not that terrible of a story. Yes, sleeping with two women who share blood ties is creepy, but it only happened one time, it was a clean break, and you're still early in the getting-to-know-each-other process. I wouldn't dump you for that. I might feel awkward, sure. However, as long as you were cool and committed and didn't leer at my sister every time we got together or called her name instead of mine in the sack, it's all good. 

If she dumps you, so be it. At least you know now, before you were any more emotionally invested. You would have been dumped, anyway. The truth always comes out and you can't go back in time and un-screw this woman. Who knows, maybe you can still salvage a fuck buddy relationship out of the other one if the sister you're with now dumps you.

Have any of you ever been in this situation? How did you handle it?

Dear Miss Information,

I'll get straight to the point: my girlfriend has a mustache. How do I ask her to get rid of it without hurting her feelings, getting into an argument, or having her hold it against me forever? She's a great girl, but when cornered, becomes the queen of passive-aggressive remarks. — Boyfriend X

Dear Boyfriend X,

First of all, don't ever call it a mustache. Say facial hair. Peach fuzz. Upper lip cozy. Anything but a term associated with Sam Elliott and motorcycle cops. That being said, the important part of figuring out an approach is figuring out your girlfriend's mindset. When it comes to facial hair, women usually fall into one of a few categories: 

1. Those who don't know they have it, and upon finding out they have it, are hurt, angry, and/or embarrassed. After getting over the initial shock, they're more than willing to find a way to remove it.

2. Those who do know they have it, have done removal procedures it in the past, and have just been letting it slip lately. (Perhaps they had something more appealing to do with their weekend, like tour a waste processing plant or visit a friend in prison.)

3. Those who do know they have it, and don't give a rat's A, either because they've tried to get rid of it in the past and ran into problems or just don't see the point of keeping up on something that's just going to grow right back. Maybe they like the way they look or are a making personal or political statement — a sort of "fuck you" to the popular conception of beauty.

No surprise here: you're going to have more success if your girlfriend is a 1 or a 2 than if she's a 3. How to find that out? Try getting into a generalized discussion about grooming. Say her hair smells good and ask her what kind of shampoo she uses. Move on to soap, shaving cream, etc. Ask her if she's ever had her nails done or legs waxed or had a spa day with her friends. Do it right, and you'll sound like a naïve male curious about "all that girly stuff" that goes into making her look good. Do it wrong, and you'll sound like a dude with a pedicure fetish or a burgeoning interest in cross-dressing.

Once you know a bit more about her, you can put a plan in motion. If she's a 1, you can tell her straight out: "Hey, I don't know if you've ever noticed, but you have a little bit of fuzz on your upper lip. It's not a huge deal, but it would be great if you could remove it. If you want to get it waxed or something, I'll go with you and get my (unibrow, back, knuckles, etc.) done at the same time." You could also do something more indirect, like buy her a gift certificate for a local salon that includes waxing as part of the package. Throw in an eyebrow wax so it doesn't look as suspicious. 

There's also speaking to the best friend or sister or having them be the fall guy. I know that sounds ill-advised: bringing in a third party. But it can work if your girlfriend is really close with this person and they promise not to reveal their source (you) and make it sound like their idea. 

The main takeaways here are to be gentle, complimentary, and polite. Expect hurt feelings. With something like this, it's unavoidable. Give her time to vent and rant and reassure her without being defensive, even if she's hurling insults about your haircut, bullshit media-brainwashed male gaze, and marginal wardrobe. She'll wind down eventually. Then you can start working on a solution, even if that solution is to do nothing at all or a compromise, like bleaching or periodic waxing.

Readers, ever made an embarrassing request of a partner? What did you learn from it?

Have a question? Email . Letters may be edited for length, content and clarity.

Comments ( 15 )

Good advice, but this thing is definitely going to end. If I met a girl and found out my brother had had her first, it'd be over.

reggie commented on Jun 07 10 at 9:52 am

Honestly, I can't help but cringe at the thought of asking someone or being asked to remove any bodily hair. Not your lip, get over it. My ex had a really hairy chest and could have stood to lose a few pounds, but I liked him. I got over it.

balzac commented on Jun 07 10 at 11:19 am

He could always just buy a spa gift certificate. Once the estheticians and waxers see her for themselves, they will probably be all over her to wax her lip. It's been my experience that they will try to offer you every service under the sun.

GC commented on Jun 07 10 at 11:51 am

Balzac, totally agree. There is no way to tackle this issue that wont make her feel like crap. Leave it, or if it bothers you that much, you'll have to leave her.

Ally commented on Jun 07 10 at 11:58 am

Balzac, totally agree. There is no way to tackle this issue that wont make her feel like crap. Leave it, or if it bothers you that much, you'll have to leave her.

Ally commented on Jun 07 10 at 11:58 am

Hey, I think your suggestions for the facial hair situation are good. I would also recommend booking a facial for the girl and then talking to the Aesthetician in advance about the situation and have them broach the subject when they're doing the skin type assessment. Sometimes it's easier hearing something like this from a professional. Also, she'll be hearing it in a relaxing environment where she is being pampered and cared for and that should make it less traumatic as well.

