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    American Apparel... Blow Job Ad?


    American Apparel has long pushed the limits of decency, good taste, and blatant misogyny.

    First, there was the Sasha Grey/full-frontal campaign, seen here/above. The followups were equally risque-- with naked models and outright pornographic images to sell... socks. Sometimes clothing was even worn, although usually not.

    Now, we've come across two more ads, one that's par for the course and the other that's so outlandish, we can't even show it you on Scanner...

    First, the usual topless ad-- there have been so many of these that no one even notices them anymore.


    Hmm... an ad for a t-shirt in which the model is... not wearing a shirt. Moving right along, here's the ad we can't even show you because of the public hair, along with a link to the NSFW, uncensored image.


    Commentarium (3 Comments)

    May 22 09 - 3:05pm

    isn't this an ad for artist-designed shirts that are simply printed on american apparel products? i mean, they're definitely ripping off the porny, visual aesthetic, but you know, that just makes the company unoriginal.

    May 26 09 - 11:29am
    American Apparel Introduces the Ass Pants | Scanner

    [...] advertising campaigns. Last week, one of their manufacturers unleashed a Sasha Grey-inspired blow job ad. Today, we received images from another American Apparel-Sasha Grey campaign… one that shows [...]