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    Sloppy Seconds: Kendra Wilkinson is Knocked Up


    Last night, Julia Roberts grilled David Letterman on his secret-wedding earlier this year to Regina Lasko. "I don't know if I can look you in the eye anymore...Last time I saw you, you were single and then I, like, hypnotized you in my white suit or something and you went off and married Regina." [Us]

    Brad Pitt is doing his part to stimulate the economy by buying $1M sculptures. [Yahoo!]

    Actor Jon Voight, perhaps better known these days as Angelina Jolie's dad, is pissed at President Obama and went so far as to call him a false prophet who fancies himself "Julius Caesar." [Gawker-Defamer]

    Girl Next Door Kendra Wilkinson is expecting a baby with her fiance, NFL star Hank Baskett. "My first initial is K and my middle name is Leigh, so we were thinking of Kaleigh," she said. "And he's Hank Baskett III, so of course I'm going to have a Hank Baskett IV!" Cuuuute. (Barf.) [People]

    Commentarium (2 Comments)

    Jun 10 09 - 5:41pm

    I can't believe Kendra is knocked up already! I just started DVRing her new show. Yes, I hate myself for loving it. And for gasping out loud because she's pregnant.

    Jun 10 09 - 9:21pm
    phineas q.

    i wonder if that kid will be born in a mini baby Ed Hardy tracksuit.