LD commented on Jun 07 10 at 12:02 pm

Except if she doesn't know she has facial hair, she would most certainly like to. I'd rather be embarrassed that someone pointed out a booger hanging out of my nose than have them not say anything at all.

Me commented on Jun 07 10 at 12:03 pm

I once went in for an eyebrow wax and the woman suggested a moustache wax as well. Yikes! All my life I've had ZERO upper lip hair. Still, I had to go around for the next week staring at myself under bright lights and asking close friends if I was a Werewoman. Turns out it was just as I thought - she was just doing her job and trying to upsell me.

Jane commented on Jun 07 10 at 12:11 pm

Is full disclosure really the best course of action for the first question? The only reason he knows he's slept with sisters is because he got a little nosy. I don't think, normally, a guy would think anything strange about two women with different last names in a small city being friends on Facebook.

j commented on Jun 07 10 at 11:07 pm

A city of about 70K people is just about the right size for this sort of thing to happen. Much larger, and it would be unlikely due to chance. Much smaller, and you would already have known who was whose sister. Miss Info has the solution dead on, though, because it's not going to stay secret forever, and getting it resolved sooner will minimize the potential damage. Furthermore, if you need a best-case scenario to balance out the worst-case ones, think three-way with half-sisters! You could call it a two-and-a-half-way! (OK, I'll shut up.)

JCF commented on Jun 07 10 at 11:29 pm

ouch. yeah i would say you have to tell her.

Sarah Ma commented on Jun 08 10 at 1:29 am

The facial hair situation is really tough. I know a gorgeous woman who still insecure because some nasty 13 year old boys teased her about having a "mustache" in grade 7. Did this guy not notice the facial hair at the beginning of the relationship? I'm pretty much with balzac here: get over it. Love your girlfriend for who she is and stop being so shallow.

FriendofDorothy commented on Jun 08 10 at 10:54 am

I hafta say, I can't imagine the guy who is THAT bothered by his girlfriend's upper lip hair (enough to write into an advice column to ask how he can get rid of it) handling the request to his girlfriend in any but the most assholish of ways. I am a girl and I have shit-tons of black body hair in every conceivable place - I have been shaving/waxing/bleaching/trimming/tweezing/depilating most of my body area for almost 20 years now, so it's the opposite of new - and I cannot imagine my super-loving husband pointing out anything I was *not* currently removing that *HE wanted removed* in a way that would not make me cry, hate myself, hate him, and be brutally, crushingly ashamed. This guy sounds like he cares less about his gf feeling that way than he does about getting the offending moustache out of his sight. She becomes the queen of passive-aggressive remarks "when cornered?" I have to wonder what else he's "cornered" her about... maybe he wants her to buy one of those lovely douches or 'feminine sprays' (Lysol) he's seen on tv? How's the state of his back/butt/balls?

The only solution I CAN see to this is making it an open topic of conversation, and not in a sneaky, calculating way: "would you like me to manscape? is the length of my armpit hair to your liking, or should I trim it? do my pores bother you when they're clogged, and if so should I get a facial, or would you like to unclog them yourself?" If it really were a relationship built on this kind of mutual acceptance, mutual effort put into looking good for each other's mutual pleasure, and mutual honesty, I bet he would eventually hear her thoughts on moustaches for girls. But it doesn't sound like it is.

ps - I once had a boyfriend who was repulsed to the point of almost gagging by a stray hair on my neck, and by all my pubic hair period - turned out to be a total closet case. Think about it: 'girl have something on her that guy has! eek, this remind me that I really dream of penis! eradicate! eradicate!!'

msmsgirl commented on Jun 09 10 at 5:48 pm

if she loves her boyfriend, and he is kind about his request, everything will be ok. if he can not make it about him (too much ego) and she can take a small hit to her pride, who cares? I would gladly do something like that for a boyfriend...I want to make myself as attractive as possible for my lover. A simply upper lip wax? Easy as pie. It's not a ridiculous request; upper lip hair is masculine, something many woman don't want to be associated with when it comes to their looks. @msmsgirl, your bf being so freaked out by your pubic hair sounds totally crazy, but this guy is not asking his girlfriend to get her entire nether region waxed, which would be quite a daunting (and expensive) task. I think he should buy her the package and tell the people at the spa to do a lip wax automatically and never say he told them to do it. White lies work well when it comes to sensitive matters. If not, kindness is always great. *Sometimes* it's ok to do minor changes to yourself to please your partner! Especially if you're not emotionally invested in your current state, and the change doesn't make you change who you are as a person. I doubt this woman is attached to her fem-stache. And a lip wax is not expensive. Case closed!

ashley commented on Jun 09 10 at 7:20 pm

Nosy is right. Can the first candidate merely pretend that he didn't know they were friends, let alone sisters?

When he's aware of a time that they'll probably run into the sister he can practice his OFMG face. She's hardly going to dump him if he is (or looks) genuinely horrified to discover that her sister is an ex-fling of his.

Total plausible deniability.

Joes commented on Jun 09 10 at 8:46 pm

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